1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD


There is really not anything "wrong" with your gear. Life on belt is low and medium on boots, but you have high values on all other gear except from the jewellery, so it's ok.
There are always better gear ofc, but personally i don't see any shortcomings :)
Having said that, i think that at least one 5L is appropriate for your level and would help your DPS.

You could also try Multistrike or Faster Attacks. FasterA might give you a small dmg boost if you used it instead of AddFire (not sure - depends on your tree/gear), but the best would be to replace Life Leech:

Assuming you have 4K life, the maximum rate you can leech life is 800/sec (20% of life).
You do 10K dmg with HS and lets suppose you have a round 16% LL, that is 1600 per attack (so it takes 2sec to leech it all).
If you could do 15K dmg but remove the LL gem and drop to 8% total leech, then you will have 1200/attack. That is still over the 20% rate limit, so you will gain the full 800 in the first sec and the rest after that. Now since you do more than 1.3 attacks/sec, you will always leech the same 800/sec you did in the first case, no loss of leech/sec :)
I am not 100% sure about this (but sure enough to post it) and you should check it out for yourself, but even if i am wrong personally i would still take the 50% dmg increase (if it can be done ofc) for a bit less leech.

Also note that the LL from the Carnage Heart (and other gear stats) is only from physical dmg! Life leeched from the LL gem, is from all types of dmg.
So with your current setup (for HS) you leech 7.9% of your total dmg, plus 8% of your phys dmg from the Heart.
That means that if you replace the AddFire gem with MultiS or FasterA, for the same amount of DPS you will leech more life and that is a fact! Not a huge amount more, but more none the less ;)

Last edited by Monty_The_3rd#6672 on Dec 11, 2013, 5:56:51 PM

I have a question regarding which gems to get. In a perfect world where you have 6l weapon and body armor, with 4l on our helmet, boots and gloves, which gems are best to aim for, taking into account my passive skill tree is the one seen in the first post?
Monty_The_3rd wrote:

What is your current tree/gear?

I don't agree with your streamer:
Do you have a Granite flask? You use it? I get from 11K to 28K with mine and believe me there is a difference!
Also i run Hatred+Grace, but when someone in the party runs Determination i get from 11K to 20K, there is a difference there too...
Maybe he was referring to the diminishing returns effect, which is true:
A 2K AR increase that gets you from 2K to 4K is a big improvement (doubles your AR), were a 2K increase from 12K to 14K is not even noticeable...

Ye im sorry, let me rephrase, any small differene in AR above 11k is like nothig so its kinda useless to get more nods for armor while u're like 70-80 lvl

Monty_The_3rd wrote:

Cool build you have made, with that life it would be a better match for a Hardcore build than the OP's imo :)
Still kind of lacking in AR and DPS though (losing both Acceleration and Berserking isn't that great):
(with same gear as in my previous post)
3838 AR + 650 EV
HS 12.945 DPS
6125 life (wow!)
I would love to see that with "proper" gear on, who cares about AR and a bit lower DPS when you can have over 6K life with crap gear :)

Eh meh..i rly didnt notive i didnt get Berserking..im sad now..got to get bers atleast....
btw my tree and build and gem build atm is kinda crappy and messed...there are A LOT of changes i wanna make but im kinda out of time right know to grind on it...
btw here's my current stuff

HP: 4989
All Elem. Res: 75
Chaos Res: -49 //lololololo :P
Using Hatred & Determination
Armor: 7657
Evasion: 1158 (not using IR yet)
HS: 10821
IB: 7012 (its lower lvl tho :/ since i recently changed my mind about GS and dropped it)
About my gems, i want to get IR and get my self my grace gem instead of determ. im lvling an inc. dur gem so i can double socket-link it so i use it manually bcs i dont wanna get it on CWDT...feels like my EndCharges goes away for free..im just gonna use it manually.
Im not sure yet if i want to buy a multi for HS..i recently removed enfeeble bcs its like it gets confused with Warlords and i find warlords kinda more useful

Tree, as i said...way too messed up...i need to fix it..


PS: I saw the build again, and im not sure if 200 hp are worth 800dmg...guess not...bersek wont be needed u i guess ^^

And thats how i want my build look like if i ever reach 100 :P :P(even tho i know by tomorrow ill have an other opinion)

Last edited by DjNanos#2615 on Dec 11, 2013, 11:55:27 PM
Really enjoying this build so far and was lucky to have been donated some currency from a friend that quit recently. Still only lvl59 so still some way to go. I want to try and achieve high dps with sufficient AR/HP/Res

My build so far


My gear

My stats

@ 7.5k GS
@ 10k HS
@ 2900 HP
@ 3000 AR
75/75/75 res
Also still using BM so no auras

What path would I take to continuing maximising DPS without killing my survivability too much?

My armor will go up as I have this

when I eventually get to lvl 62

Thanks in advance for any suggestions
Last edited by kurOsawa79#3539 on Dec 12, 2013, 1:28:48 AM
--- Disclaimer: i am not an expert! ---

I really could not tell, and it would only be my personal opinion based on my personal preferences anyways...
Stick to the gems that the guide suggests, as long as you don't use anything crazy like WeaponEleDmg (in this build), then you will be ok :)

About armor, well there is the diminishing returns rule in every stat, but it's the stacking of mods that makes the difference:
Only one +10% life/dmg/armor node will not make much of a difference, but a build that stacks 20 of those nodes will be better than a build that only stacks 14 of them, then the difference matters...

That is (part of) why i am reluctant to suggest the use of IR to people:
Personally i didn't follow this build until very late, and i took IR very early (around lvl60) because it was much closer and easier to get pre-release.
Now that it's so far away, i am not sure if it's worth it (it's not if you go strait for that without taking useful nodes along the way imo). I am not even so sure if it's worth it as a node (even if you are right next to it)...

Be able to use EV gear is a small plus, but far too small to make it worth it (and you should get AR gear and not EV anyways).
And Grace was great at low-lvls, but at this points it makes little difference from Determination:
Granite flask tests:http://imgur.com/a/32zep
lvl19 Molten Shell tests:http://imgur.com/a/qn0cd
*fun with Jade+Granite Flasks and both Grace and Det auras:http://imgur.com/Fe3BcU6

About MultiS, it's a controversial gem, because it works in the less-dmg/more-AS direction that is not that great, many people say that the toolbar DPS kind of "lies". I refused to use it on my HS up until lvl79, because i wanted my boss-killer skill to hit hard in one hit to penetrate the bosses armor. Still the Marohi with FasterA but without MultiS is painfully slow, lol.
Then i was talking to a more experienced friend about the issues i still had with Kole (killing him was still a close call, much harder than Piety) and i thought that was sad for my lvl, and he convinced me to do a run with MultiS. Wow, no problem in facetanking him, the increased AS gave me tons of life leech and i killed him 3-4 times without ever dropping below 50-60% of HP. Naturally i kept the MultiS on ;)

Your current tree is very close to mine, it will be a costly multi-point respec to go "around" the Duelist area instead....

Just a quick tree without IR (not very good):

*Btw, this is the text with my gear that i use in poeBuilder, i don't know if it can be used by others, but it would be great to try-out gear (sites estimates are better than nothing in some cases):
Last edited by Monty_The_3rd#6672 on Dec 12, 2013, 5:54:03 AM
Monty_The_3rd wrote:

About armor, well there is the diminishing returns rule in every stat, but it's the stacking of mods that makes the difference:
Only one +10% life/dmg/armor node will not make much of a difference, but a build that stacks 20 of those nodes will be better than a build that only stacks 14 of them, then the difference matters...

That is (part of) why i am reluctant to suggest the use of IR to people:
Personally i didn't follow this build until very late, and i took IR very early (around lvl60) because it was much closer and easier to get pre-release.
Now that it's so far away, i am not sure if it's worth it (it's not if you go strait for that without taking useful nodes along the way imo). I am not even so sure if it's worth it as a node (even if you are right next to it)...

Be able to use EV gear is a small plus, but far too small to make it worth it (and you should get AR gear and not EV anyways).
And Grace was great at low-lvls, but at this points it makes little difference from Determination:
Granite flask tests:http://imgur.com/a/32zep
lvl19 Molten Shell tests:http://imgur.com/a/qn0cd
*fun with Jade+Granite Flasks and both Grace and Det auras:http://imgur.com/Fe3BcU6

About MultiS, it's a controversial gem, because it works in the less-dmg/more-AS direction that is not that great, many people say that the toolbar DPS kind of "lies". I refused to use it on my HS up until lvl79, because i wanted my boss-killer skill to hit hard in one hit to penetrate the bosses armor. Still the Marohi with FasterA but without MultiS is painfully slow, lol.
Then i was talking to a more experienced friend about the issues i still had with Kole (killing him was still a close call, much harder than Piety) and i thought that was sad for my lvl, and he convinced me to do a run with MultiS. Wow, no problem in facetanking him, the increased AS gave me tons of life leech and i killed him 3-4 times without ever dropping below 50-60% of HP. Naturally i kept the MultiS on ;)

Your current tree is very close to mine, it will be a costly multi-point respec to go "around" the Duelist area instead....

Just a quick tree without IR (not very good):

*Btw, this is the text with my gear that i use in poeBuilder, i don't know if it can be used by others, but it would be great to try-out gear (sites estimates are better than nothing in some cases):

What about this one ?
I need to end up somewhere :@
I did a revolution in my tree :)

1. Respected all life regen nodes, blood magic.
2. Took Vaal Pact..
3. Add Vulnerability as my 3rd CoDT curse
4. Switched decoy totem to Devouring (work like weak flask )
Now i run GS on mana and have one aura (hatered).

I have only 2% mana leech from belt, but mana don't run out very often.

Vaal Pact solved 20% cap on life leech.

What do you guys think of that??

My observations:


Need to use some weak uniques to have 3 curses and mana leech:

Monsters packs are a bit harder (not much), burning ground/chaos damage is now a little pain (but only little).


Much faster/greate life leech makes fighting with hard hitting bosses much easier.

Now there is no problem with physical reflect mod (it was killing me very often beacause i have 12k all psyhical Aoe dps :)
Last edited by skarbziemi#6662 on Dec 12, 2013, 8:38:05 AM
You shouldn't even be taking damage from phys reflect with 12k DPS. Sounds like you need more armour / Endurance Charges.
jakab_ wrote:
You shouldn't even be taking damage from phys reflect with 12k DPS. Sounds like you need more armour / Endurance Charges.

Sorry, but I don't understand why should I not take reflect dmg??
The greater my dps is the more reflect I suffer.

With 12k dps Aoe, when I hit 10 monsters I get 21600 physical reflect!!

Even with my 7 endurance, 4200hp, 5800 armour and granite flask having 90% of reduction, I still take 2160 physical reflect per second.

Only Immortal Call saves you from reflect.

And hitting 10-15 monsters with AoE skill like GS is not that hard.

Mixed with lag it can instakill almost everyone.
jakab_ wrote:
You shouldn't even be taking damage from phys reflect with 12k DPS. Sounds like you need more armour / Endurance Charges.

Yea, i don't agree with you either jakab_...
Phys reflect is an issue when you do "good" DPS, how big of an issue depends on your build/gear and play style...

About Reflect and maps in general:
How "dangerous" is a phys reflect map for you, depends on your build/gear and of course from the map lvl and the rest of the mods it has.
Yes Immortal call gives you a short time of phys immunity, but you can't have it up all the time.
My opinion is that if you do ok in a x-lvl map with x-mods, then you can do it also with added phys reflect if you are careful and don't act stupid. If you know how it works and don't GS a pack of 10 monsters at once, then you will be ok.
Of course it's still a dangerous mod, like skarbziemi stated lag/desync can be deadly and even the un-interaptable Multistrike 3-hit combo can be an issue with running/teleporting monsters...

I did a lvl72 double phys-Ele reflect plus Chaos/sec and i was just fine, not even being so much cautious. However i would avoid a lvl76 map with the same mods :P

In your latest tree you sacrifice a good amount of HP (and i tiny bit of DPS) in order to get your precious IR (stats 5373HP - 4909AR/650EV - 14.887 HS DPS).
So as one player that tries to figure out a "good" build to follow to another, i ask you: Why do you want to take IR? (emphasis on "you")

Also like i said before, it won't be cheap to respec into the build you plan... I count 14 points in the middle of the Duelist, plus about 5 more to avoid Faith and Steel cluster, plus Charges and other nodes...
On the other hand 2-3ex is a small price to pay to get your build were you want it, but my point is this:
Maybe you should take into account your current tree when you plan your "final" build. As you can see most of the builds we post lately have "small" differences in resulting stats, so maybe you could save 10-15 points and do a build closer to your current tree, if the results are just a bit different (for example +-200-300 life and 300-600AR)... Just a thought :)

You only need to respec one point (Versatility) to get here:
5137 Life
16.076 HS

Two more (the +30 Dex and Int) and you are here:

And here with 9 points:
5.5K life
5.7K AR
16K+ HS

Again just a thought... I mean if the difference between "compromising" for a 9point respec and doing your "dream build" for 25points is one ex, then f... it and spend the one ex :D
Last edited by Monty_The_3rd#6672 on Dec 12, 2013, 2:18:14 PM

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