Space's CoC Windripper Build (2 Million dps!?) Build Of The Week #7 [now w/ 1.2 tree]
This build isn't hardcore viable for a single reason. Lightning thorns. They just roally screw up your day. My quill rain CoC dies before the thorns are shown on screen (even with thief's torment), this build will have similar problems. Make it 1 second to kill yourself on lightning thorns, it doesn't matter, you'll just RIP a lot of expensive items on the first problematic mob you meet.
About ele reflect: I don't necessarily die from ele reflect on my build (unless I'm dumb about it), especially with capped resists. But if you shoot 2.1 million dps into ele reflect, you'll die, so this build (which is obviously about maxing the dps) is definitely hardcore safe in that aspect. Aside from all of that, this build isn't exactly top of the line in regards to mitigation or life, so you'd suffer from "normal" hardcore problems. Also note that if you're not careful with corrupting blood rares, that's a pretty quick rip. I'm quick on my antibleed flask and can generally get away with it, but keep in mind that all your spell projectiles proc the bleed, too, so you can easily use your antibleed stuff too early and then just die from the bleed. Final note, I don't see how this build regains life when needed (aside from flasks). Actually I'm somewhat amazed he made it that far if his only real source of health gain is flasks... TL;DR: Not HC viable. Will never be. Last edited by MauranKilom#5019 on Jun 1, 2014, 7:56:29 PM
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I have chosen this particular build to beat some challenges (got few boxes unopened and level 90 ofc). Tho i am coming from hardcore i am quite new to the game so i have a few questions.
First one is about survivability. Would not it be better to drop some damage in favor of defense? My first thought was to drop one offensive curse and get Warlords Mark - it gives you hp regen, mana regen and of course endurance charges. Drop the cull (you are able to drop a unique from full to zero in one barrage, why bother will cull anyway? it is not like you are running with 500 iir) and get cwdt+ec+ic+id combo. At least this way you won't be dying to physical reflect (tho i heard immortal mobs can be tricky). Second one is why people are leveling as coc? I mean leveling uniques are cheap as dirt, you can buy full facebreaker leveling set including megs for 20c. Or you can level with bows and then you wont need to spend more than 5c until...well you can actually beat cruel with gear that worth 5c. Add another 5c on top of that for gems and you are good to go. Get shadow aura nodes, get charisma, run anger+wrath at the same time. Maybe it is not as fast as facebreakers but it is five times cheaper and it takes not one but two days to get into late sixties. But people are spending weeks on leveling with Chance on Crit when they actually have no crit. Hows that? Maybe i do not understand something? And the last one is what would be a good build composition including this one to duo-trio run maps. I can hardly imagine piety/dominus runs with any iir char because your burst is above culling range. So running with another damage dealer seems like a good solution, you wont need a tank when everyone dies before they even reach the end of the screen, right? Ty in advance Last edited by Teplokot#7294 on Jun 1, 2014, 11:02:12 PM
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This build deals 90 base pdps. Even with crit, what exactly do you plan to leech with warlord's mark?
Just enfeeble or temp chain as defensive curse if you need to. That said, I'm not even sure about the second offensive curse. Crit weakness should be the first one (as I have shown above), ele weakness is cool but will occasionally change just about nothing (+ele res from totems, rare aura or mob/map affix on a highly resistant mob will likely mean you're not dealing additional damage). Projectile weakness doesn't do as much as you think it would, it's "only" additive with shockstacks. I too thought that cull was very pointless. However, CwdT is somewhat limited in use for CoC builds imo: Since you can keep up granite/jade flasks constantly (with surgeon's prefix) anyway you're not going to die from physical damage, so immortal call is pretty useless. Enduring cry is fine but that's just one. I personally use skellis for simple distraction (it does more work than you'd think...). I'm thinking about using skelli totem on cwdt, but I've yet to get 3 red sockets on my all ev gear. This would also be a problem for him, both rat's nest and atziri's step are 100% dex and getting the required red sockets will require a nasty amount of chroms. His gloves are corrupted and I don't see him replacing them any time soon. So there goes all your slots for cwdt combos. I'm going to throw this out here, too: Has anybody had success with Ice Wall on cwdt for coc builds? In theory it should stop your projectiles as soon as you shoot into reflect (or thorns... but you'll die anyway), sort of as a safeguard... Edit: Just looked at his flasks again... Why would you not run granite/jade flasks? Why would you leave a minion life recovery on that life flask? Potential for improvement here imo... Last edited by MauranKilom#5019 on Jun 2, 2014, 6:59:37 AM
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" Got used to phys coc builds, forgot that it completely relies on elemental damage. Last edited by Teplokot#7294 on Jun 3, 2014, 9:18:11 PM
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how about using a Crit Wand instead of a Bow? I guess the build is pretty open-ended.
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In principle that's probably a nice idea, as long as you can deal with no longer having 2 6s items that you can 5/6l.
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" I have one 6L. I always look at getting 6Ls as end game, so to have two....that will take some work. |
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Hello! i was thinking on switchin to this build but don't have ex to spend atm..this is the gear i planned to use..could be fine?
What i could add to the 6th link on windripper? also would be possible adapt the build to scion? cause i've a 69 Shad and a 89 Scion Last edited by Freud88#2789 on Jun 3, 2014, 8:57:39 AM
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Actually it looks like after some improvement this build can run from three to four auras with highly increased effectiveness. Yes, damage will be lower because i wont take these crit multiplier nodes neither i'll look for crit multiplier on items. Mana cost of skills used are 25 mana at max, you can shoot 3 to 3.5 times per second so just grab a +60-69% mana regeneration piece of gear, run clarity and be happy with your 90 mana regen per second. Purity is quite an obvious choice so as grace. But i would switch from grace to haste at higher levels when i'd get more mana regen to support attack speed increase.
or you can go full chimp and take all the spell damage, spell crit, projectile damage and crit multiplier nodes. gl with reflect tho Last edited by Teplokot#7294 on Jun 3, 2014, 7:06:20 PM
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" That looks like awesome gear for the build. I wish I had those. I use a Scion. It can reach every Crit Node without problem. |
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