[0.10.4b] Bow Marauder (The Shocker (tm)) [**TO BE UPDATED SOON 1.0.0**]
" Yep. Also when you get to higher level maps, Alch them, you really don't want to waste Chaos orbs or Scour+Alch just to change the "Elemental Reflect" map mod. " Well, FA will add more survivability (faster positive LoH gains) and more DPS. Now considering that IIQ/IIR do not affect drops of Maps within maps, on that front you are better off using FA to clear the map faster. " Absolutely viable! As said countless times, I really want people to understand that forum builds are not to be followed blindly, but to be used as guidelines and templates for your own builds! Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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" As said already, the Frenzy totem will not generate charges. " Sadly the provided information is not enough to tell you what to focus on. Maybe you just need better gear? Your resistances should be maxed out in Merciless Act 3, and your HP should be higher as well. Try generating Frenzy Charges to boost up the DPS. " I prefer to kill all the other packs slightly faster, because they make up for about 99% of the monster population, giving me overall faster clear speed for any area. Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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Hey ! Nice build and really nice follow-up.
I have a question. I run the 7 auras / phys conv build, so I need BM gems on LA and frenzy. Currently, I have both chest (pure EV) and bow with 5L RRGGG... Here are the choice i face : LA + FA + LMP + WED + BM OR LA + LMP + chain + LgoH + BM Won't the dps drop on the secund setup be to painfull ? I'm farming lvl 66-68 maps and i'm feeling safe enough with 3k5 hp, 83% all ele res, 150+hp/s and 10k armor. |
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With regards to ele reflect maps i just swap out WED for life leech.
and on a similar note ive found life leech to be better than loh. My LA dps with auras is around without any rarity gear 4800 (wrath level 19, anger 17) no inner force and life leech seems much more consistent than loh. also is anyone wealthy enough to use koams heart as a part of their build? maybe even run purity and or haste even with blood magic keystone IGN: Arlianth Check out my LA build: 1782214 Last edited by Nephalim#2731 on Mar 20, 2013, 2:37:44 PM
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" Neither! Go for LA + LMP + WED + LGoH + BM. Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
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Question about LoH vs LL. Will LL ever be better then LoH with LA? I am going to test it out on my lunch break here soon but would like some more opinions!
IGN: Dmillz
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" I know this is the best for a 5L BM gems user. But the thing is i have 2 "pure green" 5L. How many chrom will it cost me to roll 2 on 3 off socketss, with all 3 off red ? " I don't think it will... Linked with chain + LMP, the dps of each projectiles (who all trigger LgoH) won't be high enough to make LL > LgoH. On the counterpart, frenzy/EH is monodps so on this LL>LgoH. Last edited by Garathion#2274 on Mar 20, 2013, 2:58:34 PM
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" The only reason why LoH is used is the instant regeneration perk. Vaal Pact can provide that for LL, but then you have to change the build around. Quality Life Leech would help a lot if you do not have Vaal Pact. If you want to go for really high DPS (this build does not really aim to do that, but to control the damage output), Life Leech and Vaal Pact become mandatory. So generally speaking, I don't quite prefer the "choice in the middle" - going for medium DPS and Life Leech without Vaal Pact. If you want to go the Life Leech route, you are still advised to take care that your mana costs and elemental reflect don't hit you for over 20% (or up to 30% with quality LL) of your maximum HP per second. (don't count life regeneration bonuses in this - you always want to be in positive regeneration, and counting this in will just skew your results!) EDIT: and as pointed out above, all the "negative" damage scaling modifiers (such as -50% from Chain) do not affect LoH at all, but multiply it, so it fits very nicely in the whole LA character " Well, you should give it a shot. It will probably cost quite a few chromatics, but the end result is well worth it... Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid. Last edited by VenatorPoE#1855 on Mar 20, 2013, 3:07:23 PM
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If anyone is interested:
LA DPS with my ele thicket: 2956 3.75 ASP LA DPS with 172% PD 19 % IAS lionseye glare: 2662 3.82 ASP
Theory phys build:
IGN: Arlianth Check out my LA build: 1782214 Last edited by Nephalim#2731 on Mar 20, 2013, 8:12:06 PM
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when u update your OP, can you put a little blurb as to what changed from the previous version? i kinda liked the version #'s u had at the bottom of you guide. |
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