[Official] Kripp Wand Templar
@ Caimath
Thank you so much for your feedback! Let us pretend I have all the money to acquire any item i need to :P (surely for kripp this is an easy feat) To this build, do you think 8% increased projectiel damage is greater than 8% increased physical damage with wands??? I am thinking the former is better. But my intuition is not unfailable. |
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" I'm positive that you would be correct on this, since I'm guessing you're still going for a more elemental focused build and projectile damage affects both physical and elemental damage. |
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" Ok! Thanks! I think this build might be perfect. After all what else would you put on a 6l with power siphon. This build is tankier and has more damage ( a mix between elemtnal and physical with the focus on elemental of course. ( i have ditched 6 8% life nodes that kripp gets, but I net more health down near the circle of life nodes. Even then 3 of 6 8% ditched are acquirable by specing out of projectiel damage.) You still have access to the same auras and everything. I need some high level person to test whether iron grip with a max level pwoer siphon, good str rquips, and increased projectiel damage. i might speculate that the damage, just the physical component, is amazing. The only failure in this build, i would think is the inability to get those 3 8% life nodes wihtout sacrficing those projectiel damage nodes. And the fact i could not get the 3 weapon elmeental damages. How much total str could i end up with late game with godly equips adn this build? Last edited by sudhirking#4476 on Feb 15, 2013, 3:54:05 PM
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Man I wish I had exalted orbs...
If I'm not horribly mistaken that is a max mana regeneration roll, which is great for me atm as I have 0 mana regen on my other gear pieces. |
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@ Cai Math
how might you think about elder wand passive node? ( 50% physical increased physical damage with wands)? I am prettu sure this will work synergetically wtih iron grip power siphon. Is that true? Do you think the physcal damage portion of a maxxed power siphon with iron grip and this be good? It woudl be nice if the physical damage was as good as the elemental portion. |
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" I honestly don't know, I haven't actually tried it. The main issues are the fact that you need more points to get those and the fact that base physical damage on wands is very low. |
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" power siphons physical damage is based on the wands physcial rolls!!!? with high level power siphon and aroudn 400 str, i calculauted a 3.68 multiplier on physcial damage. the multiplier on elemental damage is 2.25. Of course, ele damage is easier to come by, but stil what if we dland a wand with the best possibel phys damage and ele damage? Is IT possible to have a wand with the a high roll pn phys and ele, or does the increase in one thereby require a descrease in another? Do the value of the physical and ele rolls depend on each other? I would susepct not since they are determined by base stats and pre/suf fixes correct? |
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Since most defninently ele damage will get nerfed in some form or shape, and hopefully phys damage wil get buffed, why not work out a hyrbrid build? Where we can optimize for the highest dps with some combination of phys damage and ele damage on equips? of course we will prioirtize enoguh lighning dmage to shock stack
Last edited by sudhirking#4476 on Feb 15, 2013, 5:10:23 PM
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I'm assuming he didn't go any physical damage because you can't afford the nodes and secondly, there are other builds out there that would be better at it.
IGN: xBilldozerx
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Tested on my friends account. you are absolutely right. screw it. Here is the revised build still with blood magic though:
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgUBAnEEBwSzBVsMfQ5IEH8RlhRNFm8WvxmFGdcaOBpsHwIkPCSqJpUnqSlPKlstHzKJNsU26TrhPC0_c0bXSTtJUUyzTP9N41AwUEJVS1XGV-JabV3GYG1h4mNDZ71tGW17cFJyfnfleM56uH_Ggh6Cm4M4hX2H24hriPGLjIw2j0aQVZuhnYCdrqIAoi6io6ZXpwinXKeEqW6sWa6Tr2y1SLXytz64k8BRwfPFisaexq7PZdDQ0hnTG9bR2wLbC93z4XPjauOE5CLnY-w47SDub_Af8NnyRfPq_gr-jw== (went over a skill point) At the very very end game phase, would you even need blood magic to supply power siphon with this build? (even withotu the mana regen from teh withc area)?? |
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