Space's CoC Windripper Build (2 Million dps!?) Build Of The Week #7 [now w/ 1.2 tree]
Skull_blaze - I'd see if you can find a better bow than deaths harp to use until lvl 66 where you can use windripper. You want something with good crit chance, damage doesnt matter too much. Deaths harp is no good for a crit build. If you dont want to do that, you can just go for a generic split arrow build until you are ready to switch - I'd use wrath and anger as auras and go for a fast bow if you want to try that route. Once you hit lvl 66 and can use windripper you will be critting all over the place.
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" Hi Space, currently running a Windripper/Aura build with a Ranger (lvl 90). Wondering if I should give your build a try, as I am always looking for something new to try. Question: Why are you not using life leech or lgoh ? IGN: MyrcellaMartell
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1.) I have done the respec. 22 Regrets and a Rat's Nest. 300-400 Chromes. 2.) This is my build: 3.) Current Gear:
Observations so far: 1.) a shitload of damage, even with gems at midlevel 2.) new playstyle without bloodmagic 3.) have to drink mana flask permanently (every 14 secs), otherwise I run out of mana. Still have to change my bandit reward frenzy charge against powercharge. But even with this i get maximum 85% crit. Seems good enough though. Any idea, how I can improve on the mana front ? Do not like perma potting (although flask is always full) ? IGN: MyrcellaMartell
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Dongod -
Really nice setup you have there. I'm not sure where our builds differ that I dont have the mana issues you are having. With soul siphon cluster for mana regen I have no problem clearing content and keeping mana up. If you are really in a pinch you could run clarity off a blood magic gem. I run one mana pot which I use on bosses when there arent enemies around to refill mana on, and it works fine for me. Anyhow, glad you're trying out the build and enjoying it! Your dps will be fantastic once those gems hit lvl 20! just keep grinding it out! More damage per attack also means you will need less attacks, so that will help mana issues. Another option would be to use thief's torment ring for the mana on hit, but personally I dont like giving up 2 ring slots for that. |
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I'm guessing the mana issues (if no other differences in your builds) are from gem levels? Lower kill speed = less refill from Soul Siphon. I'm with Space on the ring slots. Perma-flasking seems a much smaller price to pay than Thief's.
@Skull_Blaze: Doomfletch would proc better than Death's Harp and runs only a chaos in most leagues. That should tide you over until a good Harbinger and then just keep chancing Imperial Bows. I don't remember having leveling issues, but I went straight for all the glass cannon nodes and partied a lot, and then respecced for more survivability later when I could put on more crit gear and map. " It sort of works with Quill Rain, although it would be streakier, you'd have mana issues without Thief's and lose all your base damage (which is the primary advantage bows have over a wand version of this build). Lioneye's is an interesting question. I used to run a pure physical CoC build with it proccing Ethereal Knives. Did a metric crap ton of damage, but off-screen physical reflect was seppuku. So now I run a physical hybrid build with Windripper. It does enough physical damage to leech through elemental reflects and vise versa. I wonder if doing the opposite (i.e. this elemental build on a Lioneye's) would have the same advantage, or if the not being able to evade yourself is too big of a problem. Anyone wanna be guinea pig? I'm not rich enough to respec. |
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" I have solved the mana issue on the week end. As I can only single curse, I have changed my Chest 5L set-up and included EK. I use this attack, to build up powercharges. I added Minddrinker on my passive tree, which means I leech enough mana back, to build up and maintain powercharges for free. Once Powercharges are there, I use the 6L set-up to annihilate the screen. Running out of mana has dramatically decreased. I agree, that things will further improve with leveled gems, it improved already on the week end (did some level ups). IGN: MyrcellaMartell
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Have you considered using Elemental Equilibrium?
Since Arc hits the mobs first, Fireball and Arctic Breath will hit a lot harder. |
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" I am still considering elemental weakness instead of projectile weakness, pretty sure damage wise it is stronger. I still like the knock-back effect of projectile weakness (in single play), things simply do not come close, once cursed. IGN: MyrcellaMartell
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" video or it didnt happen |
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" I can confirm it can happen, if the rare is in front of you. add observation: due to the missing life leech or lgho this build is less tolerant to certain bosses/map combinations. IGN: MyrcellaMartell
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