[3.1] GLADIATOR 1H+Shield Max Block&Spell Block Tank + a BoR version

animproductions wrote:
Hi serge, I've been improving my duelist since your last answer, but I have some questions, the main one: (I guess is pretty basic but just in case)

I notice that weapon elemental dmg, if I switch for add Fire dmg it boost my dmg like 4K, any reason to still using weapon ele dmg?

And as a lasts question, again maybe pretty basic answer; what to do at the end of laberynth? I mean I didn't take the reward because I don't know what to do. I have to do again the laberynth to get this reward? And can I get this reward if I do the laberynth again?

Sorry if it's too obvious.

Could be nice if you upgrade the main post with your current gear too. Thanks for the build, pretty nice, have a good one guys!

Added fire damage will definitely be better if you're using pure physical dmg skills, like earthquake or sunder. If you're using any conversion skill, like ice crash, wed should be better, especially if you use hatred etc. In any case, whatever skill you use, you should definitely use those support gems which give you more dps.
1H+Shield High Block&Spell Block Tank: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/868995
Ice Crash Crit Staff AKA "The Shaterring Karui": https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1289037
Tanky Block+AR+EV Ranger Crit Reave Dagger/Claw: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1301888
ComradeSerge wrote:
Added fire damage will definitely be better if you're using pure physical dmg skills, like earthquake or sunder. If you're using any conversion skill, like ice crash, wed should be better, especially if you use hatred etc. In any case, whatever skill you use, you should definitely use those support gems which give you more dps.

An easy rule of thumb is if your total elemental converted damage is under 75%, AFD should benefit you more than WED (60% for level 1 gems).

Earthquake and Sunder prefer AFD over WED even with Hatred.
44% AFD + 36% Hatred = 80%
36% Hatred * 159% WED = 57%

Ice Crash and Infernal Blow will need Hatred to use WED
50% IC/IB + 44% AFD = 94%
50% IC/IB * 159% WED = 80%
50% IC/IB + 44% AFD + 36% Hatred = 130%
(50% IC/IB + 36% Hatred) * 159% WED = 137%

And of course when you have the links, AFD + WED work great together.
44% AFD * 59% WED = 26% additional fire damage

Note this is a bit simplified so Auras, Curses, and flat elemental damage can tweak the above, but most other supports like Melee Physical Damage or Faster Attacks should move them together so the ratios would stay the same.
Linking tempest shield+iron will+culling is also pretty good
GMT (+2:00) Central European Standard Time
Last edited by iKanks#6476 on Mar 24, 2016, 9:53:09 AM
Here is my Varunastra interpretation of the skill tree for this set up with aegis aurora.


Note this is simply speculation, I'm currently working on my character for this set up. The good amount of leech/leech rate with a mana leech pair of gloves or ring gives this set up the appearance of flexibility with warlord's mark. It's probably not necessary to run, allowing you to run HoA + Determination or Hatred + HoA instead. It gives the appearance, but it's possible without warlord's mark and while using Varunastra that it will be too difficult to obtain and maintain free endurance charges with endurance charge on melee stun reckoning/endurance charge on kill.

The idea though is that you'll have enough accuracy to be able to still consistently hit, allowing you to still crit (Might require accuracy on a ring or helmet). Though, if accuracy proves too little the easy switch is removing the crit claw/dagger/sword node and the axe/mace accuracy node and grabbing resolute technique

The extra dex and int from nodes near the sword/dagger/claw cluster and command of steel should allow you to avoid taking +30 stat nodes (Since one of the current problems with the regular / not-varunastra weapon set up is the lack of non str nodes while pathing).

I'm not sure how difficult resistance capping will be with this set up, but it shouldn't be much more difficult (Since losing 12 all res from shield equip)

Main downside of this variation is the amount of life lost.

Edit: Cleaned up tree a bit

Last edited by Fell_Arms#4516 on Mar 23, 2016, 3:33:04 AM
hi there, jump into your build once again but this time was my friend and he wanted to ask you something.

>does vanurastra vaal blade is a good weapon choice? since we can take axe nodes below the maces nodes.

>is whriling blade for movement better than leapslam ?

thanks again and i must say your builds were great. :D
A casual PoE guy with some virtual achievement:
- Have a character LEVEL 1 0 0 in: Ranger, Marauder, Shadow, Witch, Templar, Scion and Duelist.
- Rank 1 Juggernault in Atlas Invasion Event
- Rank 5 Juggernault in Delirium Every Where Event
- Rank 4 Chieftain in Endless Heist SSF
tobyvn wrote:
hi there, jump into your build once again but this time was my friend and he wanted to ask you something.

>does vanurastra vaal blade is a good weapon choice? since we can take axe nodes below the maces nodes.

>is whriling blade for movement better than leapslam ?

thanks again and i must say your builds were great. :D

So far varunastra feels pretty good since you can take the claw/sword/dagger cluster and you can run whirling blades with it. I'm just level 65 now, but the damage seems to be okay (I'm not sure if the earthquake tooltip dps is reflective of the more damage that gets added). Nearing max block, going to be considering a + block The Anvil later so I can save a node.

Look at how I set up my skill tree in the above post if you're curious about Varunastra pathing, I cleaned it up a bit. Problem with Varunastra set up though is it requires more gear (Though less stats from gear) - I'm sitting on 81% chance to hit with 721 accuracy. Have a +183 flat helmet w/ everything else I want on it lined up but will see how accurate I am when that's equipped.

That said, you can also set up the tree slightly differently so you grab Resolute Technique (guaranteed hit but no crit), but you might lose potential damage (I'm still testing).
Last edited by Fell_Arms#4516 on Mar 23, 2016, 3:45:34 AM
tobyvn wrote:
hi there, jump into your build once again but this time was my friend and he wanted to ask you something.

>does vanurastra vaal blade is a good weapon choice? since we can take axe nodes below the maces nodes.

>is whriling blade for movement better than leapslam ?

thanks again and i must say your builds were great. :D

There's a Varunastra discussion going on, you got a reply on it already. My opinion is it's doable, it's left to you to see how good it rly is.

And you can't use whirling blades with maces.
1H+Shield High Block&Spell Block Tank: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/868995
Ice Crash Crit Staff AKA "The Shaterring Karui": https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1289037
Tanky Block+AR+EV Ranger Crit Reave Dagger/Claw: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1301888
Hi. I really love this build! Have a lot of fun with it. Finally got my hands on an Aegis Aurora and I'm now working on a Weapon. Was wondering if Doryani's Catalyst would be the best weapon with Earthquake or if a rare Mace/Scepter would be better. Or are there any other good Uniques you would consider? Thanks in advance
Last edited by tploki1987#4105 on Mar 23, 2016, 1:34:27 PM
Someone could explain me defence sytem with this build?

No cast when damage taken? ok so u manually Immortal Call? Anyone running Cast when damage taken?

I m playing hardcore and i think it could be good to have CWDT, no?
Defense comes from max block, insane amounts of armour and 6-7 endurance charges

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