1.3 The Community's Molten Strike, Face Melting Build!! 1h+shield and 2h variants available

Rovian wrote:
Fair enough i thought it was really cool and it did decent damage so i thought id ask. anyways since you said probably not best to go for faith and steel. What do you think of coming down from elemental adaptation and going for celestial walker all the way round to amplify and then grabbing the regen and life nodes there?

EDIT: Another question would you be able to explain to me exactly what point blank does and how it helps this build? I'm really unsure on what it does exactly ;D

For the templar area I would go more along this line if you wanted to get Amplify. This is the 290% HP set up I mentioned.

No need to try and get the extra resists. It would be better to take Diamond Flesh temporarily below troll blood if you really needed the resists.

Point Blank gives increased damage the closer the projectiles are to you and less damage the further out they go. Since the projectiles themselves do not more very far away from us to begin with point blank pretty much will be giving a flat 50% damage boost at all times for the projectiles. The result is a huge dps boost for little investment.
Last edited by Kartikdon#5867 on May 1, 2014, 10:22:05 AM
thankyou yeah im liking that tree better and thanks for clearing that up :D

As for progression getting RT then going for BM but then after that what do you think i should aim for next? Going down for iron grip? and getting unwavering stance and then making my way towards point blank?

EDIT: I was only thinking of getting the resists because i dont have too much currency around 5ex but im sure maxing my resists wont be too hard without them both.

EDIT: What other unqiues do you think would be useful i got meginords and carnage.

Sorry i just have a lot of questions ;D
Last edited by Rovian#0287 on May 1, 2014, 10:26:52 AM
exactly. Don't bother with the duelist damage area until later, master of the arena and all that. That section really isn't a requirement and point blank will be your largest damage boost the tree gives you. I would though get the HP nodes and Golem's Blood on your way though to keep your HP up.

Only grab resists that you don't need to go out of your way to get. Since really no uniques are a requirement it will make it easy for you to cap your resists in merciless.

5L or 6L Mahori is always nice though there are some better rares out there you could pick up that have only 1 socket but do more damage. Wont matter here since our chest piece will be our 5/6L slot.

Really want to try voidhome for fun with its attack speed though :)

Overall just stick with HP and resist gear and save your currency. You could max resists with some well rolled blue items if you had too.

Last edited by Kartikdon#5867 on May 1, 2014, 10:33:28 AM
So get unwavering down to iron grip get golems blood straight to point blank picking up all hp nodes sounds good to me ;D
yup :) No idea why i was calling troll's blood... mornings suck!

edit: For my personal build I will be grabbing the extra endurance charge in duelist for my CWDT + Enduring Cry
Last edited by Kartikdon#5867 on May 1, 2014, 10:34:02 AM
yeah i think i may buy a 5l Mahori i think its a very good unique and will keep you going for a long time.

And yeah mornings do suck hahaa :p

Trolls blood! ;p
Was fun chatting and testing as we leveled up last night. Great job on the write up, this is a very fun build so far.
Np mate. People seem to have it wrong. They try to make the build work by focusing on the projectiles. And while you can make it work my question is why would you?

If you compare it to lighting strike for a second. You can make the projectiles do a lot of dmg but the hit itself does a lot more dmg. I would focus increasing the main ability (and taking iron grip/point blank) instead of using things like lmp/gmp.

While fun.. Its pretty useless. Only thing i'm testing right now is if conc effect is really worth it. Since most people won't have a 6l i'll assume a 5l would look like this (or something along those lines.

Molten Strike - Weapon Elemental - Multistrike - Melee Phys - (optional - and if 6l (optional)

This way the main hit and the projectiles will deal dmg (which is what OP seems to be going for) instead of just the projectiles. Also the argument that you can hit more with more projectiles is pretty lousy as well. Since even if you have more projectiles you will also miss a lot of them and the ones that do hit are a lot weaker.

The way OP is handling it atm is the same thing i'm doing. And so far its working out. Multistrike and base skill alone already gives you enough spread. Sure it won't do as much aoe as infernal nor as much single target as some other skills but this skill for me covers both. Like a jack of all trades.

Best of luck on the build mate.
what are you thinking of having in your other 5l or 6l?
Been messing around with Molten Strike links and I was wondering...

Does this

apply to the projectiles or no? I'm not that experienced when it comes to linking projectile skills

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