[0.10.4b] Bow Marauder (The Shocker (tm)) [**TO BE UPDATED SOON 1.0.0**]
Should i go high elem damage thicket bow or Lioneye's glare?
ty ign: ithrowitcomesback
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" ![]() I love the PoE Statistics guys. Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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" High ED Thicket for sure. Lioneye's is for more specific builds (such as Xendrans). Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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" tnx ) gonna sell my lioneye's then ) ign: ithrowitcomesback
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I really don't like to read all the 90 Pages, so could any1 here summerize when and for what reason the build have changed to take less "increased elemental damage with weapons" passives and go instead for "inner force" and "amplify" (increased area damage)?
Is the boost so high? Would like to know that until I spend about 10 respec points... |
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" Actually whateva... Last edited by MyH4o#6914 on Feb 27, 2013, 9:07:30 AM
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ok, skels are not cutting it in cruel act3.
tooooo many fast movers that get past the skels and take out the totem. switching to iceshot totem. |
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When I started typing this, I only wanted to write whats in the first paragraph lol.
Just keep in mind that really fast guys will always be your bane. Most ranged enemies are fragile enough you can just kill them before they really do anything once you start getting endgame equip, same for most regular melee guys. Extra fast whipping miscreants are pretty much the only thing that regularly have me on my toes. Sometimes the special tentacle miscreants can too (if they spawn with the right combination of specials), but typically since they don't do their damage in a burst you can just take a step to the side and be ok. Also, this is based on maps 68 and lower, simply because despite running maps, and sitting on probably close to 40 atm, I just havent had any higher ones drop lol. I am avoiding really complaining about that like some people, as I figure when they finish A3 and start releasing bits of A4 there will be new higher level zones that drop higher level maps, and I am just at the end of the BETA's content. The only reason I bring that up at all, is because from what I have read it seems like the difficulty in maps might climb really dramatically as they get over 70, at which point my glass cannon approach might break down, I simply don't know yet lol. Judging from what I have read, my build probably falls into the category of builds that will ignore the super buffed up piety that spawns on a higher level map, but I think that subset might actually contain all builds lol. I have been mostly saving up on maps until I can do my final build comparison, because I didn't want to "waste" them on the wrong build, and even though I am fairly certain I know which one I like more, I wanted to hold myself to waiting on that. So hopefully I'll be able to report back on some higher level maps in the near future. about 1.5 levels away from the two builds being equal, then I just need to finalize a quick respec I am looking at for the tankier build. Right now it doesnt have inner force, but I spent three nodes getting 10str/armour and Energy shield/body and soul that most people don't get, and I think I don't need it to cap my resists anymore, so I am thinking of dropping that which would basically free up all the nodes I would need. I kind of don't want to do the comparison until I finalize that respec because inner force added approx 12.5% dps to my LA with current links, so that would make things really one sided. Giving up the 28% armour kinda feels like it hurts the idea of the tankier build, but I could always pick those nodes up again, and at least make up some of that due to grace getting the inner force buff. I will say that based on what I have read on higher level maps, it is entirely possible that my glass cannon plan of finishing all my damage node clusters up before grabbing the rest of my health nodes might get shifted a bit. Definitely going to get to perfect aim (and possibly the first ungated 4% bow IAS node) before making the final call, since I need that to be able to use imperial bows freely, but I might hold off on the rest of that cluster/area until I grab the 80% or so HP nodes I pass by without grabbing and planned on coming back for. But of course, by that point we are talking WAYYY in the future, because I will be hitting the leveling speed wall very shortly until they release the next set of content, so I may very well start trying to come up with a fun alt. |
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wow.. RaT/iceshot/WED/Faster attacks (all lvl1) fires pretty quicky! and does the same DPS as my LA combo with lvl10+ gems??
I guess LA's 70% dmg and LMP's -20% dmg equals out RaT's -40% dmg? edit (from Totem Wiki): When a totem casts a skill it is affected by everything that would affect the skill if it were the player casting the skill directly. This means the spell or attack gets the benefits and penalties from all the player's passive skills and equipment NICE! just thought my iceshot dmg is based on my bow alone. (from RaT wiki: It uses your currently equipped Bow or Wand for the damage.) now to get LMP and swap out Faster Attacks. i'm thinking Death's Harp would be a good bow to use. frees up LMP slots for my LA and RaT combos. edit2: Probably not for a Shocker build. More for a physical bow Ranger build. hm.. do my auras (anger/wrath) affect RaT? there's no aura under it unlike when i'm near my skels Last edited by Pi314#5955 on Feb 27, 2013, 12:34:27 PM
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Auras do boost it. It is literally as if you were firing it, just with the damage and speed penalties of the totem.
The totem itself doesn't get the aura, but since you have it, and the totem fires based on if you were firing, it gets it. |
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