[3.1] GLADIATOR 1H+Shield Max Block&Spell Block Tank + a BoR version

Is it actually worth it to run increased area of effect with earthquake compared to faster attacks? the aoe area doesn't seem small even with concentrated effect.
aechean wrote:
ComradeSerge wrote:
DancingxDervish wrote:
since Doryanis runs around 45c- 2 ex and Varunastra is sitting around 10-25c

Varunastra is 1-2ex in Perandus SC.

Varunastra is 13c on poe.trade right now :)

Those are the lowest DPS ones, I recommend sorting your search by DPS and checking the prices then.
1H+Shield High Block&Spell Block Tank: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/868995
Ice Crash Crit Staff AKA "The Shaterring Karui": https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1289037
Tanky Block+AR+EV Ranger Crit Reave Dagger/Claw: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1301888
DancingxDervish wrote:
Yea i didnt mean to sound negative or imposing when i posted that about varunastra, i just really like using whirling blades and have both a varunastra and a 300 dps doryanis so i was genuinely curious which would be preferable. I'm enjoying this build tremendously but i don't want to fail to take advantage of varunastra if it is indeed a strong pickup.
I was hoping Comrade or another veteran would weigh in on whether or not the trade to varunastra is even worth, especially since i have yet to take this build into mid tier maps, let alone high tier.
I'm also curious whether or not newer skills would be better with varunastra, for example sunder or earthquake.. anyone out there who can run the number or even give me the formula. the part that confuses me is how increased attack speed plays out. The dilettante wheel gives 20% more attack speed than the Bone breaker/ skull crusher wheel at the expense of 10% less damage. is this worth? is it worth once the "by the blade" nodes are factored in for 96% increased damage?
I'm at a loss, again i wanted to mention that i wasn't trying to be critical, just curious.

I'm doing a Varunastra build atm, and I can say the following: the thing is, in order to make Varunastra work with THIS build, you need to get a higher tier DPS one, which does cost around 1 exalt. A high DPS Doryani's Catalyst is cheaper atm. So even if you did manage to get a bit more DPS, you'd have to sacrifice some life/armour/block nodes for more dps, plus, you'd pay a bit more for the weapon.
1H+Shield High Block&Spell Block Tank: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/868995
Ice Crash Crit Staff AKA "The Shaterring Karui": https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1289037
Tanky Block+AR+EV Ranger Crit Reave Dagger/Claw: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1301888
hey, i have a question regarding flask setup.
my current flasks

dont know if i should get ToH/Rumis/Atziri
MrZimz wrote:
hey, i have a question regarding flask setup.
my current flasks

dont know if i should get ToH/Rumis/Atziri

Here is what I am using:

I have an Aurora so the granite is nice, but I suspect that a basalt flask might be better until you get that shield. Granite basically adds 60 more es regen when you block, which is why i use it with that shield.
IGN: Sweethart
MrZimz wrote:
hey, i have a question regarding flask setup.
my current flasks

dont know if i should get ToH/Rumis/Atziri

Taste of Hate isn't needed cause you have no problems with physical damage in this build. Rumi's isn't needed cause you have max block/spell block anyway. Atziri's is nice if you want more DPS. I'd def recommend using a granite+basalt, the rest for life+quicksilver.
1H+Shield High Block&Spell Block Tank: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/868995
Ice Crash Crit Staff AKA "The Shaterring Karui": https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1289037
Tanky Block+AR+EV Ranger Crit Reave Dagger/Claw: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1301888
what is the best setup for 6L earthquake?

Earthquake, Less Duration, Melee Physical Damage, Physical To lightning, Weapon Elemental Damage & Added Fire Damage?

any suggestion?
Earthquake - Increased AOE - Less Duration - concentrated effect - Melee Physical damage - Added fire damage.

atleast according to the OP. I guess increased AOE can be replaced for something else that fits in a blue on boss fights.
Fell_Arms wrote:
Here is my Varunastra interpretation of the skill tree for this set up with aegis aurora.


Note this is simply speculation, I'm currently working on my character for this set up. The good amount of leech/leech rate with a mana leech pair of gloves or ring gives this set up the appearance of flexibility with warlord's mark. It's probably not necessary to run, allowing you to run HoA + Determination or Hatred + HoA instead. It gives the appearance, but it's possible without warlord's mark and while using Varunastra that it will be too difficult to obtain and maintain free endurance charges with endurance charge on melee stun reckoning/endurance charge on kill.

The idea though is that you'll have enough accuracy to be able to still consistently hit, allowing you to still crit (Might require accuracy on a ring or helmet). Though, if accuracy proves too little the easy switch is removing the crit claw/dagger/sword node and the axe/mace accuracy node and grabbing resolute technique

The extra dex and int from nodes near the sword/dagger/claw cluster and command of steel should allow you to avoid taking +30 stat nodes (Since one of the current problems with the regular / not-varunastra weapon set up is the lack of non str nodes while pathing).

I'm not sure how difficult resistance capping will be with this set up, but it shouldn't be much more difficult (Since losing 12 all res from shield equip)

Main downside of this variation is the amount of life lost.

Edit: Cleaned up tree a bit

Long post:

Okay just reposting this so I can share my findings. It's better to run resolute technique because you still have issues with obtaining high accuracy outside of 400+ from gear and ice golem (Which can be inconvenient to keep up for some people) (Though I'm basing this off of tooltip accuracy and not how often I feel like I'm hitting, since I'm attacking too quickly to be able to tell)

Blood rage is a very solid thing to run with this set up with Varunastra (You get a lot more dex from this tree set up) and as long as you're wearing The Anvil and an item with mana leech, you have no issues with maintaining a high level of leech without Warlord's Mark (Mana on block from node + anvil gives you basically all you need with a mana leech item).

The reason I'm taking Gratuitous Violence over the increased damage on block node is because of the overall amount of damage given to bleeding enemies on top of the explosion damage (It helps a lot for AoE clear with HoA overkill damage). You can still take Violent Retaliation, but I'm running conc low aoe EQ for higher single target (Still good aoe but not massive) damage. Weapon ele dmg lets you scale up to a really high level of tooltip dps when running Hatred + HoA, but make sure you still have determination slotted for whenever you need to swap.

I'm going to list 2 gem set ups you can run with Varunastra, one's going to be a higher dps and fast clear set up and the other's going to be a more tanky set up.

You basically follow Comrade's original gem set up with slight variations if going tanky;

4L: Determination - Hatred - Herald of Ash - Summon Chaos Golem
4L: Enduring Cry - Immortal Call - Vaal Molten Shell - Increased Duration
4L: Reckoning - Melee Physical Damage - Endurance Charge on Melee Stun - Increased AoE/Stun (Both work, AoE gives larger reach towards ranged enemies)
3L: Curse On Hit - Tempest Shield - Curse of choice (Vulnerability/Enfeeble best IMO if already have leech; Enfeeble gives most tank)
3L: Whirling Blades - Blood Magic - Fortify

- Swap out either Immortal Call, Vaal Molten Shell, Increased Duration or Summon Chaos Golem for Blood Rage.

Link set up for faster clear Varunastra:

4L: Determination - Hatred - Herald of Ash - Summon Chaos Golem/Enduring Cry
4L: Whirling Blades - Faster Attacks - Blood Magic - Fortify
4L: Reckoning - Melee Physical Damage - Endurance Charge on Melee Stun - Increased AoE/Stun (Both work, AoE Gives larger reach towards ranged enemies)
3L: Curse on Hit - Tempest Shield - Curse of choice (Vulnerability/Enfeeble best IMO if already have leech; Vulnerability gives fastest boss clearing)
3L: Immortal Call - Vaal Molten Shell - Summon Chaos Golem/End Cry/Increased Duration

- Swap out either Immortal Call, Vaal Molten Shell, or Summon Chaos Golem/Increased Duration for Blood Rage (Not End Cry)

- You can swap out something for Abyssal Cry too but it doesn't seem to help a considerable amount in terms of AoE clear. It's nice for getting rid of corpses since Det Dead hurts.

You run whatever attack skill 6L you want, I prefer earthquake.

My 6L EQ: Earthquake - Added Phys - Added Fire - Weapon Elemental Damage - Less Duration - Concentrated Effect

Current dps with earthquake running hatred/hoa/3 frenzy charges: ~43200 (45300 if I haven't been hit recently) https://i.imgur.com/EukSD4y.png
Note: Does not calc the more damage.

Level 83, still working on upgrading jewelry for stats and still need levels for int nodes in Templar area.

Now then, explanation of gem set up:

- You run enduring cry for bosses/stun immunity maps, since you're not stunning as often on higher hp mobs with Reckoning while running Varunastra. Plus it's hard to keep the end charges up all the time if you're instantly killing trash mobs, so you take more damage from Blood Rage without it.

- Blood Rage gives you flat % attack speed for whirling blades and general dps, also gives you frenzy charges which is 4% attack speed and 4% more damage per charge. (Note this attack speed dps doesn't scale accordingly with the more damage from EQ as the explosion isn't occurring every attack)

- Summon Chaos Golem gives flat phys reduction, which lets you worry less about the damage you're taking from blood rage (It ignores armor).

- Tempest Shield Curse on Hit: Self explanatory really, lets you use curses on harder to kill mobs for free (Still need to cast Tempest Shield)

Flask set up:

2-3 Hp flasks, Granite, Basalt. Atziri's Promise if dropping an HP flask. Can run sulphur flask for damage + poison/bleed immunity etc if you want (For utility in place of Atziri's Promise). Can also use Lion's Roar in place of regular granite for damage (While retaining armor,) the knockback can be inconvenient however.

Three level 100 tree set ups:

Tankiest set up (Violent Retaliation):

Tankiest set up (Gratuitous Violence):

Max damage/clear set up:

Also: Currently running a 264 dps Varunastra.

Edit: Fixed trees to be 101 points with 1 point from bandits; tree was set up with all 3 points from bandits earlier.

Here is my current gear (As of 4/9/2016):
Last edited by Fell_Arms#4516 on Apr 10, 2016, 3:02:55 AM
Thanks for sharing, I don't mind at all, on the contrary :)
1H+Shield High Block&Spell Block Tank: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/868995
Ice Crash Crit Staff AKA "The Shaterring Karui": https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1289037
Tanky Block+AR+EV Ranger Crit Reave Dagger/Claw: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1301888

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