[Official] Kripp Wand Templar

i got the same numbers of dps as you, and also use purity, i can solo maps pretty easily, and didnt die for ages.
Your problem is 1.8k hp its extremly low, im sitting on 3k and still its very low.
Ok, now after checking ur passive tree i see the problem, you just ignored hp nods.
Man, health is the most improtant stat in this game, even on sc, because you wont level if u die.
IGN Bezumniy_Bog_Nahuy
Last edited by imhustla#5234 on Feb 22, 2013, 5:58:33 PM
Does anyone have any suggestions for upgrading my gear? What to upgrade next, where I can improve, etc.

I'm at level 70, currently using Discipline, Wrath, Anger, Clarity, Determination, Hatred, Grace. Can do entry level maps, sitting at 3k life, max resists, -60% chaos resist.
Last edited by Parks#5075 on Feb 22, 2013, 7:49:20 PM
hey community,

Made my way to act 3 merc, went pretty good so far, but now its going to get rlly damn hard.
It seems that I´m lacking on dmg a lil bit and surviving got WAY harder than in act 2(lvl 62, 3500dps single target, 1000dps aoe 2,9k hp, max resists, 1,9k mana).

Current Gear:


Got anyone some suggestions for me how to push my dmg efficently/survive better and what I shoud upgrade next?

thx for comments
Caimath wrote:
reks88 wrote:

Do you think hoard chaos and roll a bunch of times or just leave alone and eventually replace? I feel like it's gonna be tough to replace.

I'm in a similar position to yours, I decided to just leave mine as it is, hoping to eventually replace it. So far I've had no luck though. :/

This is mine, I've had it since the minute I hit 53 (dropped on my very first character in Open Beta, in merciless ledge at level ~50 :P).

If you are capped on resists without any on your chestpiece I probably wouldn't bother spending chaos orbs on it. I am very poor though, so I might be biased in that respect.

On the topic of the amount of affixes you have on that chestpiece, I think you might have a combination of a high armor%+stun recovery hybrid roll + a medium armor% roll, which would make it 3 prefixes and 1 suffix.

I definitely wouldn't exalt that, since you won't be able to roll flat armor and the life roll is a bit low.

Alright, thanks for the info, was trying to figure it out. Still learning. If I get some decent pieces and my resist aren't capped, would you recommend chaosing it until I get high life and high res and then maybe exalting, or am I thinking this 5l is cooler than it is. (I feel like rrggb is kinda rare for Armor chests and insanely hard to craft so I might not see a better one for me for a while).
RIP count: sideways 8
imhustla wrote:
i got the same numbers of dps as you, and also use purity, i can solo maps pretty easily, and didnt die for ages.
Your problem is 1.8k hp its extremly low, im sitting on 3k and still its very low.
Ok, now after checking ur passive tree i see the problem, you just ignored hp nods.
Man, health is the most improtant stat in this game, even on sc, because you wont level if u die.

Well, it hasnt been a problem for now :D but as I said I'm kinda afraid for mapping even though I die so rarely but will start after I switch purity to determination. And I have only like 4 nods to take beside life nods and all of the rest will go to life so I'm not much worried about that.
Is anyone else finding it hard to stay afloat, to not die, and to get the right combination of stats on your gear? I'm currently level 79 and I just feel like I'm the worst player in my group.

My stats:

2800 Life
2400 Mana
4500 Armor (27% reduction)
66% Accuracy
6k DPS single target, 1400 AoE with Chain and LMP
145 Mana/sec

All of the above values are while buffed. The DPS figures take into account 6 power charges. I'm currently running the following auras: Anger, Wrath, Discipline, Determination, Clarity and Haste. I have Vitality, Grace and Purity but I do not use them unless needed. Usually someone else in the group runs Purity so resists are normally at least 75/75/75.

I currently have additional life on 5 pieces of my gear, with +180% life through the passive skill tree yet my total is still only 2800. How do people get 5-6k+ at the same level? It almost feels like I need to get +90 life on every piece of gear just to stay alive.

Next up is armour. I've been replacing some of my pure ES pieces for armour and after only 2 pieces I'm struggling to run 6 Auras (down from 7) and mana regen is becoming an issue as well for my AoE attack.

Finally accuracy. I currently have additional accuracy on 3 pieces of my gear yet here I am still sitting at 66%. I miss far too often, but without getting additional accuracy on pretty much every other piece of gear I don't think I will hit the cap of 95% like rangers do with ease. This is even with dexterity nodes and an accuracy node in the skill tree.

Don't get me wrong I absolutely love the build and the style of play involved. My goal from the start was to be a "support" class running auras and conduit to buff the party and I never intended to be a powerhouse in the DPS department but at the moment I just feel so mediocre at everything. Most players are already running the auras they need so I am basically null and void.
Last edited by dreamstation_AU#2319 on Feb 23, 2013, 4:50:31 AM
2k hp only( next 6 talent points go into hp nodes)
1.8k dps aoe
2k armor
6% mana leech from flasks+ amulet
100 mana/sec

i dont use life leech/life on hit yet till i get a 6 link maybe ,

i just play this game for 6 days im lvl 72 , farming is np i love it . This build helped me alot my quesiton is do i go for more crit chance .multi nodes as single farming player? i do not intend to get conduit i do not play in party that much .

BTW if some experienced power siphon templar see this i want to aquire end game gear i got 60 chaos orbs to spend .

ing : tempdeen
ing: RRiipp (playing on onslaught)
Is there a way to respec the first 4 nodes or am I missing something?
I'd like to point out that if you have the mana to upkeep a 5-6 linked power siphon then elemental hit is superior in every possible way than another power siphon for your 4 link single target attack. The damage is light years higher, the quality bonus is better, it interacts better with things like weapon elemental damage and all your elemental damage boosts, and if you want the power charge just use your aoe linked power siphon for the culling strike last hit.
Last edited by EndlessRambler#6537 on Feb 23, 2013, 8:14:56 PM

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