"This loot system is flawed and needs to change!!"

Zenn3k wrote:
All it does it stop me from playing with random people.

I'd rather solo and get all the loot then party with a random and potentially lose even 1 orb of alchemy.

I will ONLY party with friends and sadly only 1 of my friends plays this game and rarely at that, so PoE is a solo game for me.

See, this is the issue. This sense of ownership over an item still on the ground. It's not yours, you've just been given a better chance of getting it first.

That said: I get insane amounts of loot when I group up. Every single time I've asked, party members have been willing to give me items they have no use for, even if they had the timer advantage. Ranger grabs a rare full plate? "Hey, can I please have that plate?" "Sure." "Thanks." "No problem."
Omnivore61 wrote:
Zenn3k wrote:
All it does it stop me from playing with random people.

I'd rather solo and get all the loot then party with a random and potentially lose even 1 orb of alchemy.

I will ONLY party with friends and sadly only 1 of my friends plays this game and rarely at that, so PoE is a solo game for me.

Same here. Whether I play melee like I did in CB or EK shadow as I do now in OB when I still play, I play solo. FFA to me just means anti-social types I can't be bothered with in real life let alone in a game. The lack of an instance loot option means I'll end up continuing to play less and less until sometime in a month or two I just stop logging in at all.

No partying equals no socialization equals boring game after the first run through equals time to play another game.

Sorry you feel this way. To me, there is always that next kill that might drop the perf unique I need. This keeps me coming back. If I want to switch things up and meet some people, I play MP, but not always.

I hope you find something you like in this game to keep you around for the long haul.
I didn't donate because of the loot system lol, is actually the part of the game that I don't like.
I like to play in groups, but the negative stress that produces me with the loot system doesn't worth it, sadly. Maybe I'm getting old, but this doesn't bring any competitiveness for me, PvP does.

I still think there should be added an option to the party creations, or open another League with instanced loot for the ones who don't play HC
Trinexx wrote:
Zenn3k wrote:
All it does it stop me from playing with random people.

I'd rather solo and get all the loot then party with a random and potentially lose even 1 orb of alchemy.

I will ONLY party with friends and sadly only 1 of my friends plays this game and rarely at that, so PoE is a solo game for me.

See, this is the issue. This sense of ownership over an item still on the ground. It's not yours, you've just been given a better chance of getting it first.

That said: I get insane amounts of loot when I group up. Every single time I've asked, party members have been willing to give me items they have no use for, even if they had the timer advantage. Ranger grabs a rare full plate? "Hey, can I please have that plate?" "Sure." "Thanks." "No problem."

That is impossible, there is no community in FFA. :P

Because this needed a new thread oh no wait.
Ophis wrote:
I didn't donate because of the loot system lol, is actually the part of the game that I don't like.
I like to play in groups, but the negative stress that produces me with the loot system doesn't worth it, sadly. Maybe I'm getting old, but this doesn't bring any competitiveness for me, PvP does.

I still think there should be added an option to the party creations, or open another League with instanced loot for the ones who don't play HC

While having a seperate league would possibly fix the situation, it would also needlessly hinder more servers and cost more to run the additional servers.

The sad truth is, some people just are not going to like the game. But demanding it change is not the right way to deal with it.
Tandimonium wrote:
Zenn3k wrote:
All it does it stop me from playing with random people.

I'd rather solo and get all the loot then party with a random and potentially lose even 1 orb of alchemy.

I will ONLY party with friends and sadly only 1 of my friends plays this game and rarely at that, so PoE is a solo game for me.

Many people play solo, and that is fine. People choosing to play solo doesn't mean that there is a flaw with the game, just that you prefer to play solo.

I only prefer to play solo because of the loot situation. Its a deal breaker.

If the loot WAS instanced, I'd likely play with people instead.

I don't expect it to change, but it does effect my game experience in a negative way.
danonon wrote:
Because this needed a new thread oh no wait.

HAH! This guy cracks me up!

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