Skyforth presents: Elemental Wander - Piscator's + Burning Wander Updated for 1.2

Just recently respec'd into this build at level 65. My dps feels a bit low right now. any advice? here is my gear

current tree
Last edited by isucksomuch#2621 on Aug 8, 2014, 10:39:42 PM
isucksomuch wrote:
Just recently respec'd into this build at level 65. My dps feels a bit low right now. any advice? here is my gear

almost 100% of your base damage comes from auras. Yours are only 16 so your dps is always going to be a bit low compared to level 20 auras. Your jewellery is pretty bad. Aim for WED wherever possible, Crit chance + multi on your amulet. I've never tried increased crit strikes on a 5-link but i'm going to assume that WED is a lot better. Don't forget mana/es and mana regen on items. No mana = no deeps.

Personally I'm not a huge fan of IR for this build. It requires 14 points to get IR and the life nodes. This build is fast (in terms of movespeed) so you can easily dodge most big hitting enemies while small faster enemies will have their damage negated by AA. Evasion is also better for reflect.

The fact that this build needs crit, mana, life and aura nodes means that it doesn't really shine until the later levels.
I would go with a tree like this for now

I would continue levelling by picking up the rest of the aura nodes, working your way to assassination and grabbing mental acuity. Grab the life/mana nodes whenever you need them and get power charges at around 90.

Once you get above level 70 and get some better gear you should see a pretty big increase in damage.
Last edited by FatRhys#6841 on Aug 8, 2014, 11:55:36 PM
Just watched the video, seems cool! Dumb question inc - what's that blue swirl coming from dead enemies?
FrozenShivers wrote:
Just watched the video, seems cool! Dumb question inc - what's that blue swirl coming from dead enemies?

That's what happens when you kill something with power siphon.
Supremefeicks wrote:
FatRhys wrote:
Supremefeicks wrote:
any idea which would be better for me?

i got 1 corrupted CoD 6L RRGBBB, CoD 5L RGGBB, 5L Lightning Coil (yet to be colored), Vaal Regalia 571ES 5L RGGBB.

obviously the LC, uncorrupted CoD & the regalia can be recolored. but is it better than the corrupted 6L? is there anything i could do with the color?

You NEED 2 green sockets for a decent aoe.

CoD might be a bit dodgy. You need to constantly have mana to leech and if you are gitting hit hard enough to lose all of your mana you are going to need to be leeching. Plus the fact that power siphon costs so much means that pretty much any time you get hit you won't be able to attack straight after. That being said this is all theory. I currently don't have a character to try it out with but i doubt that it would be good.

If you are using lightning coil you may want to drop an aura for PoL(most likely grace). You will also need very high es and mana on gear. Purity of lightning(level 21 + alphas) and elemental adaptation will give you 87% lightning resist. If you also opt to get the 3 flask nodes you can reach 100% resist which will also make you immune to 40% of physical damage. While this could be very good it does require your other gear to be insane and as said before I am unfortunately unable to test it.

The Vaal regalia would give you tons of mana which means that unlike the other two options you don't need really high mana/es on other gear. The only downside of course is getting 4 off colours.

Overall I would say the vaal regalia is your safest option. Lightning coil and CoD might be a bit dodgy with this build. Hopefully someone can test them and let us know.

Hope this helps

thanks for the very deep reply. i will try it out all of it and try to share my views on it.

most probably ill be using the LightCoil, i can subset the loss of ES by using one of my spiked shield having around 450es. and using rainbowstrides too.

so here's my views on all three chest that i tried to use.

1. Cloak of defiance - very bad. slow clear speed, constantly got out from AA from having no mana due to damage taken. at times i nearly RIP'd as i didnt notice my AA is turned off midfight.

2. Lightning Coil - could work great if having the perfect other gears to support it. i couldnt run it on the max efficiency as i was struggling to cap my light res. having purity of lightning instead of grace. very very dodgy setup. plus, the regen is so low that im starting to degen when i'm moving with my AA. and i shoot blanks with GMP.

3. ES chest - the best. high mana regen, GMP without any blanks, AA is not a bit of a problem to cover the degen. got the Eva from grace, maligaro, boots & alpha, spamming surgeon's jade of reflex. got few HP's from the ES chest too as it was quite a bad rolled initially, but never thought it would be great with this build. 2 mid tier resists, high ES, T2 HP, +int.

this is only my point of view as i dont have any carnal's yet. its obviously better with eva/es chest.

p/s: sorry for my bad english. im a typical asian :(
Tried pierce instead of chain? Really not fond of chains because of the -50% damage and insane mana cost multiplier. And whats up with the low ele damage on gear?
Yagamai wrote:
Tried pierce instead of chain? Really not fond of chains because of the -50% damage and insane mana cost multiplier. And whats up with the low ele damage on gear?

Pierce = lower clear speed when you one-shot packs with a crit.

Kai has plenty, including accuracy.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
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Chundadragon wrote:
Yagamai wrote:
Tried pierce instead of chain? Really not fond of chains because of the -50% damage and insane mana cost multiplier. And whats up with the low ele damage on gear?

Pierce = lower clear speed when you one-shot packs with a crit.

Kai has plenty, including accuracy.

Pierce should clear alot faster? It should also oneshot ( as it does 50% more damage LOL ). Rares get shocked alot longer and chain doesnt have the range of pierce. I really see no reason to use chain over pierce. Also pierce can hit alot more targets...
Last edited by Yagamai#3710 on Aug 10, 2014, 7:53:20 AM

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