[OUTDATED] Zivko's WoE + BoR build - Seems like the build is dead
Well I RIP'd at 63 not paying attention right after I woke up. Maybe if I got my coffee down first. Luckily the only thing on him worth a damn was a Multistrike.
So now that hes dead, I'm going to experiment for you Ogrec and go towards Acrobatics first. My guy that RIP'd was Iron Reflexes because I waited so long to go to acrobatics I couldn't muster up the points to get there. Now, I have made an Acrobatic duelist back in Nemesis, so I have experience travelling that far(well the SC version of the league). And some reave/dual strike shadows. But yea, of course I rip'd to spell damage. Thats about the only thing that kills you in this game unless you get completely one-shot. I would have probably survived had I had spell dodge. So this time, I'm going to go get acrobatics before I go get Resolute Technique, and see what happens. The only issue is I really had a hard time finding some leech last time. I was still using a wurm's molt at lvl 63. I kind of want to get the leech off the tree I think. Last edited by Destructodave#2478 on Aug 26, 2014, 3:51:52 PM
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That sux, sorry to hear that :(
It might be a better option leveling with acrobatics on a hc league, also, your accuracy will probably be ok with all dexterity you'll get traveling to acrobatics. Strength might be an issue thou, you might find yourself in a need of a good heavy belt so dont vendor rare heavy belts you drop :p Wish i could play right now, but i don't have time and wont have time for anything other then studying next few weeks cause of exams -_- |
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" I really shouldn't be playing as much as I am. I graduate this semester, and I have all this stupid senior stuff to do, gotta buy a suit, luncheon, multiple projects and presentations, etc. And here I am procrastinating on PoE. Right now I should be reading a book instead of grinding normal. I'll probably just make me a trade post after class tonight and read and get some currency so I can get a WoE next time I'm 60. So yea, I commend you for having the restraint to not procrastinate like I do. Luckily, this is the last semester I have to worry about school. On topic, yea, I figure I might have ot dump a point in the +30 strength node for awhile just to make it. Last edited by Destructodave#2478 on Aug 26, 2014, 4:53:08 PM
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I finally just broke down and made my lvl 79 duelist into this build instead of using teh scion. I was a bit concerned but wow! I am not even setup all the way and have 4.3k life with 75/75 block, 40/30 dodge. My resists need work since they are only 72/13/49/-40. Even with those specs and non-tweaked equipment I cleared a lvl 66 map and a master quest in the map w/o even coming close to death once!
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Hi, ogrec!
I saw that you use Enduring Cry + Immortal Call combo as self cast buffs on your Dogde version of the build. How do you use them in combat? Jump in a pack of monsters => EC => Immortal Call(if necessary) ?? And how effective would it be if you use them supported by CwDT gems? Having 75% block, 40%/30% dodge and ~20% evasion would make it too difficult to proc the buffs and make use of them? Thank you very much! |
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So if you want more dps i just swaped purity of lightning with purity of element and purity of fire to herald of hash . Basicaly i just loose the +all res from both aura .
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For maps EC and IC are linked to Cast when damage taken. I link them to blood magic only in areas in which i need them constantly on, like apex of sacrifice. You can check olmec's sanctum full map run, you'll see that EC, IC and Blood rage are on CwDT. In Apex of Sacrifice run you can see selfcast EC + IC being used for trash mob skip and triboss fight. Apex > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHYriqrsLZc Olmec's > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fg0hj1QeNvE Theres more videos in video section of the guide if you're interested. Philss Sure, if you have enough overcap, you can do that. I don't :S |
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Well, I'm currently lvl 43 again, Act 2 Cruel, Beyond league. I decided to rush Acrobatics this time. Its pretty good for Hardcore; acrobatics makes you very tanky, especially when there isnt any 1-2 shot Merciless shenanigans to deal with yet. I pretty much went acrobatics immediately after the DW circle and life nodes on the way.
Here is where I am currently at.
As far as alternate leveling, maybe for hardcore going up to acrobatics is a smart choice, but I think for softcore you are better off just rushing damage. I really wanted to get the next damage/block section in the ranger tree, Finesse and Weapon Artistry, but I needed to get to some strength and resists so I didnt get killed and had more options. If I was playing on softcore, I would probably just load up on all the damage I could get before I got acrobatics. Dying once or twice to cheese really isnt going to set you back when you kill things a hell of a lot faster. But, obviously dying once or twice isnt an option in HC. But yea, as far as HC goes, it feels pretty smooth. I ran into some strength issues and had to put a point in Beef, which I'll take out eventually, but that could easily be fixed by twink gear most of the time. My hit chance is about 88% right now on the sheet, which isnt bad. I guess it could be an alternate leveling path going acro first, but I think moreso just going into the ranger tree and getting all the damage and block there first, then heading over to RT would be more than fine in SC, and probably better. I think you are better off just loading up on all the damage you can get in SC, and getting defenses later when it matters. Let the damage carry you really quickly through the game. So if I decide to make a SC guy, thats how I'm going to do it. Quick question Ogrec. I saw you use CWDT+IC+ED. Do you find that better than just letting the charges stay for damage reduction and resists? Well, I guess you are max resists so it doesnt even matter, but in general do you think that is a better combination overall than just something like EC+Enfeeble/Temp Chains and letting them sit on you? I know another guy posted wondering about getting hit and proccing them, I played some acrobatic/block shadows in Nemesis league and they actually max out and stay up pretty easily since 1-2 hits proc them anyways in Merci. |
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I'm using this build in Rampage, and this is my gear.
I'm using Molten strike for now and am levelling the other gems till I get a WoE. I have 2.5k DPS on Molten, 2.4k HP and 2K Armour and some Evasion as well. This is my skill tree http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgQAA4cJWBRSFSAY2xo4G60dyiP2J-0o2ypNLOk0kzWSNe826TrtPC0_J0d-Sn1KyE2STipT31b6WNtZ81uvXLBjcGVNZp5noGwWbbRuaW6qcHJyqXzZgUGE2YcZh3aQCpBVmSubg6OKp4SsqrXytkG3Pr2BvqfAGsGLxLjE9sau037T_NX42L3bp90N3-_jau4O73rv4_rS_Ev8xf4K I'm level 65 and doing docks and some low maps to level and get to Dominus and Piety farming, since BoR's are really expensive here. I feel a little too squishy though, whats is the reason for that? Also any advice for higher DPS? I will be getting a WoE by tomorrow mostly, and a multistrike around the same time if its needed. |
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While leveling i pick up EC and IC from quests, but don't link them to codt since i usually don't have one. If i do get a codt drop, i link it only to EC. Most leveling areas are better with only EC. I switch to selfcast IC+EC for lunaris on cruel and lunaris on merciless (i don't like to running without IC trough packs of tentacle miscreations). FireSword5 Cheapest wings on rampage are already 5c. Farm docks a bit and when you have enough to buy wings, respec out of Water Dancing cluster and take life nodes instead. |
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