Speedy Puncture + Pierce Split Arrow / Reflect Safe or Glass Cannon / Level 100 & Uber Atziri Farmer
" double vaal and the trio are reaaaaaaaaally easy only piety split phase is kinda hard, but some training will solve this. iam farming right now 24/7, works perfect Last edited by crackred#7106 on Sep 1, 2014, 2:27:58 PM
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Can someone give me some advice for this build ? :D
https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgIAAF4DHgW1BiMILgiJCpsVIBa_GY4Z_hsBH0EhdiP2JP0lPyaVKgsqWyzpMHwx-jKUNj051Ep9TZJRR1LsVUtW-luvXWhh4mKsZ6BsjG1sb_JwUnDVdvd313jrfwJ_K4bOh3aJ04w2jX2Nv5AKlQWa8ZuNnaqgn6bgp9Sr0rVIu-PBM8LsxKLKqdN-1CPWitnG2o3cFd0N5wrnVO2D73rz6vzF_rr-yP_eSsg_JypNMZ6mV03j_o81krXybqrYvbTFUdmwkv-TsNii2ac0wJzjhH11r-vh26GkOkJLeN2oMHGCXg== |
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I just want to say thanks for this build and all of the posts and suggestions. This is my first time playing in the SC league and also my first level 90 character, and I have been playing since Closed beta. I hit level 90 last night in Rampage and had 2 sets for Atziri and decided it was time for her to die. On my first attempt I made it to her very easily and ended up dying to her 4 times to flame blasts. I ended up finishing her off and she was kind enough to drop a 99% Sceptre for me. The second time was much smother but still died twice to Atziri, once was a spear that 1 shot me, and anther flame blast got me. This time she dropped a flask.
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" you can grab quite a bit more life by doing something like this and taking the scion life wheel, but in order to get all of that it takes way too many points so you'll probably be dropping evasion/movespeed/damage/crit... a solid tankier option though. another thing to note is that you're pathing all the way to the scion and only taking the life, and not taking advantage of all the other nodes you could get. It does turn into too many points at that point though, so I guess basically it's: more point restricted, more tanky " thanks for the kind words~ Practice makes perfect on Atziri, once do you 4-5 you should be doing most of them flawlessly (assuming you have 4.5k+ life) |
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Can someone please confirm for me that when Tora hits lvl 8, you can remove crafted mods and re-craft a better one with her? I have a bow that I would like to put the 70% or so physical damage mod on now so I can use it, and then eventually switch it out to the 100% one later on when she's ready.
I just don't want to add it now, only to find out later that once added it can never be removed. Someone please confirm, thanks |
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" meanwhile u grind ur tora to lv8 -which is really hard- there will be so many good bows don't worry about it but yes u can remove master enchanted and re-add it. Squirrel is love, Squirrel is life.
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Still loving the build - or at least my slight variation on it.
Every other build I have has either struggled on bosses or on packs of mobs. This clears both very efficiently (Melee exiles are particularly fun with puncture...) I've been playing with running Herald of Ash with supports too. I tried running blind - nice idea for an evasion build, but unfortunately doesn't really work. Elemental proliferation plus increased burning damage does though - and it is fun critting a single mob and watching the screen explode. It gives puncture an AOE element too. Only problem with it is that it doesn't play as nicely with Hatred - exploding the bodies restricts the proliferation. As Hatred is the more practical DPS boost, plus the freezes help with survivability it isn't really the most efficient tactic so I have only been running it on easier content (Dom/Piety runs, or running for corrupted areas/Masters) alongside Haste. I'll keep experimenting though - might work better once I have levelled the gems and if I can get a bow with higher top end damage. |
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Before I buy Drillneck, I'd like to know what people think the best set up is:
Setup 1) Drillneck Ias Gloves with mana Leech Setup 2) Rare Quiver with mana Leech Maligaro's Gloves BTW: The gloves I'm talking about are these: |
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I respecc'd into a bow build to try it out. Mostly I had been using it for boss farm (so low level maps and regular game content). I find it fun to play. Will likely swap out that split arrow setup for pierce and keep using tornado shot but mix around my gems. Also will recipe that power charge on crit.
Here is my tree that I used. lvl 85 Should I make any changes to that? Here is my current gear. This was a spectral thrower before. I have other stuff lying around I could replace.
I also have these if they would be better
I guess the real question for me is do I take added physical over WED on rings (or a mixture of both) do I use maligaros over those high attack speed gloves? Is that quiver good enough or should I aim to eventually get a drillneck? Pacific (GMT -8) Time
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Hello,i recently got some currency and i'm not sure what i should upgrade next. I can either buy a Drillneck, a 6l chest or a 300~dps bow. Can someone give me some advice?This is my current gear,i was able to finish normal atziri with.
I have 4085life, 38% evade, capped resists, 31k puncture 21k SA dps with Hatred + the 2 Herald auras. |