[0.11.0] Aimlessgun's Cold Caster Guide [Now with RF/PA section] Videos! [
" Well it's late advice, but the first thing you want to do is spec out of the 3 points towards the ES nodes in the center and get the Nullification circle. As for where to go next, you can put points into close by decent stuff for a while, then do a big respec when you have the points to get all the way to templar area with Arcane Potency and Body and Soul. |
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Just started a Shadow following this build. I really don't have much in terms of items just what I've acquired from leveling a ranger to 55. Thanks for the guide going to post again when I get farther into the game
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" Ah right, good catch! Updated it, dagger is often better but perfect wand > perfect dagger. " Div is a good wep, esp a well rolled one. " FP is by far your highest priority for quality. GCPing a 0% gem is usually a bad idea though, you'll find a mid quality FP well before you find 20 GCPS probably. |
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Heya. Absolutely loving this build so far, have been really lucky with gear somewhat too.
I have a question about item mods. How important is projectile speed? Is there a cap on it? My wand currently has 35% PS, my freezing pulse extends past the end of my vision in every direction, it's pretty fun. Is cast speed still considered the #1 stat over %dmg and crit? Also, I see you list your tooltip DPS at like 10k.. Mines currently nearing 3100 at level 69, are the nodes I'm going to come into in the next 10 levels or so really going to increase my damage that much?
Thats my current gear. Any tips on easy upgrades? I'm level 69. Any stats I should focus on in my jewelery or easy upgrades in those spots besides more health etc? I've switched out my Mana leech for added Chaos damage on my chest piece just to see the DPS difference (can't currently maintain the mana costs), it gives me like 300ish DPS increase (not fully leveled atm) but I still don't feel like I'm anywhere close to approaching 5k+ levels of DPS.
Is my passive tree. I notice you have a bit different set up. Should I respec? I'd like to increase my DPS if possible without sacrificing too much survivability. I'm currently running 66 and 67 maps solo with hardly any difficulty, I know they get harder so I'm not sure how much survive I should be willing to give up, or how much I could increase my DPS. I run Discipline/Haste unless I am going Ice Spear intensive in which case I just run clarity. Character stats (in town) HP: 1885 Mana: 721 ES: 1799 I'd just really like to maximize the potential of this build. Last edited by Tanerian#1283 on Apr 30, 2013, 1:50:33 AM
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Loving the build so far.
Could you suggest where to improve gear wise? Thanks. Current stats : Health : 1413 Shield : 1243 ( 1500 + With Discipline ) Resists : Fire : 75% ( Before Purity ) Cold : 25% ( Before Purity / 49% After ) Lightning : 68% ( Before Purity ) Chaos : -30% Last edited by Tweakiee#3033 on May 1, 2013, 8:42:32 PM
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Biggest immediate upgrades would probably be getting crit dmg on neck, a ring with HP, getting a Rathpith Globe shield, and a 5l chest.
EDIT: Cap cold resist! Very important vs reflect :D " Very roughly, 1% cast speed = 2% spelldmg = 3% critdmg = 6% crit chance. The spreadsheet will give you a better idea for your specific gear/lvl/tree though. Projectile speed is nice but I'd much rather have crit chance on that wand. Crit dmg neck is another good candidate for an upgrade. In the tree, don't take those 15% crit nodes until you get all other high value nodes first :) For example you could take those three points and immediately turn 45% crit into 60% crit from doom cast, or even better get Arcane Potency. Last edited by aimlessgun#1443 on May 1, 2013, 11:03:01 PM
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" Good catch, didn't spot that some of them give 10% es and es recharge. Thought it's just ES/evasion nodes. I've specced into a Ghost rever and got life leech gem (for ES leech FP) which seemed to work very well in docks etc., but after I while I started dying in high level maps since I had to exchange faster projectiles for it (in a 4 link with FP/Faster casting/LMP). For ES leech to pay off I need to be more aggressive and due to FP having default range I ended up being raped too often as my dps is rather silly (approx 2.5k tooltip) although having sheitloads of crit chance and modifiers. Ghost rever has a lot of potential but before I fuse my f@*$^ 6 socket ES chest into a f@^&@£ 5-link it's not working to make me survive in higher maps. So I think I'll respec out of it (and take faster proj back) to reach for the Arcane potency instead, which hopefully would increase my dps. Part of the reason why my DPS is smaller by some 200-300 (per projectile) is that I've changed my wand for a dagger which gives me more crit chance (FP is now 34% from 30%) but spell damage is lower. What I like about it that it gives me 74 mana and 30% mana regen, which now allows me to use a third 40% aura (together with clarity and discipline, got 191 mana left and 115 mana regen). Not sure if that's the right move though, my dps is really low for a 77lvl char. (the mentioned dagger and wand)
I've planned to use Purity as the third aura, but I've seemed to cap my res without it... I would still get 4 extra max resistances but I thought I could maybe go for haste instead (got 148 dex with gear), which should make a difference in terms of DPS and freezing occurrence (13 cast speed + 3 from inner force). Does it sound like a good idea? That would give me 59% spell cast increase in general - 28 from passives, 16 from haste and 15 from 3x frenzy (blood rage) and 98% on FP (39% from faster casting gem). IGN: AlCohonez, GhengizCohen Last edited by piotras#5522 on May 2, 2013, 7:41:19 AM
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Hi Aimless,
thank you for the great guide. I have modified the build a bit, went for Nullification and Ghost Reaver, which has worked well so far. I am currently lvl 73 and have 4.5K ES, 2.5K dps after blood rage and 75% all elementar resistance. Could you give me your advice where to go next? http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgYAAuMC_gdjB6UOSA_EEHsRLxFQEZYVUBXXFr8XVB8CIoEnqSsKLJwsvzbFO3w74UGWQsNHBkmyVkpWY1crWqZd8l9qZk9r220ZcFJw1XNTfll_xoFJghCGrofbiEKLeow2jjyPRo_6lQSZmp2jnqGio6cIpyuvm7I4tDi0xbb3uMq71r46wFHAVMEAwcXB88Lsw23VT9eG2CTbGtvn3Mfed9-E37Di9-OE5Rnmgetj7BjyHfPq9Uv79fyr I am thinking about respec the second Bloodthirst and go for Arcane Potency and Elementalist on the left. Or I can just go for projectile damage at the start and the critical chance at the first Bloodthirst or Nimbleness. What do you think make more sense? Thank you in advance! IGN: FuryKeeper
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" I'd take the increased max res over Haste any day tbh. It's amazing. " I think heading towards Arcane Potency would be the best route, then Body and Soul after that. I suppose it is a higher value 3 points than Bloodthirst, so respeccing out of BT and then getting it again later isn't a bad idea. |
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Updated to add a RF/PA section (what I'm currently playing)
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