Space's CoC Windripper Build (2 Million dps!?) Build Of The Week #7 [now w/ 1.2 tree]
Hope you don't mind me chiming in, Space. Just wanted to confirm:
If you're specced/geared right, you 1-shot most anything that can get status ailments, so you wouldn't be getting much bonus leech and would do better with a rare ring. Things you can do for HC viability: Split Arrow + Chain + Life Gain on Hit as your proc delivery. This works best with Arc and EK and saves you 11 skill points vs. going for Vaal Pact. You can keep from 1-shotting yourself by stacking base damage instead of crit multi. Arc/EK is also nice and low graphics, so less desync, and EK can be buffered by CwDT + Enduring Cry + Immortal Call + Increased Duration for the occasional oh-crap overkill on reflect packs. Having said that, you would want to stack life nodes and life gear and probably wouldn't crit nearly as much. In which case, Lightning Arrow may be a comparable way to clear the screen. Last edited by feyith#0081 on May 29, 2014, 12:30:54 AM
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btw, you would get 2% more ias if you respec you cruel bandit reward to kraytin (8%ias)
and drop the initial shadow attack speed node (6%ias) Not much of a difference in your case, im only pointing that out cause i see a lot of people ignoring that option and end up using 1-2 more skill points to get the same ias or less. I understand many players dont want to plan such details when they are still 45lvl, but from any such character ive made, ive noticed that if you plan on stacking some %ias, cruel kraytin is almost always worth it. Having said that, gg build, keep up the good work :) P.S: i've tried atziri with my own CoC build and failed miserably (i mention my gear and build in page 6). Have you tried or given any thought to how she would be possible? or do you think its outright impossible with this kind of build? Last edited by smichal52#3310 on May 29, 2014, 2:43:13 AM
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" i was saying if u ran a cold snap trap /w ele prof before attacking so mobs would be frozen before u shock then kill them would that not lead to good life leech and lil move safety? got to be good looking because im so hard too see.
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I have played a lot of bow builds, so maybe I share some lessons learnt from my transition into this build:
1.) I do not believe 95% cc is a requirement. I am running fine with 85% (5power charges), however I have a high accuracy rating (a bit over 2000). In return, I have more defense (see point 7) 2.) Do not tranisition before the damage gems are at least level 14. 3.) Invest early into a q20 power charge on crit. Nothing is more frustrating than building up charges too slow. I bought a q14 for 4c and upgraded it with gcps myself instead of paying 2-3ex. 4.) If you can only apply 1 curse, go with projectile weakness instead of elemental or critical weakness. You will not need the extra damage from the two latter ones, the utility from projectile is worth it. 5.) Change your playstyle ! Biggest challenge for me: I always had LL and LGoH linked, so I was used to permanently leech life and therefore playing lazy and way too tanky. This setup gives you 44% runspeed, knockback and freeze, not a lot of things will touch you. Even some mapbosses will simply be pushed away from you in the "cone of death". 6.) There are several options to implement a bit of LL before dropping ARC for LL/LGoH. A cheap, but limited one is: Atziri's Promise. I also run a vitality aura, as I do not need additional resis. Berek's grip is an option as well. 7.) You can play this build with more defense if you want. I have 5.6k life and more evasion. 8.) Although the physical damage of this build is very low, minddrinker seems to help. I played several maps with and without and always had the impression, that playing with minddrinker was more smooth. I can confirm, that I have killed most map bosses (and I play only lvl 74-78 maps) with this build without dying, key to success is adapting your playstyle to your massive offense abilities. IGN: MyrcellaMartell
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" Totally agree, which is why I play a 3K life version. Mobs are rarely if ever an issue; it's yourself when a stray arrow hits a reflect at the wrong time that makes this not HC viable. Last edited by feyith#0081 on May 29, 2014, 8:48:24 PM
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Seen your build and have one question. Can your respec the 3x Dexterity nodes from Ondars to the HP nodes and go with those 3 points through the attack speed nodes? Best regards, TrollAmbush |
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Space what would you use in a 6L windripper?
IGN: Melo_mania
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If I only have a 5L armor, what 1 attack should I leave out?
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Smichal52- you are right - kraitlyn bonus atk speed in cruel would be superior to the skillpoint by 2% ias - nice catch!
Koez - no reason to run cold snap trap really - this build clears so fast anyway taking one more step to kill enemies will only slow down the clearspeed. Also, arctic breath with good crit% will freeze a lot of things anyway. Crits with windripper will even freeze trash mobs. DonGod - great points all, thanks for chiming in! you are 100% correct that this build encourages an active playstyle to avoid damage. The movespeed and dodge/eva % help with this. It has good survivability if played right, but is not "tanky" Feyith - Totally right, your biggest enemy is yourself with this build - reflect and lightning thorns have caused almost all my deaths once the build came together, not mob damage. Prototypx - If you look at the tree there is no way to do that in the same amount of points. If you could link a tree doing it I'd like to see it. Skull_blaze - In a 6l windirpper I'd probably continue making my utility split arrow even better - so I might use life gain on hit, or blind, or potentially incorporate doedre's ring and add a 3rd curse (crit weakness for damage, temp chains/enfeeble for defense). StoneWall - drop arc. Most of your damage will come from GMP fireball/Arctic breath anyway. Last edited by SpaceJanitor#4691 on May 30, 2014, 2:18:36 PM
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going EB-AA and pure fireball(+chain) negates the reflect damage problem entirely. lightning thorns are at least limited to certain enemies.
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