Iron Reflexes + Leather and Steel

L&S is worth it only if the Armor would be notably less convenient (ex. heading to the Ranger zone or Mana Flows; L&S is right on the way), or if you already have the Armor. :P
Additionally, if you don't use Iron Reflexes, they're perfect.
Im not so good with english, so let me see if i understand it:
If i take L+S it will look smth like that:
armour + 24% armour from L+S
evason + 24% evason from L+s

Is this is right ?

And for final, if you have Iron Reflex, Steel Skin-s bonuses are better right ?
Hello PoE Forum.

This is my first Post around here and I hope you can help me to solve my confusion.

Total Armour = Base Amour *(1 + Armour% + "Armour and evasion %") + Base Evasion *(1 + Evasion% + Armour% + "Armour and Evasion%")

Seems to be to common formula for culculating the Total Armout using IR.

I'm playing a shadow(49) with the following stats:

261 dex (52,2% Eva increase)
BaseArmour from Items: 653
BaseEvasion from Items: 482

Pasivskills: Iron Reflexes ONLY (no Steel Skin/L&S or something)


Currently the games says, my Total-Armour is 1684

According to the formula:
Total Armour = 653*(1+ 0+ +0) + 482*(1+0,522+ 0 + 0 )
= ~1387

Could you be so kindly to explain me the difference between this two numbers?

(BTW: For my defence: I'm going for Armour/Eva Gear + Ironreflexes Build and now looking for matching passiv skills. -> Unwavering Stance is reachable Aim p.e.
Do you have any Recommendations for further skills - such as L&S/ Steel Skin?
For hybrid gear L&S seems pretty beneficial in my opinion..)

Many thanks in advance for your help :)


Pure Armour Skills seems even more benifical because of the greater percentages right?
p.e. 10% increased armour > 8% Armour and Eva.
Last edited by TaintedStrike#5603 on Feb 7, 2013, 2:58:39 PM
TaintedStrike wrote:
Hello PoE Forum.

This is my first Post around here and I hope you can help me to solve my confusion.

Total Armour = Base Amour *(1 + Armour% + "Armour and evasion %") + Base Evasion *(1 + Evasion% + Armour% + "Armour and Evasion%")

Seems to be to common formula for culculating the Total Armout using IR.

I'm playing a shadow(49) with the following stats:

261 dex (52,2% Eva increase)
BaseArmour from Items: 653
BaseEvasion from Items: 482

Pasivskills: Iron Reflexes ONLY (no Steel Skin/L&S or something)


Currently the games says, my Total-Armour is 1684

According to the formula:
Total Armour = 653*(1+ 0+ +0) + 482*(1+0,522+ 0 + 0 )
= ~1387

Could you be so kindly to explain me the difference between this two numbers?

(BTW: For my defence: I'm going for Armour/Eva Gear + Ironreflexes Build and now looking for matching passiv skills. -> Unwavering Stance is reachable Aim p.e.
Do you have any Recommendations for further skills - such as L&S/ Steel Skin?
For hybrid gear L&S seems pretty beneficial in my opinion..)

Many thanks in advance for your help :)


Pure Armour Skills seems even more benifical because of the greater percentages right?
p.e. 10% increased armour > 8% Armour and Eva.

Pure armour passives are more beneficial since for the same 9 points (3 nodes at marauder+2 steel skin groupings) gives 41 more percent armor for the same 9 points in the 2 L+S groupings. However if you happen to pick up any ER modifiers that will make IR worth it with pure evasion gear. As those nodes would now be as effective as pure armour passives.

What I am wondering, and I think this is the case which would be a little sad is that Dexterity does not increase ER but the actual dodge chance by a percentage. I would hope that it would be a percentage increase to ER making IR even more worth it.
What I'm more concerned about is whether these buffs stack. Like if I took all my evasion/energy shield buffs as a Shadow, got iron reflexes then picked up some armour buffers.

The implied sentiment is that everything is applied before the result of the buffs, so:

Evasion *(1+Evasion Buffs) = X

X= Total Armour

Rather than

Evasion *(1+Evasion Buffs)= X

X*Armour Buffs = Total Armour

^This is obviously what I want and why I've planned so far into Duelist/Marauder trees.

Although I can understand the idea that Leather and Steel is applied ONLY once for a net buff of 24% over your armour and evasion values, but it just makes it less enticing. I mean a straight up 24% buff is always awesome, but a 53.8% buff is really really tasty looking and worth planning in :P
TaintedStrike wrote:
Hello PoE Forum.

This is my first Post around here and I hope you can help me to solve my confusion.

Total Armour = Base Amour *(1 + Armour% + "Armour and evasion %") + Base Evasion *(1 + Evasion% + Armour% + "Armour and Evasion%")

Seems to be to common formula for culculating the Total Armout using IR.

I'm playing a shadow(49) with the following stats:

261 dex (52,2% Eva increase)
BaseArmour from Items: 653
BaseEvasion from Items: 482

Pasivskills: Iron Reflexes ONLY (no Steel Skin/L&S or something)


Currently the games says, my Total-Armour is 1684

According to the formula:
Total Armour = 653*(1+ 0+ +0) + 482*(1+0,522+ 0 + 0 )
= ~1387

Could you be so kindly to explain me the difference between this two numbers?

(BTW: For my defence: I'm going for Armour/Eva Gear + Ironreflexes Build and now looking for matching passiv skills. -> Unwavering Stance is reachable Aim p.e.
Do you have any Recommendations for further skills - such as L&S/ Steel Skin?
For hybrid gear L&S seems pretty beneficial in my opinion..)

Many thanks in advance for your help :)


Pure Armour Skills seems even more benifical because of the greater percentages right?
p.e. 10% increased armour > 8% Armour and Eva.

You have to count evasion from levels too. Each character have 50+3*lvl evasion rating.
So in your case it makes 50+3*49=197.

Your evasion becomes 197+482=679
and your final armour = 653+679*(1+0.52)=1685
jpax87 wrote:
What I'm more concerned about is whether these buffs stack. Like if I took all my evasion/energy shield buffs as a Shadow, got iron reflexes then picked up some armour buffers.

The implied sentiment is that everything is applied before the result of the buffs, so:

Evasion *(1+Evasion Buffs) = X

X= Total Armour

Rather than

Evasion *(1+Evasion Buffs)= X

X*Armour Buffs = Total Armour

^This is obviously what I want and why I've planned so far into Duelist/Marauder trees.

Although I can understand the idea that Leather and Steel is applied ONLY once for a net buff of 24% over your armour and evasion values, but it just makes it less enticing. I mean a straight up 24% buff is always awesome, but a 53.8% buff is really really tasty looking and worth planning in :P

I thought that this was implied from my explanation, or there would be no point in taking pure armor passives at all.

here is the simple way its done with IR:

base armor * any passive with the word armor = value 1

base evasion * any passive with the word evasion rating * any passive with ONLY, ONLY, ONLY the word armor in it = value 2

1+2= final armor

So yes armor only passives do effect evasion when using IR and makes it so you can wear 3 different types of armor and still get the full benefit of all armor however there are some very large evasion rating clusters, 2 right behind the ranger starting nodes (3 nodes for 50%/5 for 70%) and the the one in the ranger starting node (4x for 48) couple that with the 3 point L+S and with pure evasion gear you can get a total 373% to the evasion portion, 437% if you get the other L+S. Thats almost twice the multiplier to armor when using pure armor gear and armor% increases(including L+S passives).

oh and forgot to mention the frenzy charges giving 4% per charge if specced ... but only if you wanted to used them 5x your armor value should be enough.
Last edited by triagic7#1880 on Feb 7, 2013, 10:46:08 PM
Many thanks to triagic7 and Kissan.

To get things straight:

Total Armour = Base Amour *(1 + Armour% + "Armour and evasion %") + Base Evasion *(1 + Evasion% + Armour% + "Armour and Evasion%")

Total Armour = Base Amour *(1 + Armour% + "Armour and evasion %") + Base Evasion *(1 + Evasion% + Armour%)

Many Post disagree in the function of "L&S" and IR..

Im more sure about my future passivs now.

I know that this is not a thread for discussing a character build.
But I would like to post my current skilltree of my Shadow.

Maybe somebody has any comment or advice for me according to the final defence-attributes I will achieve.

I planed to focus on a combination of dual wielding+Frenzy+Flicker Strike+Blood Rage+Duel Strike/Any matching (fast) Attack Skill, lifeleech. (A specialization in one weapon type later, if they are any skillpoint left, after reaching the necessary defence/health cap)

Furthermore to utilize IR, I planed to reach "Unwavering stance" and the near defence skills.

Right now i'm doing fine in cruel, even while playing in groups. Except for large groups/champions of casters etc. of course..

So... In your opinion: Is it a good choice to keep my track our sould I reconsider?
(I'm still pretty insecure how to achieve a good element resistance in the lategame)

Last edited by TaintedStrike#5603 on Feb 8, 2013, 7:26:33 AM
I think its fine, play how you want as long as it works. Have you considered trying out EK with point blank+conc effect+life leech+mana leech since you so close to the node, would give you an added option on larger packs. I would definitely go for the armor nodes by the berserker node. plus there is that huge L+S node ... although tbh for the points the payout is not worth it over the L+S in the duelist tree right next to you, grab the HP and regen nodes and get the other steel skin as well and you would be pretty good on armor.

This is just how I would do it without putting alot of thought into the balance of everything, so if you do not like anything just ignore it. As far as resists, the big ones are on the other side of the node map so you are going to have to supplement with gear.

i'm still kinda confused..

say i have this magic chest piece that has both armour and evasion in it. it has the magic attribute "+21% to armour and evasion", and has both its armour and evasion values in blue, meaning the attribute was applied to both at the same time. the values in blue are both 121, meaning the base armour and evasion values of the chest piece were both 100.

going with this, if i took IR right then and there, the evasion value of my chest piece would then be folded over into my armour value, which would then be sitting at 242 armour. in this case, i would've effectively doubled my armour rating, yes?

but what happens when the armour and evasion values on that chest piece was NOT in equal value? say, the base armour value is at 100, and the base evasion value is at 80? with the "+21% to armour and evasion" attribute, i'd be looking at 121 armour and 97 evasion. so right then and there, the prospect of doubling my armour rating is blown out of the water...

is my line of thinking correct? O_o'

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