[2.2] Guide for Life based Crit Dagger Reave
How to make this build for a CI and Blood Rage and Flicker Strike?
I made something like that: but I know that it is good to leave 20 points (or how much ever it is), and I do not know how much energy shield I should have. I was thinking about combining ES with Evasion I also found this builds: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1092525 http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1041559 How would You comment it? --- Or You know? As I'm looking at those builds, I see that Life based Flicker uses equipment that gives only 44% to chaos resistance (which I think is not so that hard to find), so using life leech gem + those 2% from Your tree should fix the problem. Still loyal to Your build =) Last edited by Ghost00710#6110 on Oct 28, 2014, 4:38:09 AM
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The reason why life based flicker builds are suboptimal is no the bloodrage degen, since it is actually very easy to overcome with some %life regen nodes (or simply by potting), but the inability to use Melee Dmg on full Life, which is a considerable DPS boost. Nethertheless life build Flicker strike builds are viable, you eventually might even run the life spec with a slight ele touch since you can run inc ele dmg with weapons gem and can run more dmg auras since you do not need to use Discipline.
Make sure to get the inc phys dmg nodes instead of the attackspeed nodes at the very beginning of the shadow tree since flicker needs high on hit dmg. Pupicitas: lv. 100 Shadow
[2.1] Guide for Life based Crit Dagger Reave Shadow: /994474 EU Officer of Umbra Exiles: /732431 |
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Awesome build! Btw. I was wondering about few things.
First, is Maligaros good for the build? because I certainly don't have nor I ever will have 200 exalts to use. And I was also wondering about the other CWDT setup, if it can only support gems requiring level 43 or lower, does the lvl 20 Increased Duration still work with IC casted by CWDT? Also about the Vaal Grace, it's linked to that same CWDT I was talking about above? Level req in it is also above the req level 43 of lvl7 CWDT, so what's the catch here? |
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" 1.Umm... I did not understand 1/4 of this cause I'm a beginner =D Would that be overuse, if I'll ask You for showing me those changes on the tree? 2.Also, I do not understand those shortcuts :( 3.But I do not need that much Melee Damage on Full Life gem? 4.I've started with attack speed nodes at the beginning and I'm at 28 lvl =D Oh well... I'll do the char again =D Last edited by Ghost00710#6110 on Oct 28, 2014, 5:09:55 PM
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" 1) I played with (legacy) maligaros till ~lv 93, using them is perfectly fine as they are very strong gloves. If you play temp leagues, you might want to use rat's nest and rare gloves instead. 2) Support gems are not affected by the Cwdt lvl penalty and fully functional. 3) I have Vall Grace in the 4L so that it profites from the IncDur. I will however manually cast it since I want to have control about when to use it " 1) It is the nodes 3-5 (5% attackspeed) that should optimally be replaced by the increased phys dmg nodes. This is however more of a fine tuning and not really noticable untill endgame with maxed gear. You don't have to start a new character, since you will receive a full passive point respec with the patch 1.4 2) Shortcuts: dmg = damage; ele = elemental 3) Melee dmg on full life is a CI gem. If you play life you will not use it. 4)see 1) no restart needed. Pupicitas: lv. 100 Shadow [2.1] Guide for Life based Crit Dagger Reave Shadow: /994474 EU Officer of Umbra Exiles: /732431 Last edited by candoerfer#1562 on Oct 28, 2014, 5:39:34 PM
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Thank You for Your reply :)
Oh, didn't know about 1.4 patch. That's great :D 1. However, is there any way to tune Your tree with those life regen nodes? Or they are not necessary also? I saw that they are a little far from Your tree lines, and I don't know how much % (where actually, only 1% is really close to Your tree lines, I think) of life regen should fix the chaos damage over time caused by Blood Rage. 2. Should I add some additional frenzy charge nodes in the tree or having 3 is quite OK for flicker strike build? For now as I play, the amount of 3 of them is really sufficient for me. The only problem is low dmg so that I cannot "1 hit kill" mobs, but I belive this will change in further game progress thanks to the critical damage and critical chance. 3. Oh, and is there any rule of how often comes new patches which are reseting the passive tree? Like, every month or...? .............3.1 How do You know that patch 1.4 will come and it will reset the tree? I cannot find any info about that =o 4. Sorry for my inaccuracy. I was saying about schortcut: "you eventually might even run the (life spec) with a slight (ele touch) since you can run (inc ele) dmg with weapons gem..." Last edited by Ghost00710#6110 on Oct 28, 2014, 5:48:47 PM
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" 1) You can use an alternative tree version that goes to the duelist start instead of taking the scion life wheel for 2% more life regen. However with the increased potion effectiveness of this build you can also cover the blood rage degen by pots and leech. 2) Copyed from earlier post: I am not too familiar with flicker builds (only swap it in for pvp or when I want to have fun in low lvl maps), so I cannot really judge how many frenzy charges are neccessary. If your gear is weak and you have trouble oneshotting the mobs than you should definitely consider getting the +2 frenzy charges. The Aspect of the Panther node isn't really that strong and can be skipped for 3 more points. If you take the 2 frenzy from the tree, getting another one from bandits is overkill. If you don't get them, I would recommend to take frenzy from bandits instead of power charge. Power charge is more DPS. but the frenzy will help to sustain your flicker. I personally would probably skip the 2 frenzy from the skilltree and get it from the bandit quest instead, but as I already mentioned it depends alot on your gear. Edit: I forgot that 20% quality flicker strike gives you an additional 80% crit and 20% add. accuracy support gem adds another 40% (afaik that one is commonly used in flicker builds). So I would definitely skip the power charge from bandits for the frenzy charge. 4 frenzy charges should be sufficient to sustain your flicker, so getting another two from the tree for four additional skillpoints seems very unattractive. 3) Big patches ("small expansions") come every ~6 months and always give you a free tree respec. 4) inc ele dmg gem = increased elemental damage with weapons (or weapon elemental damage) gem. Pupicitas: lv. 100 Shadow [2.1] Guide for Life based Crit Dagger Reave Shadow: /994474 EU Officer of Umbra Exiles: /732431 Last edited by candoerfer#1562 on Oct 28, 2014, 5:50:26 PM
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1.Is that what You mentioned? Or maybe I should just go with dual daggers instead of one and shield?
2..Do You suggest something to those 17 points left? Maybe adding those dmg nodes at the beginning? 3..Well, I have no gear and no idea what I can find in the future, but I'll try to keep in mind to follow logical needs of flicker build. 4.Goin in flicker strike build, I should kill Kraityn in Merciless instead of Alira, right? Last edited by Ghost00710#6110 on Oct 28, 2014, 6:03:10 PM
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Suggested Flicker build would look something like this.
Getting a frenzy charge from merciless bandit quest is probably a good choice. Pupicitas: lv. 100 Shadow
[2.1] Guide for Life based Crit Dagger Reave Shadow: /994474 EU Officer of Umbra Exiles: /732431 |
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Just wanted to say thanks for this great guide - as a new player this is fantastic.
Leveling a char now and having good results so far! Are you going to update the build for 1.3? Last edited by gruggster#1981 on Dec 8, 2014, 3:51:49 AM
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