[0.10.4b] Bow Marauder (The Shocker (tm)) [**TO BE UPDATED SOON 1.0.0**]
" Ice Shot over Burning Arrow was more a personal preference as i don't use any of them. Haven't tried RoA with this build, but the Life gain with LA is more than enough (even without LMP). Currently running LA + Ele Dmg + Chain + Life on Hit and my healthpool never drops :) IG: ZereEK
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" huh? how?? Life on hit = +6HP per hit at lvl1. LA = 1 arrow, chain = 2 more arrows, thus +18. or does the 3 additional electrical charges released from La also each count as a hit? Last edited by Pi314#5955 on Feb 5, 2013, 11:45:07 AM
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" I have leveled my LoH to ~lvl10 before switching to bows. So the Life gained was more than 18. IG: ZereEK
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Best early game/power leveling for ranged is usually fire traps and poison arrow until you get to harder content, but for bow mara you should definitely just use 2h mace with glacial hammer or heavy strike for single target and sweep or ground slam with added fire damage to make early game a breeze. I swapped to bow when I hit act 3, right around when +fire/frost/lightning damage started showing up on gear.
As a simple guide for early game power levelling before you can actually start to make use of your talents/gems to have an actual build, go fire trap and poison arrow for ranged, glacial hammer and ground slam w/ fire damage for 2h melee, and freezing pulse + lmp (at 19) for ranged. |
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" Also by the time you get blood magic and bows you have more than enough health that your health regen can keep up. I'm getting a few more health regen nodes to help out with blood rage, but I've never had issues with depleting my health because of blood magic. |
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i just want to let anyone who doubts this build know that I soloed all the way from barracks (killing the general on the way) to killing piety in one run without dying once and it was on merciless
my gear isnt that great but i have a good bow and enough sockets to do 4 linked LA and ele hit Last edited by cashews#3499 on Feb 5, 2013, 3:21:27 PM
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" thx for the info! at what lvl can u start using 4L gear? |
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ok started using fork:
split arrow + fork + weapon elemental dmg (dont have life on hit yet) = arrows flying everywhere and only a few hitting :( LA + fork = LOW dps for some reason. switched for poison arrow + fork for zoos. burning arrow + added fire dmg + weapon element dmg for boss. just got blood magic at lvl 22. kinda sucks all that mana just goes poof. wish it was added to life. now that i have the mana, going to try RoA as zoo control. |
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Great specc! My Marauder just hit 30 and I'm ovvning up Act 3.
Currently using Split arrovv vvith Life on hit and Elemental dmg for Zoo's and it's vvorking great. Just got a fevv questions tho. VVhen is it valid to svvitch to LA? Thinking of doing it once I'm lvl 33 and can use Chain. Got a nice pair of gloves vvith RRGG linked sockets. I'll just see hovv it goes I guess. Also, are you planning on running any auras? I got Anger but can't uppgrade it any because of my current int. Can't even use VVrath yet. And finally, hovv do you go on about level gems? Just level them as long as the mana doesn't increase or just level them up as far as possible? VVould be avvesome to get some ansvvers to these questions! :> Great guide overall! Ps: My VV button on my keyboard got smashed leveling my Shadovv, thats vvhy this post might look a little bit retarded. |
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" Your vv as W made me chuckle, lol. |
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