New Trading System IN MARCH 2014?!
I'd put bumping this thread on the same level as "name and shame". Their plans changed. Get over it. The trading system will happen if and when it happens. Bumping this thread to shame GGG says more about you than it does about them.
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" Lol, that's pretty spot on. I can see the cynicism coming along here. GGG values trading so high in their game design but the trade system in place is the worst, archaic at best. It's ridiculous how long they hold off to show any progress whatsoever. It does feel indeed like no progress is made at all on that front. I am glad that I don't need to trade often. Although I'd love to trade more but with this shitty system in place? No thanks. You can keep your high-level content you put so much production effort into. I'll scrub along low-level instead of forcing myself through ridiculous gear walls. @lol at shags. Name and shame? Really? Last edited by Nightmare90#4217 on Jul 22, 2014, 9:34:58 AM
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" Did they ever mention what the holdup is? I'd suspect they either realized they were wasting dev resources to build a system that is inferior to what we already have, or they realized that their system could be exploited to drastically reduce market friction. But, if they've actually posted something about it, would love to read it, rather than just speculate. No. Calm down. Learn to enjoy losing.
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Yeah im not reading all of this but i think AH/whatever they are doing will be a good thing but also maybe bad (but this is the games fault really)
More people who don't trade may now trade = good things More people will be selling same things so more people try to buy better items = sort of bad for the bad end of the items More items and more people at higher lvls = less lower lvl items being sold This is all really just how the game works it isn't the trading systems fault The only way to fix most of this is to be able to sell items back to npcs at the cost of what players would buy them for but then you wouldn't need to trade with players |
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It wouldn't be so bad if we could get updates on the progress more often than once or twice a year... It wouldn't even have to be overly detailed, just a "the plan is still on", "we are working on it", "coding is almost done", "we're currently testing on the internal servers" would be nice.
Exit, pursued by a Plummeting Ursa.
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It's probably internal conflict of philosophy. That's why we don't hear about it. They have likely tried a number of different things that weren't just right.
It's because the game is at it's heart a solo game. People trade, and people will continue to. But the roots of the game come from a solo dungeon crawl and they want to remain true to these roots. There's something going on within the mix of personalities at GGG that's keeping this from happening. It might never happen. They could put on an auction house. But someone doesn't want that. They could put in a mail-an-item system, kind of like what Hellgate London did, but they don't want to. I really hope what ever they come up with doesn't ruin the game. |
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I'd still guess they simply didn't consider all the consequences of what they were building, and once they realized the implications it would have on their 'philosophy', they had to go back to the drawing board. Hopefully it's an internal conflict, though, as that wouldn't speak to competence.
No. Calm down. Learn to enjoy losing.
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" Reading this the system planned is perfect for this game. It reads like the Steam Trading Interface and I'd love to handle some trades with this system in place, even if I just sell some crap level gear for some change. But it seems they are really not done on this for a long time. We got confirmation on a Market tab on the noticeboard, really sounds like a cheap workaround. :( Last edited by Nightmare90#4217 on Jul 22, 2014, 10:15:30 AM
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" If they allow trading to be performed through the website, unattended buyouts enter the economy in the form of forum bots. I can't help but think they realized this after they created their system, and are now in the process of ripping out the forum based stuff so they can at least put the cross-instance part in. Again, just speculation, but that's all we've really got. No. Calm down. Learn to enjoy losing.
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I've had it all explained to me numerous times and I still don't get it. I get that there are technical complications or whatever, but in the meantime, I don't understand why they don't simply offer their own versions of the tools that are currently available; and Procurement.
I hate using procurement, I have to do exactly what GGG tells me not to do; enter my password into a third party program, and if I lose all my shit they will undoubtedly blame me for it. But what else can I do? I'm not going to spend 20 mins searching through my stash every time I want to find a gem when I can just type in its name and be told where it is. I'm not going to keep hassling GGG staff to find my missing mtx's for me when I can just click a filter and be shown where they all are. Like I said, I just don't get it. With all due respect to the people who made these tools, it's not rocket science and it shouldn't be a huge amount of work. If the planned trading system is a huge amount of work and won't be completed for another year or whatever, then give us something to use in the meantime. Please. |
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