1.3 Blitz Diarrhea | Static Strike | Feb 3. Major Update!

junaum wrote:
Heya, have you tried a Doryani`s Dual Wield version? You could get similar block nodes from the three (but not the defensive multiplier ones). Would that work as well?

DW molten strike is more of a concept play then anything. Better to run 1 doryani's and a shield. Is it viable to run dual wield? Totally, I ran a dw variant of my build for the race. Doryani's + Shield is better block, better defenses, same damage.
Kartikdon wrote:
junaum wrote:
Heya, have you tried a Doryani`s Dual Wield version? You could get similar block nodes from the three (but not the defensive multiplier ones). Would that work as well?

DW molten strike is more of a concept play then anything. Better to run 1 doryani's and a shield. Is it viable to run dual wield? Totally, I ran a dw variant of my build for the race. Doryani's + Shield is better block, better defenses, same damage.

Cool to know you've tried it!

Dzwonsson, I'm not after the +10% attack speed - oh no. I'm after the 100% elemental damage boost that can stack to 200% with two doryanis. 200% elemental damage increase translates into more than 15 elemental boost passive points! That's a lot. Considering that Fire Damage will be 60% of your actual AOE damage, I can't just ignore that.

Last edited by junaum#4262 on May 26, 2014, 7:56:22 AM
I totally forgot about that! Yeah, you're absolutely right. +200% damage would be very nice, but it'll also make your build way more expensive. At least if you wanna get any decent roll on both of your Doryani's.
Dzwonsson wrote:
I totally forgot about that! Yeah, you're absolutely right. +200% damage would be very nice, but it'll also make your build way more expensive. At least if you wanna get any decent roll on both of your Doryani's.

Even the lowest roll (80%) would give you 160%

If you Take into account that most of the passive Elemental nodes are of 8% value (aside that 30% fire, and the other 24% close to templar plus 15% - 18% fire ones). 160% is more than the amount of passive elemental boost close to the templar - and that's quite away from the duelist.

So Kartikdon, would you mind sharing how much DPS (if you recall) did you have back when you tested this dual wield thing?
Elemental nodes are worthless unless you're going for AoF. Actually you should go for the highest dps roll possible rather than increased damage and here's why:
I took the lowest and the highest dps rolls in Ambush.
Let's assume the lowest roll has the highest ele roll and vice versa.
Lowest: (98 + 159) / 2 = 128.5 x 0.6 = 77.1 x 2 = 154.2 + 51.4 = 205.6 dmg per hit.
Highest: (136 + 260) / 2 = 198 x 0.6 = 118.8 x 1.8 = 213.8 + 79.2 = 293 dmg per hit.
New toolpits added, 18.4k melee dps with Vaal Haste (15.7k without).
I'm using your build now and it's pretty immortal indeed.

One question: "Melee Physical Damage" support seems to favor the tooltip dps more than the "Weapon Elemental damage" one. Knowing that the tooltip is a big fat liar, whats your experience with this choice? Earlier, you proved that the additional 100%+ elemental damage from dual wielding wasn't a big deal so I'm under the impression that perhaps Melee Physical support on the main attack might be better.
junaum wrote:
I'm using your build now and it's pretty immortal indeed.

One question: "Melee Physical Damage" support seems to favor the tooltip dps more than the "Weapon Elemental damage" one. Knowing that the tooltip is a big fat liar, whats your experience with this choice? Earlier, you proved that the additional 100%+ elemental damage from dual wielding wasn't a big deal so I'm under the impression that perhaps Melee Physical support on the main attack might be better.
What concerns immortality, at lvl 88 I've got 5,100 life, 55% block chance, 14,100 armor, triple 76 ele res and -23 chaos res.

Melee Physical Damage does indeed increase your toolpit dps more, but it only affects your melee damage. And while most of your AoE dps comes from projectiles it's a wiser choice to take Weapon Elemental Damage as it increases both your melee and your projectile dps. And again, I didn't say that 100% increased elemental damage from DW wasn't a big deal. I only pointed out that your defense may suffer and when looking for your own Doryani's its hit damage should be your priority.
Dzwonsson wrote:
junaum wrote:
I'm using your build now and it's pretty immortal indeed.

One question: "Melee Physical Damage" support seems to favor the tooltip dps more than the "Weapon Elemental damage" one. Knowing that the tooltip is a big fat liar, whats your experience with this choice? Earlier, you proved that the additional 100%+ elemental damage from dual wielding wasn't a big deal so I'm under the impression that perhaps Melee Physical support on the main attack might be better.
What concerns immortality, at lvl 88 I've got 5,100 life, 55% block chance, 14,100 armor, triple 76 ele res and -23 chaos res.

Melee Physical Damage does indeed increase your toolpit dps more, but it only affects your melee damage. And while most of your AoE dps comes from projectiles it's a wiser choice to take Weapon Elemental Damage as it increases both your melee and your projectile dps. And again, I didn't say that 100% increased elemental damage from DW wasn't a big deal. I only pointed out that your defense may suffer and when looking for your own Doryani's its hit damage should be your priority.

Yeah, it's pretty cool indeed. I'm using Lazarus to get half of block to spells and got the miracle of a positive chaos res as well. You have to AFK to die. By the way, I've added a Thiefs torment to the mix which allowed me to drop Blood Magic (also added a Life on Hit support gem). It tuerned out really awesome because all meatballs counts as hits and feed the Thiefs ring mana/life on hit - unless you get Group-oneshot, there is no way to die.

Now to the damage thing... As far as I understood the Molten Strike skill description, depending on when the damage is converted to fire, each support gem would be a better choice (web/melee dmg):


- Projectiles damage become your main weapon damage (physical) minus 40%
- Then, 60% of all the damage done is converted to fire (which makes Melee Damage support better).

But if:

- 60% of your main hand damage is converted to fire
- Then, your Projectiles damage become your main weapon damage (physical) minus 40% (which makes WED a better choice)

Because on the first case, only a part of your damage would benefit of WED (while the main part would influence the projectiles damage), and in the other scenario, most of your damage (60%) would benefit from WED. What do you think?

Poepedia has this: "Unmodified projectiles will deal 72% of full weapon damage, of which 60% is converted to fire damage." which leads me to believe that indeed Melee Physical dmg support might be better, because only 60% of 72% of your damage would benefit from it.
Last edited by junaum#4262 on May 28, 2014, 4:43:18 PM
Actually if you give up on a strongbox skill it gets even more interesting. You can add Molten Shell to your CwDT and Blind to your Tempest Shield. It worked well with Lunaris' Kole, don't know about maps yet. I'm gonna update the OP to include this combos.

Melee Physical Damage never supports projectiles. Projectiles scale off a) pure increased damage, that is not limited to melee or any kind of weapon such as the Path of the Warrior keystone or b) increased weapon damage as in "24% increased physical damage with one handed weapons" [and any other kind of weapon, two-handed, mace, axe etc.] or "24% increased weapon elemental damage" [or fire, cold etc.]. This info comes straight from the devs office as it was Mark with the GGG who explained the working of this kind of skill on some other occasion:
Mark_GGG wrote:
The projectiles are not melee, and do no benefit from any melee-specific bonuses. They are dealing your weapon damage, and do benefit from bonuses to your weapon type, or categories which include your weapon.
Last edited by Dzwonsson#4696 on May 28, 2014, 8:24:47 PM

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