The Exiled Clan <TEC> - Still Recruiting - Apply Now!
Whenever you guys on just idle in the channel so we can always discuss guild related things if need be.
Nothing is true. All is permitted.
Resist. Unlearn. Defy. [] |
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Yep I just chill in the channel. I won't be on there tonight though, I'm going out.
IGN: SpudOfDoom | The Exiled - Path Of Exile's oldest clan
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Clan Update - 24th July 2011
The results of the Clan IRC Meeting has been posted on the the clansite on the Events page. All members please ensure you comment on the decisions made and provide feedback. The feedback deadline is Wednesday 27th July 10am NZ Time, where you may provide feedback and object to those decisions made. After this time, if the decisions are not challanged they will be passed as accepted by all. We will begin nominations for the key roles from Wednesday Night onwards via the Clansite. --Purepower signing off The Exiled Clan Recruiting all new players now! |
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I applied -crosses fingurs- o:
"...You know the difference between arrogance and confidence?
Confidence can back its shit up." -Charan |
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Clan Update - 27th July 2011
IRC Meeting Feedback Thanks to all members who posted feedback regarding the recent Clan IRC Metting and the decisions made. As the cut off for feedback was earlier today, all items are now seen to be accepted by all (even those that did not comment) with further clearification on: Clan Tag - Covert has suggested [TEC] as an alternate to the originally propsed [Exiled] or [EX]. Also the need for a PvE and PvP Officer, rather than the proposed Scribe (would would be responsible soley for all clan events). These two points of challange will be decussed further via the Clansite Event page. Nominations With the acceptace of the Clan Structure and key roles (excluding the to be decided Pve/PvP officer) all Clan Roles are now open for nomination. So jump onto the Clansite's event page and get nominating. Please be aware that when nominating someone other than yourself - that person has the right to decline (we wouldnt want to force a position onto an unwilling clan member). Nominations will close this Sunday Night ( Sunday 31st July 10pm NZ time) Next IRC Meeting It is planned to have as many members as possible online Sunday 31st at 10pm, to welcome in our new Clan Leader, 2nd In Command's, Treasurer and Scribe (and possibly a PvE/PvP officer if needed) Any of the PoE community that wish to join us for the reading of the nomination results and appointments, in the PoE IRC are more than welcome. New Members It's our pleasure to welcome the following members: anderdouche (USA) Grreennhorn (NZ) HonourKnight (NZ) Syntax (S.Africa) Silenoz (NZ) (Can Grreennhorn (DurkaDurkaMahammajihad for those in Alpha) please PoE PM me- Thanks) Great to have you guys onboard and we look forward to seeing you ingame soon! --Purepower signing off The Exiled Clan Recruiting all new players now! Last edited by purepower#3158 on Jul 27, 2011, 3:28:46 AM
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Awesome, I made it in -fist pump-
"...You know the difference between arrogance and confidence?
Confidence can back its shit up." -Charan |
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Submitted my nominations, might change it if I get new ideas. We need to get some more activity in the forums here. I guess a few of you guys are busy in the alpha areas of the forum. If there's any position you're interested in, PM me or something so I can have some more options to choose from for my vote.
IGN: SpudOfDoom | The Exiled - Path Of Exile's oldest clan
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Great One - Thanks Spud and the other members that have nominated so far...
Still more to come, results will be very interesting! The Exiled Clan Recruiting all new players now! |
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Still quite a few people who should be sending in their nominations at the moment. I really suggest everybody who cares to send in their nominations before it closes.
I imagine after this there will be some kind of voting process for contested places? I'm sure there will be some deserving people who end up missing out and get a bit upset. IGN: SpudOfDoom | The Exiled - Path Of Exile's oldest clan
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INGAME NAME: ColdFire107 or WookieInTheMist. LOCATION: Christchurch,New Zealand AGE: 14 in 2 days TOP GAMES:All of the elder scrolls,Titan Quest,Diablo1+2 TIME SPENT GAMING: either 6 or 7 years I am looking forward to everything in PoE espicially(sorry for spelling if incorrect) PvP and PvE ACE Member.
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