[0.10.4b] Bow Marauder (The Shocker (tm)) [**TO BE UPDATED SOON 1.0.0**]
Are any high levels running this build? I'm curious how it performs on higher level maps.
EDIT: I just watched the youtube video and holy shit man you cut it close a few times. Especially around the 2:55 mark. On the surface the video makes the build look a bit risky but realizing it's SC w/o HP (and I assume low armor) might help ease my mind of this build not working on higher level maps. Also Ven I'm curious, do you typically invest time into hardcore mode for ARPGs? So much defense is gained without any passive investments by sidestepping attacks and strafe bouncing while attacking. Last edited by jdweber1982#3908 on Feb 27, 2013, 5:32:22 PM
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I have run the original build with IR and BM up to 76, and a glassier version I am going to do a comparison with up to 74.5.
So far nothing in maps has bothered me, but I still have yet to get any maps above 68. I built mine extra DPS/lower survivability and only have about 2.3 or 2.4k on the 76 build after auras(not logged in atm to double check). I think there might be one or two people that post here that have ran it higher, but I think I am one of the most vocal of the "higher" level ones. [edit] saw your edit that implies you are HC focused, and I know Vent and myself tend to avoid HC in this game due to internet issues (I tend to DC about 2-3 times over the course of a normal night, so its not worth the pain to me). Variations of this build are perfectly viable for HC, but I would make some adjustments to grab more health along the way. There are plenty of health nodes along the way that you can adjust to grab and make it more HC suitable, and if you really want survivability you could do something closer to Assur's build (it has its own thread, same general idea, but he grabs a ton of health for HC, just realize he uses a bit of a persona when posting so don't just close the thread after reading a little...) Last edited by ShadowyDream#4629 on Feb 27, 2013, 5:39:12 PM
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Minor note:
I was glancing at the variants posted in the initial thread as a result of the last poster's question, and noticed on your HC variant w/ BM there were two different 3x8% health node clusters you took. Those should not be taken until after you take the 10str+12%+12% chain you can get just to the left of blood magic. That is strictly superior to 3x8% for the same number of nodes and you didn't have it flagged in your build |
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I am lvl 75 using the build on HC, this is my tree: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgEAAnEEswUtDH0OPA6tEH8UTRRxFHUY2xkuGYUaOBpsIWAkqiftKLUpTymlMgkyiTWSNuk6UkCgQapDnEp9TshQUFRJVcZWBFb6V-JYY1nzXz9gS2CIYVJnoGe9cql0QXTtdPF35XrvfNmCm4Zgh3aMz49GkFWboZ2unrmfy6IApwinhKyquJO53cAawdjGnsbYz2XQ0NN-1I_dRt-_42rkIudS7DjuDu5v7w7vTvIv8932SPcy-Ov8xQ==
No issues so far. I'm a bit low on life but that's because my gear sucks. |
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I'm running this build now and just hit 55. I am curious, do you use totems for this? I was considering getting dual totems and am curious, will concentrated effect buff LA or is it considered a chain and not an aoe?
I was hoping to have dual LA for single target to help make sure 3 stacks of shock stay up but if concentrated effect doesn't work I would either go LMP for more aoe or fire arrow for single target (don' have elemental yet). Curious what your thoughts are for totems. |
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" it's just math. my character is level 70 doing End Game maps with the same build except I like to use Faster Attacks over Chain. |
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" Excellent information. I was close to committing to the Bow Marauder (I'm at the point where I have the core health nodes and need to decide a direction) and after reading I think I'm going to do it. The great thing about this game is the variation among builds and the high entertainment value through "starting over". I lost my 71 Wand Templar which was fun so this isn't too far from home for me. |
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Hmm, i wonder how to get enough dexterity since my last mara did not had a lot dex with lvl 66, and if blood magic is really required and if resolute techniqueskill is really that good when you have enough accuracy. Might adjust my build considerably.
Last edited by Vendy#0863 on Feb 27, 2013, 9:46:49 PM
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" huh on accuracy?! we have RT... 100% accuracy! the only way we miss if we have mouse issues :) as for Dex to use bows, i use a +40 dex light quiver, +20 onyx amulet with +10 dex, and a gold ring with +30 dex. i get the rest of the dex for thicket bows from the dex nodes on the way to IR. Last edited by Pi314#5955 on Feb 27, 2013, 11:06:32 PM
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For dex use a light quiver and an either an all stat or dex amu and grab the 30 dex nodes by BM and Static blows to get you through the early/mid game. Late game you should be able to drop the +30 dex nodes.
At Currently I have 186 dex, and I only get 20 from my amulet and 36 from my helm. By level 80 I should be able to use imperial bows without having to shuffle my equip around. Anyway, why I really logged in was to say I might need to push back my comparison write up until later this weekend, today was just really messed up. I got some good loot and currency drops, but going from 70%->100% on level 74 I had 4 deaths. 2 DC deaths, a Death when I thought a room was clear, turned to look at the TV, and when I turned back a single regular tentacle miscreant had wandered out from somewhere and killed me and my sound had been too low to hear it, and a death because I turned a blind corner into a pack of blue tentacle miscreants instead of casting a totem to check the corner before I rounded it. Last one was fairly legitimate, but definitely didn't help I was still watching TV more than the game at the time lol. Considering I got 2x as many deaths in that 1 30% stretch as I did in the previous 10 levels combined, and all those levels were all gotten on the same map (Lunaris 3), I don't think its a particularly representative sample though :p. |
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