Skyforth presents: Elemental Wander - Piscator's + Burning Wander Updated for 1.2
![]() Going to test in standard and release the best possible option once i'm done. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patch 1.2 Forsaken Masters --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patch 1.2 was a slight nerf to Elemental Wander and piscators and a heavy nerf to Witch. I tried both classes, and in the end scion/shadow was just superior by a long shot. ![]()
With this gear, i'm overcap by 70-100% all res so the gear requirements is significantly less. Carnal armours are also good. I'm at 4k HP and running 19k GMP Power Siphon. For the boots, add in the same single target as we had before using barrage. I had trouble running an empowered AA with the mana regen nerfs so level 21 was it for me. So with that i took only 5 auras and saved myself a LOT of points on pathing down by Unwavering Stance. I have around 9k Evasion with carnal and 8k evasion 1k armour with a saintly I think the build works great, however if you want to play it as a witch there will be many compromises for HP and DPS. Full Screenshot of Health and DPS with charges. For the Burning Wander tree, you basically run the same tree. You can choose to spec out of crit multi and into fire damage but that's kind of useless. We don't take avatar of fire because shock prolif is 50% more damage. Also used Doryani's Invitation for fire leech. Links are PS-Inc Crit Dmg-Prolif-Wed-Fire Pen-Inc Burning damage (6th link) There is 1 massive problem for burning wander however, and that's survivability. If you're on hardcore don't even bother trying. Very bad leech on the burning wander, unlike the crazy leech on ele wander. That's basically said and done for ele wander, hope you enjoy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elemental Wanding --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elemental Wanding in a nutshell. 1. Elemental Wanders have no mana leech (without gem) and thus we rely on mana regen 2. Since we rely on mana regen, we need to run strong auras such as clarity. 3. Since we are running strong auras with aura nodes, might as well run more auras. 4. Since we're an Elemental Wander, Wrath and Anger looks good. 5. Since we need a large mana pool to run lots of Auras, we'll go EB. 6. Since EB increases the size of the mana pool, we will get more mana regen. 7. Since we have so much mana regen, lets run a super high level and powerful Arctic Armour. 8. Arctic Armour and Auras happen to benefit greatly from Inner Force and Holy Strength. Synergy. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Videos --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At level 81, using an Armour version, explaining majority of how the build works. At level 90, after transitioning to Evasion, running through a Courtyard Video of tanking Triple Bosses in Normal Atziri --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auras --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We run FIVE auras; Anger, Wrath, Grace, Haste, Clarity. They are all run on mana. Reduced mana - Wrath - Anger - Haste We use the unique Alpha's howl to give +2 to our elemental damage, Wrath and Anger. If you can chrome it RRBB, then add in clarity instead of haste. We run the other 2 auras through a regular reduced mana gem. Reduced mana - Grace - Clarity --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attack --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I run a 6 Link power siphon. A 4 link is a MUST with each extra link doubling the damage from before. Why Power siphon? Well with Power Siphon, you can chain. Chaining with GMP allows for instant triple shock stacks in packs and provides extreme clear speed. Power Siphon - GMP - Chain - Lifeleech - WED - X/Y X= Inc Crit Strikes, at lower levels when crit isn't high enough Y= Inc Crit Damage, at higher levels when crit is 80%+ All your damage will come from the 2 Auras Wrath and Anger and any other elemental damage you obtain on gear. Haste will give you faster attack speed, resulting in more DPS but the base damage is still from Wrath and Anger ![]() Lifeleech is enough to deal with elemental reflect. If there's elemental map mod, can easily replace WED with LGOH. Single Target Barrage - Wed - Leech - X/Y X = Faster attacks at lower levels Y = Inc critical damage at higher levels when crit is 80%+ ![]() Barrage VS Elemental Hit Elemental Hit's mana cost isn't really problem here, but the damage it provides is. There's the unfortunate downside of packing all of single target into 1 hit, which is one shot to reflect. Elemental hit is unreliable at times, and i prefer barrage instead where i can more safely take down ele reflect rares. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFENSES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ![]() We don't take Ondars, as it's too far away. Instead we leave the entire bottom of the tree alone and we focus on just the evasion from Gear and Grace. We have around 9000 Evasion which allows suitable defense, including less stun as we evade rather than tank the hit. Evasion allows us to dodge our own reflect, increasing survivability. This works well with Arctic Armour a small hit will be negated, while large hits (that penetrate through armour anyway) can be avoided. We always use Arctic Armour, which is at level 22+ Arctic Armour is essential to this build, as we do only fire and lightning damage, Arctic Armour will negate 100% of incoming fire damage reflect. This also provides a huge movement speed boost. We support a 4 Link in our gloves with: Arctic Armour - Enhance - Empower - Elemental Weakness Arctic Armour and Ele Weakness both benefit hugely from the support of Enhance and empower. Currently in my glove with those links, Arctic Armour is level 25 and Ele weak is 23/52, resulting in a elemental resist reducion of -79% Check out this video, to see how damn tanky this build is. ![]() --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Utility --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We do not use any movement skills, as movespeed is our friend. Arctic Armour provides movespeed based on quality, and is further augmented by Inner Force and Holy strength. We are also running haste, which is in a +2 gems alphas howl giving us a huge movespeed boost after the aura nodes and buff effects. As a result, In town with a 25% MS boots, i have 70% increased move speed. Out of town, I'm at 138% Move speed. We use Elemental Weakness, a powerful aura to reduce the enemy's resistances. A 24/52 Elemental Weakness is shown below. ![]() --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gear --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Necessary: Piscator's, Alpha's Howl and Maligaro's. Rest, get the best you can. Of course aim for resistances, Mana regen, Life and Weapon elemental. If you're unable to cap resists, just drop haste for purity of elements. Not too big of a deal. Here's my gear
The first ring is overkill, but it works so i used it. Aim for WED, Life, RES, MREGEN. I suggesting finding any Archon Shield and getting as much res as possible. I'm currently over capped by around 50 res on each. This is almost mandatory as if you're casted with Flammability, Conductivity or Ele weakness. You could easily die to reflect. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bandits --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life - Attack Speed - Power Charge Life, we're a life based build Attack speed, we scale elemental together with attack speed Power Charge, More crit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Passives --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTDATED READ TOP --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Leveling --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When leveling Just use Anger and Wrath with a fast sword/dagger for Spectral throw + LMP + WED + LGOH. . Hardly takes any gear when leveling. As you progress, and can manage to increase the number of auras you run. Wrath->Anger->Clarity->Haste->HoI (Spectral Throw doesn't use much mana at all) Switch at level 75-80 to piscators. Fill out the rest, starting with Crit nodes right of scion then filling up Wand circle and lastly crit multi. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Going the next step --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An expensive upgrade to the build would be corrupting a 1% fire or Lightning leech. It will use exactly the same tree but instead of life leech, you would run either additional accuracy or added cold. Added cold will freeze and shatter enemies. If this build seems to be limiting towards the currency you have or gear you can obtain, you may step up to the Hybrid Synergiser version of Piscators, which you can then step up to the Hybrid Synergiser itself. Visit the guide at!! This is mostly finished, and any feedback would be great! Ask any questions in the thread (Don't spam me!!! D: ) and I shall respond to you quickly enough! I am sending you this message to let you know that I have removed your signature as it is designed to mislead others. Please refrain from using similar signatures in the future. - Rob_GGG Last edited by Skyforth#6071 on Oct 18, 2014, 12:00:22 PM
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1.0.0 25/06/14 - Guide created
1.0.1 26/06/14 - Video Added 1.0.2 26/06/14 - Added Evasion version, appears to be superior at the moment 1.0.3 27/06/14 - Fixed up passive tree, introduced Utlity, added in Video, Changed Attack. 1.0.4 08/07/14 - Added 1% leech on Piscators section at the bottom. 1.0.5 10/07/14 - Introduced a few new classes I am sending you this message to let you know that I have removed your signature as it is designed to mislead others. Please refrain from using similar signatures in the future. - Rob_GGG Last edited by Skyforth#6071 on Jul 10, 2014, 12:50:33 AM
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I am sending you this message to let you know that I have removed your signature as it is designed to mislead others. Please refrain from using similar signatures in the future. - Rob_GGG
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I am sending you this message to let you know that I have removed your signature as it is designed to mislead others. Please refrain from using similar signatures in the future. - Rob_GGG
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I am sending you this message to let you know that I have removed your signature as it is designed to mislead others. Please refrain from using similar signatures in the future. - Rob_GGG
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I also plan on making a Piscator-based ele wander but my tree will look something like this
I've never made an ele wander before so your insight is very appreciated. I also don't plan on running Hatred because it scales off phys damage. Some gear I plan on using:
30% WED belt and two 36% WED rings with 47% mana regen For defenses, I was thinking AA with Grace instead of Haste. Last edited by landrew831#6590 on Jun 24, 2014, 2:50:34 PM
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"typo |
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" Thanks and fixed I am sending you this message to let you know that I have removed your signature as it is designed to mislead others. Please refrain from using similar signatures in the future. - Rob_GGG
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yo kai, any screen shots of ur stats such as crit chance, life and dps?
Green_honey_boo_boo is my favourite south park character!
My Goddess Scorned crit ele cleave build @ 1076445 |
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" I got a 20minute video coming up. Taking forever to upload though. I am sending you this message to let you know that I have removed your signature as it is designed to mislead others. Please refrain from using similar signatures in the future. - Rob_GGG
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