1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD

NinjaArabStrategist wrote:

zanik93 wrote:
I'm doing more dmg with Lightning Strike than any other aoe skill with this build

Random EleBow will deal ten times more damage than you do with LS. Constructive critique please. "U nup, with uber-perfect eq and 90lvl CI witch has moar survivabiltiy and moar damag u nab!" posts are not conctructive, you know?

Dont really know what you meant? What I meant is why would you use Ground Stomp not Lightning Strike. Don't really know what upset you that much lol.
Ground Slam if saver and its easier/cheaper in terms of equipment.
I can't imagine newbie that can afford Greater Multiple Projectiles
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/73928 <-- [Newbie Friendly] Marauder Melee Build
IGN: NinjaArabStrategist
I dont get it. Ground slam aoeing seems to be way less effective than just killing things one by one.
I'm sporting 80% chance to hit, but i still hardly hit things when i try to bunch up a lot of mobs. Probably desync issues, mobs not actually where they're shown.
Last edited by rhds#6502 on Dec 7, 2016, 2:25:40 PM
its sucks
little life, useless armor, even more useless evasion, useless damage nodes, useless stun duration, no charges, useless mana cost redutcion
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/73928 <-- [Newbie Friendly] Marauder Melee Build
IGN: NinjaArabStrategist
NinjaArabStrategist wrote:
Ground Slam if saver and its easier/cheaper in terms of equipment.
I can't imagine newbie that can afford Greater Multiple Projectiles

Well I'm using ur build with LS + Life dmg on hit + Weapon elemental dmg and I have like 200-400 dps more than Ground Slam
zanik93 wrote:
NinjaArabStrategist wrote:
Ground Slam if saver and its easier/cheaper in terms of equipment.
I can't imagine newbie that can afford Greater Multiple Projectiles

Well I'm using ur build with LS + Life dmg on hit + Weapon elemental dmg and I have like 200-400 dps more than Ground Slam
And did you take into account that your projectiles can't hit more than 1 target, effectively hardcapping the DPS, whereas groundslam can hit everything in the area?
I started playing OB and find very helpful this guide, its a perfect introduction to the marauder.
Last edited by krilin#4380 on Jan 29, 2013, 11:41:38 AM
Have you thought of taking the Lava Lash node? (30% Inc. Fire Damage) since you're already using the added fire damage support gem.
Gives too little additional damage
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/73928 <-- [Newbie Friendly] Marauder Melee Build
IGN: NinjaArabStrategist

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