Why have you stopped playing?

Desync is the #1 reason I quit, the #2 reason is that it got a little boring and dull farming hundreds of hours without getting any decent drops whatsoever and only wasting currency in the process.

Oh, #3 reason is that school & work limited my free time, and the #4 reason would be I got myself an xbox one :D

BUT I actually made a nooby character to play while I liquidated my accounts when I quit a month ago - I've been doing a couple maps here and there with a buddy of mine when I have extra extra spare time (not spent on my xb1) and I'll play for a bit while I'm downloading a movie or something.

I'm sure I'll play when act 4 comes out or something, or new content. But I can only hope desync is touched up before then. After that, fix the drop rates. All in time though =).
game started crashing - couldn't get thru a zone
I stopped playing (for a few hours, anyway) to:

1) Theory-craft a build. I came up with a Split Arrow + Summoner Scion. I'll start leveling her tomorrow, once I think up a name for her.

2) Boil water and throw it out my front door; It is currently -9F where I am (before windchill), so when you throw boiling water outside, it turns instantly into snow.

3) Watch a movie before going to bed (it's already 3am).

4) Eat a cookie.
"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it's what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Mewtwo
I stop playing when I've had 1 (or 10) too many beers.
Many lewt.
Much desync.
Such rewarding.
According to forum mods "sandwich" is considered an offensive word. Who knew?
I stopped playing because I can play games like that only for a while. In D2 it was 6-10 weeks max, then all chars got deleted and a year or two later I started from scratch. Been much, much longer here now, but playing a REAL game now (that's how it always feels to me after playing lootgrinders): King's Bounty - The Legend.
taking a bit of break too cos killed by few multiproj voidbears in cruel docks (3.5k life,200 regen, was just testing a new armor quick and had only 50 fire res ) melted me in like 1-2 seconds
Ign: LavaMosse
TimeZone: GMT+2
Been having ragebreaks.

I'm in my 70s in terms of level. MF summoner Scion build. Chest armor isn't fully optimized, IIR/Q not very high. Broke as all hell, almost everything I have is self-found (bought legacy facebreaker for another character). Invest in 100+ chrom and fusing through hard work (and I consider it as such as I don't know ANYTHING about what to trade and how to trade effectively). Still can't get chest armor to 6S much less 6L.

Yeah, ragebreaks.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
boring endgame
Шось? (IGN: Owner)
I usually take a 1-2 day playing** break if a beloved character hits a wall.

No, not if. When.

Then I look at the Skilldrasil and find something else I want to try.

Rinse and repeat.

The important thing is I always enjoy the bits before the wall, even though I know it's waiting for my head sooner or later.

Hypothetically, there is one thing GGG could do, or rather not do, that would have me quit entirely. I won't say what it is or when I want it done by because that'd be blackmail, and I'm not into that. I've pushed it with them repeatedly, so we'll see. I have my own internal deadline for when it should be addressed, after which point I will quit until it is addressed. I hope this is also When, not If.

** I sort of run a fairly large guild, so I've been known to just sit in guild chat some days.
Predecessor! Paragon is BACK.
Finished Dragons Dogma 2 at 327 hours, 9 playthroughs. Loved every minute.
Holy shit, Assassins Creed ARPG trilogy isnt shit. 3D titan quest with better writing?
Dungeon Encounters is brilliant. Square Enix should stop banking on bloatjunk like ffxvi and ff7r.
Because I had to go to work!

But no worries, I'll be back tonight when the kids are gone to bed :)
3.3 RF Trickster SSF HC guide :


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