1.3 The Community's Molten Strike, Face Melting Build!! 1h+shield and 2h variants available
get a weapon with physical dps above 200 or even just 200, would be a big upgrade on damage already
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" Thanks for the feedback, I'll see what I can find. The Lab, making a great game good since 2016.
" This. Molten strike should be ran with pure physical damage weapons only. You are really throwing yourself under a bus with your current 1h. | |
" That's my best weapon at the moment. Guess it's time to go shopping! The Lab, making a great game good since 2016.
Wait. So I have this weapon, but, the tooltip dps says it's a lot lower than my other weapon. Should I just ignore the tooltip and focus on max physical?
The Lab, making a great game good since 2016.
yes, the tool tip is a horrible way to judge your overall dps. It does not count for the projectiles, which scale only off of physical damage. The Mightflay would be a temporary small boost but you still need to do that shopping :P
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Lol okay, I'll do that. Good advice.
The Lab, making a great game good since 2016.
it depends you probably have no dagger nodes at all but sword nodes so thats the reason
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Yeah not really sure what an end game weapon looks like. Just wanting something to help me progress.
The Lab, making a great game good since 2016.
what is your budget for a weapon?