[0.10.4b] Bow Marauder (The Shocker (tm)) [**TO BE UPDATED SOON 1.0.0**]
" They are, bums me out. Got this build to 61 in hardcore but I have to stop for now, chamber of sin skellies warping all around as desych gets worse by the day. |
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Problem with QR is that the -50% damage debuff is global and basically cancels the attack speed boost. I thought it would be a buff until I tried it and saw the numbers drop and then remembered that.
I took a quick glance at Venator's updated build, and I'd still argue that the duelist starting area gives a slightly better result than the ranger area, but its really preference based, and the extra fury charge on the ranger path will make it pretty close to a wash if you actually bother to keep them up :p. I already expressed my thoughts on amplify vs elementalist, but as I said before it really is a preference thing and there is a good case for both. Looking over my build, I atually think that I ended up with enough resistance from equipment that I could drop the body and soul I picked up which cost me 3 nodes, so I could get elementalist and amplify, and still be 2 nodes ahead by (+3 from cutting body/soul, +3 from cutting the int nodes between elementalist and celestial walker, -4 nodes to get int/amplify/2xarea of effect and re-close the loop), and I can just use one of those 2 extra nodes to grab the Savant I pass on my way to the duelist area if I still need the int... I'll have to check my resist totals later lol. On another note, I did start leveling an alt that I am just blasting through with thanks to handy me down equip from my main to test a more damage focused build without IR... Having twink gear is hilarious, I am going to break 600dps on split arrow (with just WE+Split+LoH) before finishing normal, if I bother to dig up an appropriate level 4 link to add FA or Fork it will really get crazy. Assuming I do really follow through with all that, I'll do a tree and numbers comparison when the new one catches up in level to my old one. Last edited by ShadowyDream#4629 on Feb 17, 2013, 11:10:38 PM
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One question to you VenatorPoE: I like your Ele bow build, but what if I have Lioneyes Glare als bow (250+ pdmg)? Its better an bow with 3x ele dmg or my pdmg bow? ty
IG: LittleLucas
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I have a spare GMP in my box i found some days ago and tested it shortly - couldnt see any use in more arrows to be honest. But it was Level 1 and i decided not to level it so i can use it for another char.
But maybe someone with a leveled GMP can give a comment would be very interested too. (Even LMP got expensive. Payed two chaos to get a second LMP for my lil witch ...) |
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" Lioneyes requires fundamental changes to be used to this build IMO, but it is viable. I'm not going to go deep into that, though. Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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" So should I pick some pdmg nodes, instead of some ele dmg?, thinking of using this IG: LittleLucas Last edited by Seculalucian#4147 on Feb 18, 2013, 3:58:17 AM
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" Very simply put, yeah. With Lioneye you even should utilize Iron Grip, and you might want to consider respeccing out of Resolute Technique. All things considered, if I were you I would build a build oriented around Lioneye to maximize its potential. That is, if you really like that bow so much! Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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" Ty a lot! you have a beer from me, or one exalt ig:) IG: LittleLucas
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Could somebody explain why Iron Grip isnt picked, but for some mysterious reason there are a load of points in the ranger tree? Seems extremely cost/damage ineffective!
According to the passive sheet, this build has 300 strength excluding any gear that has +str or +all attributes. 10 strength = +2% damage. 300 strength = 30x as much = +60% damage. Iron grip applies this bonus to projectiles, ergo this gives +60% projectile damage for 7 points (including all the str points you have to pick, that also makes a new bonus of +72%!! projectile damage). Now, the ranger tree. Excluding the frenzy/hp nodes (so just the points needed to get to the projectile damage) costs a total of 9 points. This gives you a whopping +31% projectile damage. Yes, you read it correctly. You're spending 2 MORE points on at minimum 41% LESS projectile damage. Am i the only one who cannot understand this? For the HP nodes you miss from ranger - there's still some unused poitns towards the shock passives, so those can be easily replaced. Attack speed as well, you can find it (how ironically) right next to iron grip. So why not cut it off after the elemental damagae nodes (so removal all the ranger points) for a total of 90 points spent ouf of 111. Then add those to Iron Grip for a total of 97 out of 111 and go from there? I believe that it should be enough to get the 3 +18% resistance nodes as well as the 3 +10% elemental damage nodes and the 4 health nodes, if you contiue from Iron Grip. Gives MORE elemental damage and MORE projectile damage, and you actually end up with slightly more hp (you now got one +12% node instead of 2x8%, so you miss 4%.. but still got 2 passive points to spent on one of the various health nodes arround, and one to spent on agility node on the way towards Iron Grip to add +30 dex for gear/gem requirements). Last edited by Xanarot#2943 on Feb 18, 2013, 7:33:43 AM
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You are not the only one, there have been dozens of posts asking about the same thing. Which is why I added a section to the OP regarding Iron Grip. Read through, I think I explained it well enough there.
On a side note, yet kinda important! I finished all the testing I wanted to do in OB, played around with several classes and tried different modes and what not, and I finally started my final marauder, which is going to get all my attention from now on. The ingame name is VenatorTheShocker, for anyone who wants to contact me there. I also have some crazy ideas about very late game, but I will elaborate more on that when I actually hit lvl80+! Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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