Dmillz's 1H Molten Strike Volcano Build (Invasion easy) - 1.1.3
" For uniques, Doryani's Belt (Fire)/Mace and Lioneye's Remorse Shield. Also Stone of Lazhwar for the Speoll Block. Few changes to your passives. Since you're going swords you can change the start up a bit. Also you should change the Shield nodes above Templar to take the other side, 10% resists is useless, you can cap through gear. Spell Block however is AMAZING. That is what your base should look like, same points. From there you can pick up the Sword cluster under Marauder when you have the points! All physical passives are are increased physical with x weapon, increase the projectiles. IGN: Dmillz Last edited by Dmillz#6641 on May 14, 2014, 12:48:33 PM
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So, how do you guys stay alive in the new 2 week race? I have started this build 6 or 7 times, but the most I have made was around level 27 before I died.
I usually die to being surprised by the amount of mobs. Like when I open a chest, or when there suddenly happened to be a unique mob and 2 yellows attacking me and I can't get away (even with leap slam). I am using auto hotkey so I can shut down the game with one key, but even this process sometimes takes too long and I die. In general I am having problems surviving on hardcore, so it is not just this build. It is a general thing for me, but perhaps you can give me some pointers on how you guys make it so far, please? |
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i dont think that spreadsheet works if you dont have certain gems. I tried clearing the cells for the gems I don't have and a blank number comes out
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" just change the gem name to something like life leech or blood magic then it won't be included in the calculation rather than leaving it blank or putting a zero. Pacific (GMT -8) Time Last edited by Madcow1120#4324 on May 14, 2014, 1:22:49 PM
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man, you have me rethinking avatar of fire hard. The mana issue though is still one I don't quite like. But I am seeing better calculated numbers if I remove avatar and refund the aura passives (which I may do anyhow once I get enough lightning resist) and of course another gem replacing blood magic. Also, in this scenario I'd have to replace anger with hatred.
I see you use blood rage but isn't that bonus only on low life? Pacific (GMT -8) Time
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" Actually if you expand out your copy to show the hidden cells, you can just add a None in the gem section (under Melee DPS). Then just choose this! " Nope, you get Frenzy charges on kill with Blood Rage on! IGN: Dmillz Last edited by Dmillz#6641 on May 14, 2014, 1:44:16 PM
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" Sounds like it's definitely lack of HC experience! Leap Slam is a terrible way to get away from the boxes, Lightning Warp or Smoke Mine are both much safer. As for the other mobs, how do you fight them? You can kite them back with Molten Strike and use Shift + Click to target the ground and spam projectiles while still half moving. Mobility + Good Positioning are honestly the most underrated defences in the game. I am currently running an Arc witch in the league and only have 200 armor and 1600HP at lv50 and haven't even come close to dying. I have fought and kill every invader I have run across (except the black spider in cruel, because flicker strike + phys dmg + frenzy on low life = RIP with 200 armor). This is because I am never in a situation where I don't have a way out. There is always somewhere for me to retreat to and kite to. Also make sure you use a Decoy totem, having some sort of totem to distract dangerous mobs while you kill them is extremely helpful. Lots of this stuff comes with experience though. I know what all the monsters in the game can do and can position myself accordingly. One last thing, Spectral Throw. While it won't scale as well because you don't spec for it (it's still decent though) you can use it to safely kill things you can't tank from range. IGN: Dmillz Last edited by Dmillz#6641 on May 14, 2014, 1:51:20 PM
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" Ok, I thought about taking the other Side of the Shield Notes, but I'm a fan of not having to worry about which upgrade to choose because I NEED x-Resistance. Stone of Lazhwar looks really bad to me, Tooltip DPS drops about 10%(should be more with a good Amu). Is it really that good for Survivability? I have about 35% Block Chance right now. That'd be ~18% Spellblock. Doryanis Belt looks amazing. Do those 30% Firedmg increase my Overall MoltenStrike Projectile DPS by 30%? I thought about a Lioneye's Remorse, with my 20% Allres Passive when wearing a Shield, it should work. Its really hard for me to cap Resistances since im lacking quite a few good Itemslots and Tabula Rasa isnt helping either. What do you even think about using Tabula Rasa at Level77? I think the DPS increase is unmatched. Is it Worth trying to 5 or even 6-Link this Chest? Thanks for the help so far. " Grind, Grind, Grind. If you want to be safe, use easy zones to level up until you progress, since you didnt mention Vaal, I think you can get past him. City of Sarn is a good Zone to level before progressing through Act3. Also Docks is good before Piety/Dominus. After that use Ledge, Forest/Fellshrine and repeat. Second Advice would be to cap out your resistances not later than Piety. Vaal get some Fire/Light res and for Merveil Cold. After Piety you want max res all the time pretty much since you never know what rare/boss you may find. Third Advice, I usually safe all my Currency to buy gear for my toon to progress safely. Example: I won't use Alchemy/Fusings/Chaos! whatever on the current gear. You want to replace it every Difficulty Level to Cap out your Resistances again. If you start over you should have safed up some Currency I believe, try to get a Geoffri Baptism 2h Maul. You can use it easily through Act3 and Complete Cruel Difficulty. Don't worry about DMG on Equipment, if you use a strong weapon you'll be fine. Also there should be alot Shops with Lowlvl 4-linked Stuff you can purchase to levelup, Alot DMG comes by combining Gems. |
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sweet. one last thing about that spreadsheet. I cant modify the weapon aspd cell in excel it says user has restricted entering value in that cell
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" Spell Block is unneeded until you start doing harder maps, after that it's amazing, you won't need the damage, I one shot blues with a 5L. No it increases the fire damage part of the Molten Strike by 30% (72% of the damage). The projectiles work the same way as the inital hit, 40% phys 60% fire. You are having trouble with resists because of Tablua + Belt + Boots. They are all low resist. I wouldn't run a Tabula at that point because as I said before, my DPS is huge with a 5L and you need to cap on resists. I wouldn't personally try to 5L that thing but I'm in no way the person to ask!! IGN: Dmillz
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