I actually Quitted because of this.

Scamming is difficult to deal with in games. There's always two stories (or more than that), most incomplete, and it eats up staff time. Then there are cases where people "borrow" and "lend" things, or make agreements that one party breaks, etc. That eats up even more staff time. Even if they only helped in some scamming cases, there'd still be numerous reports to wade through.

I understand why you feel the way you do, and I can't say I'd feel differently. I also agree that letting scamming go unchecked encourages it, and leads to a community where the nasties thrive and decent players get pushed out, but I also understand GGG's limitations.
GGG are in no way obligated to reimburse your friend with currency or his items that he willingly gave away.

This has absolutely nothing to do with customer service and everything to do with yours and his perception of what should be done to cover his stupidity in trusting a stranger.

Your friend only has himself to blame for this, despite it being a dick move by who ever it was you traded the item/s to, there was nothing technically "wrong" with what he did.

My friend doesn'T want his shit back he wants to see the RMTer BANNED. Is this hard to understand?
And this is reason why you should play on 4month hardcore league.
Xantaria wrote:
GGG are in no way obligated to reimburse your friend with currency or his items that he willingly gave away.

This has absolutely nothing to do with customer service and everything to do with yours and his perception of what should be done to cover his stupidity in trusting a stranger.

Your friend only has himself to blame for this, despite it being a dick move by who ever it was you traded the item/s to, there was nothing technically "wrong" with what he did.

My friend doesn'T want his shit back he wants to see the RMTer BANNED. Is this hard to understand?

see my edit.
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
And how is he a proven RMT'r? did the items turn up on an RMT site and if so how would you know unless you or your friend RMT?

He sold the Items to [Removed by Admin] (well known crafter) so [Removed by Admin] could tell us about that. Then another friend later cornered him and he admitted to stealing the items and RMTing the currency he got from [Removed by Admin]. We have that on video. That's how we know.
Last edited by Brian_GGG#0000 on Jan 20, 2014, 8:09:15 AM
This isn't "bad support"... it's support that doesn't do what you tell them to do with THEIR game. You come off as a spoiled brat who got burnt because he was sheltered from the real world by helicopter parents.
This isn't "bad support"... it's support that doesn't do what you tell them to do with THEIR game. You come off as a spoiled brat who got burnt because he was sheltered from the real world by helicopter parents.

Real Money/External Trading

Buying and selling items or accounts for real money or external currencies (such as Forum Gold) is not allowed and we will ban people who attempt to engage in it in-game or on the pathofexile.com forums.

The following things are examples of behaviour that could get you banned under this rule:

Posting a trade thread where you ask for things other than Path of Exile items in exchange for your gear.
Offering people money or external currencies in exchange for their Path of Exile items or accounts.
Advertising external item sales sites. It's best to avoid mentioning them by name.
Running a service where you sell items or accounts to people for things other than Path of Exile items.

... I'm asking for them to stick to their own rules. thx for your very CONSTRUCTIVE part of the discussion though.
Last edited by Xantaria#3019 on Jan 20, 2014, 8:10:21 AM
Xantaria wrote:
stealing the items.

Now this I would like to know.
How can I steal items in PoE?! It would be fun, just for some quick trolling. Someone preparing to enter a difficult 78 map just to discover that they are completely naked.
Of course..., I'll return the items later. It would just be for the laughs right there and then.
--== Enjoying the game ==--
He sold the Items to [Removed by Admin] (well known crafter) so [Removed by Admin] could tell us about that. Then another friend later cornered him and he admitted to stealing the items and RMTing the currency he got from [Removed by Admin]. We have that on video. That's how we know.

Lmao mods, he did not name and shame in the first two [removed by admin]...

The last [removed by admin] is right, however the first two make no sense.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
the edit makes no sense at all because I just named the guy who gave him the currency he later RMT'd. Nothing wrong with that guy...

and @Twiiik just ... stop ... ok?

I don't have time to occupy this thread any further, turn it in what you want, I don't care.
Last edited by Xantaria#3019 on Jan 20, 2014, 8:14:58 AM

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