1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD
--- Disclaimer: i am not an expert!!! ---
@BulKratos: First of all Carcass Jack is a EV/ES hybrid gear, so you should at least have IR to use it... Now the way i see it, with this chest you sacrifice the high values of life/EV/res you could get from a good chest piece (CJ has only up to 70 life - very low res - only up to 700EV) for the nice area and dmg buffs. If you think that trade is good, then go for it! 4 red sockets will be a pain to roll thought, you will probably need loooots of chroms. @Omga4000: When you say "AR" (ARmor) i suppose you mean AS (Attack Speed or in some cases IAS=Increased Attack Speed). @Lucid: Yea, both Frenzy and HS will be benefiting from the two support gems. @Budacek: You could use Infernal Blow, Glacial Hammer or any other skill that has to do with phys dmg (and requires the type of weapon you use). @ajahajah: Personally i am still not sure about the benefits of IR, even though i use it. The best i can say is this: It's not worth to spend points to "travel" all the way to IR just for that node alone. If you plan to use some of the other nice nodes on the Duelist tree (Acceleration, Leather and Steel, the starting life/dmg nodes etc) then maybe. In your build it's a 5p trip (only "useless" Dex nodes) from Golem's Blood cluster to IR. That's a lot of points to travel for one node, points that could be used for more useful nodes that are right next to yours. Better have a good plan on how you will take advantage of the IR node ;) *Take a look at the builds in the spolier tab, all three are using IR @DjNanos: Kongor's Undying Rage is for builds that use crits, you won't be getting the "uniques" advantages if you use RT (you get the res ofc), so i am not sure what is your plan there, since price is close to a Marohi or some another >400DPS mace. Kongor's DPS is still good though... --------------------------- On to other news, i am working on a Molten Shell + Iron Will linked to a high-lvl CwDT. Iron Will boosts a lvl18 MS dmg from 2K to 3.8K, a huge boost (depends on the amount of Str you got ofc). And Iron Will doesn't even have to be leveled, a lvl1 is the same for our purposes. Ofc there is a significant downside to this: Ele reflect... Now i don't care about it because i do only a small amount of ele dmg (Hatred), but a sudden 4K dmg burst from MS reflected back could be deadly :/ Also more messing around with DjNanos's build:
Made another possible build, so now i have 3 (all 106p), each one focused on a different thing: Armor, DPS and Life. They are all 106p for comparison to the previous, personally i use 107 points now because i took the skill point on all three Bandits quests so i have 105p to use at lvl85 (and i am 6% XP from lvl86 atm). 1)My personal planned build (Armor focused, ok life/dmg): http://poebuilder.com/#character/AAAAAgEAAdwB5wJxBLMJlg_MFCAUTRiRGS4aOBv6Jd8nICftKS4ppS3SMZ4yCTWSNug62DrhPfxBP0d-SshN2E3jTipQR1BQUeZUSVcNWGNYr1nzXz9lTWqTbEZuaW6qcmxyqXgNfLh82YFvgziE2YjxjHaMz5BVkc6ZK548ns2fy6IApBmmV6ZkpzCnhKloqW6rxaxZrKq0L7XytkG53b2Bvoq-p8APwBrG2MmY0iHSTdSP1e3ZYd7B5K3nUudj6wnsOO8O73zwH_Iv8kXz3fZI9778if4K_o8= 372/64/34 stats +322 base life / 252% life / 234 regen 222% dmg / 39% AS 175% dmg Reduction With my current gear on and set for lvl85: 5042 life 6756 AR + 768 EV GS 4.275 / HS 13.570 *again these are not accurate estimates, for comparison between builds only! 2)New Dj's/mine hybrid (DPS focused, ok life/armor): http://poebuilder.com/#character/AAAAAgEAAdwB5wJxBLMJlg_MEtkUIBRNGJEZLho4Gj4b-iECITQhVSXfJyAn7SmlKvYxnjIJMok1kjboOQ464Ts7QT9HfkrITeNOKlBHUFBR5lRJV-JYY1ivWfNfP2DEZU1qk2xGbmluqnJscql4DXuMfNmDOITZiPGMz5BVmSufy6IApBmmV6ZkpzCnhKloqW6rxaxZrKq0L7XytkG53b2Bvoq-p8APwBrBBMbYyZjSTdSP1e3cPd7B5K3nUudj6wnsOO8O73zwH_Gs8i_yRfZI9778if4K_o8= 342/64/34 stats +307 base life / 264% life / 234 regen 317% dmg / 45% AS 175% dmg Reduction 5177 life 5620 AR + 768 EV GS 5.174 / HS 16.276 3)My first Dj's vesrion upgraded to 106p (Life focused, ok DPS/armor): http://poebuilder.com/#character/AAAAAgEAAecEswmWD8wS2RQgFE0VIBiRGS4aOBo-IQIhNCFVJ-0ppSpNKvYs6TGeMgkyiTWSNug5DjrhOzs_J0E_Sn1KyE3jTipQR1BQUeZUSVfiWGNYr1nzW69fP2DEZ6Bqk2wWbEZuqnJscql4DXuMfNmDOIPbh3aI8YzPkFWfy6IAplemZKcwp4SpaKlurFmsqrQvtfK2QbndvqfAD8AawQTG2MmYznHSTdSP1e3cPd0N3sHkredS52PrCew47w7vfPAf8azyL_JF9kj3vvxL_In8xf4K_o8= 312/134/24 stats +280 base life / 304% life / 114 regen 267% dmg / 45% AS 66% dmg Reduction 5685 life 4584 AR + 823 EV GS 4.729 / HS 14.888 Just to see how much the DPS estimates are off, with my current tree/gear and without Auras in both cases, here are my real/estimated DPS: GS: 4.245 estimated, 9.555 real HS: 13.475 estimated, 18.193 real *note that my dmg is kind of low atm (but as low as the site estimates lol), because i had 14 gems turn lvl20 and made them all into Q20/lvl1 (including GS,HS, MeleePhys, FasterA, MultiS and more), so until they lvlup again i use "temporary" lower-lvl ones (some lvl17):
EDIT: Yey, page 300 for this build :) Thanks again NinjaArabStrategist! Last edited by Monty_The_3rd#6672 on Dec 10, 2013, 6:22:58 AM
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" Actually i meant All-Resist and Armour. |
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Thanks for the guide!
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" " did not know that, i always saw the letters but never understood what they were. Thanks. Last edited by Lucid#3885 on Dec 10, 2013, 8:46:56 AM
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I'm pretty new to PoE, started 5 days ago and been following this guide since I began. I'm pretty much following the first post as much as possible, but I was wondering if it is worth it to invest in dex/int so I can equip green/blue gems or if I should just stick with str for red gems since the other 2 stats are almost entirely useless outside of meeting requirements.
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I found that a tiny investment in INT will let you use the, 'cast when damage taken' support gem. You might not even have to invest, you could probably get the int you need from jewelry or gear.
Don't rush the INT though, I believe cast when damage taken can't be used till level 31. I really like this gem because I feel like I get better usage out of my endurance orbs by linking immortal call and molten shield to cast when damage taken. When my immortal call fires off, I get about 1.5 seconds of no damage taken. This gives my ground slam a little time to heal me. If I don't happen to have any endurance charges, my molten shield fires off. I also linked a endurance charge on stun gem to ground slam, so I generate lots of endurance charges. Especially on large packs of enemies. Even though cast when damage taken has a cooldown, it seems like it fires off constantly, and I get lots of uptime from molten shield and immortal call. The setup feels like it synergizes really well with ground slam. And I feel like I'm getting more use out of molten shield. I've always wanted to use that skill more, but its almost impossible to use during combat due to its long animation. Other than a single point I spent on a INT node, I followed the build plan per spec, and its worked just fine so far. You really need to master decoy totems though, they help immensely. Now if I could just get a 5 link piece of armor, my ground slam would really be smoking. :( - P Last edited by lockjaw99#5379 on Dec 10, 2013, 2:39:02 PM
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Actually kinda pleased I checked this thread.
Played a TINY bit to get something of an idea what gives then started planning an easy melee type class, looked at something VERY similar to this with high health/effective health (armour+dodge included etc) good damage with 2h and plenty of life regen/stealing. Ended up with something fairly close to this so it seems I've got to grips with the basics \o/ Many thanks for an excellent and accessible guide, will read a few more of the many pages in here at some point :) Last edited by Llamaalarmallama#7574 on Dec 10, 2013, 3:37:47 PM
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I've seen a few people link Cast When Damage Taken with Decoy Totem, Molten Shell and Enduring Cry, but you're using it with Immortal Call? Which one did you replace with it? |
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Hey is Marohi Erqi good for this build?
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Hi guys. Im crafting an Astral Plate for me. Do you guy think this is a good start point before Eternal/Exalted or should I Scour it and try again?
IGN: SavageMurderer
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