1.3 Blitz Diarrhea | Static Strike | Feb 3. Major Update!
" So I tried out Doryani's Invitation now that I hit 68 and my dps drops. I am a little confused by why. Even my fire damage drops when I equip the belt.
With Dory
Without Dory
Current Gear
and soon
Not sure why my fire damage would go down with a belt that increases fire damage. I also do not really understand what the dps shown on Molten Strike actually represents. Is it the main hit? What about the projectile damage. Is this combined when displaying the dps? Seems like I may be missing something here. Just feels like the Dory belt should out dps the rustic. Maybe that will be the case when I can equip the sceptre. Last edited by WraeclastianWine#6997 on Jun 5, 2014, 6:02:05 AM
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I guess the tooltip just show the melee hit. Because my projectiles are doing really sick damage. My molten shows 16k dps. Really easy to solo bosses/rares, and the random trash just die in 1-2secs in late game maps.
I just bought an Aegis yesterday, really really cheap, crazy deal lol. So now im pretty much immortal. In high reflect and ele weakness maps i just swap WED to LGoH gem and its IMPOSSIBLE to die really. Using Hatred/Grace/Purity of elements or Hatred/Double Purity/Tempest Shield for some situations. I feel that the 4 points into Soreveignty (close to templar area) are really worthy, 1 more aura and % effect on buffs. I just trade bit of HP for more damage, and defenses. Still have 5.6k HP at lvl86 which is more than ok. @Barl: Its not worthy to invest into %fire damage, if you think better, you will not increase the damage from Hatred, which is really important too. I found thats better get phys damage, %phys dmg, speed, and ofc the more strenght the better. I have 491str atm which is insane for projectiles buff, Iron Grip op! Some %WED dmg would work fine too. But i always prio phys dmg, that way you can easily do bosses/trash, hybrid build. EDIT: Forgot to say that most of my gems are at lvl 18 and no quality at all. The only quality is Immortal Call (20%). When i upgrade my gems the damage would be insane! Spent all currency on gear (BoR/Doryani/Aegis) and respecs/theorycraft every single day since last week. Now i gonna farm for some 20/20 gems. And thinking about to try a 6L instead BoR, i dont feel that 5L is worth enough. But again, no currency at all atm, first gems, then maybe 6L. I guess i can try Atziri after that. Last edited by sai25#5589 on Jun 5, 2014, 6:48:44 AM
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"No, I haven't and I don't see a reason why I should. Gives you more elemental damage (as it increases not only your fire damage, but also cold from Hatred) + lots of additional life. You can simply buy a rustich sash with nice elemental roll and a crappy physical one for less than 10c and then try your lack with some Blessed Orbs. "I didn't find getting INT on items that much of a problem. Of course, I was lucky with my helmet drop, but still, with a bit of creativity you can get enough INT off jewelry only. " 1. I know a couple of players who play this build in Invasion, all of them in late endgame as of now. So, I guess it is Invasion viable. 2. I wouldn't do that. 1% on two resistances won't change that much. 3. I do, 18% physical damage and an additional frenzy charge give you a lot of offense, no matter how you'd spend those 2 passives you'd get from bandits, you wouldn't be able to compensate the dicrease of your dps. Simply because there aren't any decent offensive nodes left around the tree. 4. Again, that's not a big deal, it just requires some creativity. "It's very simple, increased physical damage affets 100% of your damage as physical damage is always calculated before elemental (so before the conversion). Increased fire (or elemental damage) increas only 60% of your damage as elemental damage is calculated after conversion. Your toolpit dps only shows your melee dps. |
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I use this amulet:
Which gives me a lot of stats and i also have few more intel nodes than you in the templar top area, giving me a total of 142 Intel. The ridiculous part is that i cant drop the +30int node because of ONE intel point. I would get 112 and Doryani need 113. lol PS: This amulet makes me cry. Perfect to GG craft and the first thing i made after i came back to PoE last week, was throw an exalted orb that added +24 ES. I guess i should waited for Eternal orbs... |
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I have one single INT node (the one between Duelist and Ranger tree) + use following items:
I got 132 INT total, so I don't think it's that hard to get your INT at 113. It was a problem while leveling (that's why I had those mana/INT nodes in the Duelist starting area that I later respecced), but endgame? Unless you're not willing to spend more than 5c on an item it really shouldn't be a problem. |
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If i had to choose a default stat on gear, i really prefer get high str instead intel. And rings/jewel max resists and HP possible.
With my build i dont have any problems because i reach some int on the paths, so its cool. Already fixed the 1 intel problem too. lol Tomorrow or smth i will post some theorycraft (tested) i've made in the last days. Dont have time today. |
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My guildy dropped it from Atziri... and gave it to me. OMG. So much dmg boost. |
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What a magnificent weapon. The best I've seen. Congrats!
So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death. |
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Hi there. Long weekend, couldnt do it before.
Bored as always for long texts, and thats probly the main reason to not waste time making my own guide. lol Dont have the exact data numbers in this laptop, so lets make it short and simple. All was theorycrafted and tested in game by myself in the last weeks. »« You dont need Blood Drinker passive, the Elemental leeched from Doryani's Catalyst and Blood Rage is enough. »« Cruel Bandit Kraityn 8% Attack Speed gives more overal DPS than Oak. »« Lava Lash 30% Fire is a good boost for just one point, tho if you can, and your build use passives from Templar area, its better the Catalyse (24% WED). The reason is kinda obvious, Lava Lash just increase Fire, while WED increase every kind of elemental damage. When playing solo you always have Fire and Cold dmg from Hatred aura. »« Iron Grip is HUGE DPS INCREASE. For those who dont have an idea, with 471 strenght, Iron Grip gives me around 4800+ DPS. »« The better advice i could give to Melee starters (any build 1h+Shield), buy one Aegis Aurora shield. Even the non legacy is perfect to be immortal. I just bought mine some days ago for 2,5ex so it isnt that expensive. (Always check on poe.xyz for better prices) »« Its better to use Elemental Weakness instead Flammability. As i said before, you always do Fire and Cold dmg. Flammability just increase Fire dmg only. I'd suggest to link it with Cast when Damage Taken gem, low lvl. Swap it with Enfeeble for high damage situations. With Elemental Weakness i got a 4000 DPS increase on melee hit and 5500 Projectiles, while Flammability just gave me 3000 DPS. The burning chance is kinda useless. As lvl87 Duelist doing 77-78 maps, monsters almost die instant. You can also buy or try use some vaal on gloves to get the Corrupted buff "Curse Enemies with level (10 to 12) Elemental Weakness on Hit". »« A good way to reduce gear dependence, is using the Sovereignty (Templar area). With that you can use more auras, which makes the game really easier. I usually use Hatred+Grace+Purity of Elements or Hatred+Double Purity+Tempest Shield. Or even Hatred+Haste/Wraith/Anger+Purity. Attack Speed usually gives more DPS but try balance Speed, Phys dmg and Elemental damage. Or suit it to your playstyle. My Bandits quests: Oak/Killed all/Killed all Atm im playing with less HP, because im trying to balance some ES to profit more from Aegis shield. Had 5600HP before and now im at 4400HP. Last edited by sai25#5589 on Jun 10, 2014, 5:04:31 PM
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I don't wanna sound rude, but what you just posted has nothing to do with this build. So I'd really appreciate if you spammed someone else's guide. Thanks.
Last edited by Dzwonsson#4696 on Jun 11, 2014, 7:21:28 PM
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