1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD

IkkiTheFenix wrote:
Hi guys. Im crafting an Astral Plate for me. Do you guy think this is a good start point before Eternal/Exalted or should I Scour it and try again?

Look for +Maximum Life. You can easily get full res from other things.
Though nice armor add...
Monty_The_3rd wrote:

Kongor's Undying Rage is for builds that use crits, you won't be getting the "uniques" advantages if you use RT (you get the res ofc), so i am not sure what is your plan there, since price is close to a Marohi or some another >400DPS mace. Kongor's DPS is still good though...


On to other news, i am working on a Molten Shell + Iron Will linked to a high-lvl CwDT. Iron Will boosts a lvl18 MS dmg from 2K to 3.8K, a huge boost (depends on the amount of Str you got ofc). And Iron Will doesn't even have to be leveled, a lvl1 is the same for our purposes.
Ofc there is a significant downside to this: Ele reflect...
Now i don't care about it because i do only a small amount of ele dmg (Hatred), but a sudden 4K dmg burst from MS reflected back could be deadly :/

Also more messing around with DjNanos's build:

Made another possible build, so now i have 3 (all 106p), each one focused on a different thing: Armor, DPS and Life.
They are all 106p for comparison to the previous, personally i use 107 points now because i took the skill point on all three Bandits quests so i have 105p to use at lvl85 (and i am 6% XP from lvl86 atm).

1)My personal planned build (Armor focused, ok life/dmg):

372/64/34 stats
+322 base life / 252% life / 234 regen
222% dmg / 39% AS
175% dmg Reduction

With my current gear on and set for lvl85:
5042 life
6756 AR + 768 EV
GS 4.275 / HS 13.570
*again these are not accurate estimates, for comparison between builds only!

2)New Dj's/mine hybrid (DPS focused, ok life/armor):

342/64/34 stats
+307 base life / 264% life / 234 regen
317% dmg / 45% AS
175% dmg Reduction

5177 life
5620 AR + 768 EV
GS 5.174 / HS 16.276

3)My first Dj's vesrion upgraded to 106p (Life focused, ok DPS/armor):

312/134/24 stats
+280 base life / 304% life / 114 regen
267% dmg / 45% AS
66% dmg Reduction

5685 life
4584 AR + 823 EV
GS 4.729 / HS 14.888

Just to see how much the DPS estimates are off, with my current tree/gear and without Auras in both cases, here are my real/estimated DPS:
GS: 4.245 estimated, 9.555 real
HS: 13.475 estimated, 18.193 real

*note that my dmg is kind of low atm (but as low as the site estimates lol), because i had 14 gems turn lvl20 and made them all into Q20/lvl1 (including GS,HS, MeleePhys, FasterA, MultiS and more), so until they lvlup again i use "temporary" lower-lvl ones (some lvl17):

Yey, page 300 for this build :)
Thanks again NinjaArabStrategist!

I like the Hybrid better imo...ah btw a new info i got from a streamer, atm AR more than 10-11k becomes useless..myself atm i got 8.5+k with determ and w/o IR yet so i guess i still got a lot of armor...-.-

I like that too atm tbh

PS: Not gonna get Kongor's just messing around..im saving for 6L erqi
Last edited by DjNanos#2615 on Dec 10, 2013, 9:43:30 PM
@Exiled Wanderer
Exiled_Wanderer wrote:
I've seen a few people link Cast When Damage Taken with Decoy Totem, Molten Shell and Enduring Cry, but you're using it with Immortal Call? Which one did you replace with it?

I'm not sure I understand your question, I'm still kinda new to POE.

In my chestpiece that I'm trying to 5 link, I have 3 links atm.

And in those 3 links I put:

Cast on damage taken, molten shield, and immortal call.

At the moment, it seems like immortal call and molten shell seem to go off at the same time, but I can't really tell because so much is happening.

In my helm I have 4 links for ground slam, and in there I put:

Ground slam, life leech, melee damage and Endurance Charge on Melee Stun

So I generate tons of endurance charges.

If I can get my chest piece to 5 link I might do something like:

Ground slame, life leech, melee damage, endurance charge and either multi strike or faster attacks.

- P

--- Disclaimer: i am not an expert! ---

Faster Attacks is a great gem and it should be used (like the guide suggests), so you will need some Dex for that.
You can either get a temporary Dex node (like a +30 that you will respec later at some point) if it's right next to you, but value of Regrets has gone up so it would be nice if you could avoid it.
You can find very cheap (up to free) gear with 30 or more Dex, so that would be better imo.

Yes the Marohi Erqi is a viable weapon option for this build, many (including me) use it.

Nice armor :)
What ilvl is it? You could try and go for even higher res values if the ilvl is high enough, but it really depends on how far you want to go (and how much currency you will "burn" doing this). Having the "+12 to all", personally i would be happy with the current values! Also it's not a 6L, so it's not worth investing too much on it.

I am not sure if it will worth the Exalts/Eternals, but if you could high life it would be a nice little chest and if you also rolled %increased armor after that it would be awesome.

Just keep in mind the total value of orbs you will spend on this, in relation with market prices for the resulting piece ;)

Just a note, i could keep my Life+2res Astral forever (or until i could afford to mirror a uber-piece), if only it had more armor on it :(

I love the Faster Attacks gem, but if you think your DPS is good enough that you can "waste"
a socket for Rarity, then ok :)
Who am i to object, 4 days ago i was still using Quantity gem in my HS :D

And i agree that if you can manage with the low dmg at your current point, it's best to spend currency only one time for a weapon you will keep for a loooong time.

What is your current tree/gear?

I don't agree with your streamer:
Do you have a Granite flask? You use it? I get from 11K to 28K with mine and believe me there is a difference!
Also i run Hatred+Grace, but when someone in the party runs Determination i get from 11K to 20K, there is a difference there too...
Maybe he was referring to the diminishing returns effect, which is true:
A 2K AR increase that gets you from 2K to 4K is a big improvement (doubles your AR), were a 2K increase from 12K to 14K is not even noticeable...

Cool build you have made, with that life it would be a better match for a Hardcore build than the OP's imo :)
Still kind of lacking in AR and DPS though (losing both Acceleration and Berserking isn't that great):
(with same gear as in my previous post)
3838 AR + 650 EV
HS 12.945 DPS
6125 life (wow!)
I would love to see that with "proper" gear on, who cares about AR and a bit lower DPS when you can have over 6K life with crap gear :)

About CwDT and Immortal Call:
CwDT is a very useful little gem, no more continuously casting Warlords Mark/Enduring Cry to keep your End Charges up (and any Curses or other "utility" spells like Immortal Call/Molten Shell)!
Keep in mind that it's a pricy gem to buy, and you can get that (or Multistrike and others) from Fixture of Fate quest on Merciless.

If you have only one CwDT and you want Immortal Call on it, then you must get your End Charges up from something else though. If you use CwDT+ImmortalC+EndCry, then you will never have Charges up...
Also -personally- i didn't like the ImmortalC on my 2nd CwDT, it kept popping my charges (made with the help of my first CwDT) for no reason: I don't need ImmortalC for a pack of white mobs, i would very much preferred my Charges stayed up for the Rare mob right after.
Again, personally i would prefer a 2L with ImmortalC+Increased Duration that i can use manually on-demand for bosses etc.
Last edited by Monty_The_3rd#6672 on Dec 11, 2013, 9:18:47 AM
hey there - started the game about 1 week ago with that marauder as my first build ever. thx a lot for that...would have been very hard w/o a guide like that. appreciate!

a thing that i'm having problems with are endurance charges though. using warlords mark+enduraing cry. im leves 41 atm and until now i havent managed to trigger even 1 enduring charge :D :D :D

what am i doing wrong? how you guys cast ur cries in order to get the charges?
Last edited by elloy#4692 on Dec 11, 2013, 11:22:46 AM
elloy wrote:
...im leves 41 atm and until now i havent managed to trigger even 1 enduring charge...

This is not possible, are you exaggerating???

In my experience with Warlords Mark and Enduring Cry, the second works much better for gaining Charges. Keep in mind that is has a range though. Even so, when you cast EndCry right next to a pack of mobs, you should get at least one Charge...

WarlordsM is useful for the Life and Mana leech, but if you kill a group of 3-4 mobs (fast) you may gain one Charge only.

Note that the effect of both gems depend on their lvl, but still you should be able to get at least one Charge if you cast EndCry right in the middle of a pack.
nah, wasn't exaggerating...but i probably should have read read the skill's description properly. i thought of it more of like a cry in diablo where you cry get a buff. anyway, im 100% sure i castet it several times in a mob and never got the buff.

I'll keep trying though...thx for your reply
you should get some charges everytime you cast enduring cry near some enemys
elloy wrote:
...im 100% sure i castet it several times in a mob and never got the buff...

Something doesn't sound right there...

First of all check that the Charges are ok, in the "Charges" tab: http://imgur.com/pqtkBIc
Then just stand next to a pack and cast EndCry. If the spell activates ok (you have the mana to cast it etc), then you should get at least one charge up, it will pop up in an icon like this: http://imgur.com/TNGHkeK

I am sure there is a simple explanation for this...

Now that i see a lvl1 EndCry, it gives "9 Charges per 100 enemies", that is 0.9 Charges/10... So you would need more than 10 mobs within range for a single charge :/
What lvl is your gem?
I use a lvl7 (21 per 100) and my Charges build up relatively quickly (first 2-4 packs for 5 Charges) and they stay pretty much at max or max -1 all the time...
Last edited by Monty_The_3rd#6672 on Dec 11, 2013, 1:02:37 PM
Hi guys, first of all, thanks to all who have helped with this build, I'm having so much fun with it!

Now then, I'm almost lvl75 and on Merciless and I can do Kole/Piety runs no problem, but when trying to beat Dominus, he kills me pretty quickly. Just wondering if anyone had any tips with on beating him solo?

I have 10k HS, 5k GS, 75% all resists, about 3k armor, just under 4k life...Here's my gear below, thanks for any tips!

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