Space's CoC Windripper Build (2 Million dps!?) Build Of The Week #7 [now w/ 1.2 tree]

Ghetto gear setup, have 90% crit with 5 power charges

Leveling bow - I rerolled this crit roll as I leveled

Current Gear

These gloves allow me to tri-curse when I need it
Last edited by 1mpact#1413 on May 26, 2014, 9:18:07 PM
LoPan wrote:
Killia wrote:

[--spam snipped--]

That was a pretty grimey self plug, bro.

Grats on build of the week Space.

Grimey and nowhere near as efficient.

Yes. Congrats, Space! ( that you're internet famous, prepare to be bombarded by purple walls of text from idiots asking for free stuff and hand holding every time you're trying to fight Atziri.)
Last edited by feyith#0081 on May 26, 2014, 10:04:16 PM
Would this be HC usable in Terms of dealing with reflect if you swap Arc with LGOH?
Sheepmaster2k wrote:
Would this be HC usable in Terms of dealing with reflect if you swap Arc with LGOH?

I am considering this as well (not for HC, but for higher survivability om general), but I am not sure, if the remaining lightning damage from the Bow (multiplied with CC, CD and WED) is enough to shock mobs (shock duration is based on lightning damage vs. monster overall life pool).
IGN: MyrcellaMartell
This build is insane!!
IGN: Rerollz_Barrage_Bro / Kutzap
I'm not Jelly, its that his item build takes insane amount of currency to get, no normal player can get this within a reasonable amount of time.

My build costs few chaos, alchemy and your ready to go.

SpaceJanitor wrote:
Thanks for the support guys!

Killia is just jelly i think
Last edited by Chewtoy#0241 on May 27, 2014, 7:58:41 AM
i made a variant of this build in invasion with much cheaper items ofc.
I made it to lvl 79 before trying to be a hero in some map and dying stupidly :P

Below is my build and gear at level 79.(reached 80 after dying in standard)
I had 5k hp (got 270%+ life from tree) and something like 4.5k Armor (not much but helps a lot with phys reflect).
You can see the skills in tabula.

I had no problem with elemental or phys reflect (as long as i didnt pop that diamond)
Lgoh had me covered(~1200 life per sec with my low thiefs ring)
Lightning thorns could 1-2 shot me though so i was very carefull when i saw any relevant
mobs that meant there could be a blackmage nearby.

I also used Arctic armor on demand as standing still and shooting keeps your mana maxed
constantly due to thiefs ring, and with it i could face tank things like museum double boss (which is what killed me when i tried it alone in 6 man party:P)

the build

P.s: i could make a video when i get home if anyone is interested on how it performs with that level of gear and gems
Last edited by smichal52#3310 on May 27, 2014, 8:03:37 AM
have you considered elemental equilibrium?
Heya Space,

Ever consider a low life version with Shavs + COE and blood rage? I'm thinking HUGE dps and attack speed boost?

dmg calculation is not correct in 1st post of thread.

1) chance to miss is higher vs higher level mobs, I believe your accuracy is below 1500 then it's 85% chance to hit level 76 mobs (15% chance to miss) means at least one barrage projectile will miss a mob guaranteed(entropy evasion mechanics). To be precise 1.2proj will miss. And if you have less than 1500 accuracy rating then it's more loss of damage.

2) chance to miss is being calculated twice for critical strikes with projectiles so even with 95% tooltip you'll have less if your accuracy is low and mob level is high.
at 85% chance to hit 15% of crits you do will be "downgraded" to hits and won't trigger CoC

3) arc is not a projectile and won't get bonus from proj dmg curse.

most of calculations have be done in wurpo's quill rain barrage coc thread long time ago.
Playing with 70-80ms ping, which is causing long loading between zones,
resulting in 2-4 minutes disadvantage in 1 hour races.
(I was wrong, it wasn't a ping issue but something else on GGG side)

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