1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD

Monty_The_3rd wrote:
The Voidhome has horrific drawbacks, it should only be used as a last resort by desperate people :P

buzzinowt you started playing 2 weeks ago and now have 9ex to spend??? This must be some kind of a record, or ...

I looked back in xyz again now, you can find 3-4 4L Marohi's today, but prices are still way more that when i bought mine (5ex for 5L in September 24).

Just another pic from my support gem change, more dmg in a hit and more DPS: win/win ;)
Ofc targeting can be troublesome now that the "Multistike 3-hit combo" takes longer, but it's not as annoying as in HS when you try to take down the boss and it keeps hitting random near-by monsters, lol.

Firstly I want to say voidhome is an absolutely excellent maul. Cheap and will get you through to the end of the game. Perfect is -30% exp and item rarity which sounds like lots but you can clear content quicker so it mitigates it.

I had been looking at Marohis for awhile now. Recently I saw perfect rolled (no link) Marohi go for 10ex (quickly). I see perfect ones with 6L go for like 25-35ex. I'd be surprised if you could get one for less than 7ex. I constantly see people wanting to buy, but very few wanting to sell.

As for 9ex in two weeks, no I didn't buy it/was given it. I farmed most of it and traded currencies for a lot of it.

What gems are you running?
IGN: FaunStar
99288 wrote:
Check my previous post please, i wanna know if my stat are good, btw i've got one more question
What do you suggest, im marad using ground slam and i want to use 3 out of my 4 support gems bcs my weap has only 4 linked sockets, dont know which one not to use tho, i have, Multistrike, Added fire dmg, life leech, melee physical dmg

Use Melee physical, added fire and life leech. If you feel you have enough survivability swap life leech for multistrike or even better would be concentrated effects.
IGN: FaunStar
Last edited by mildoy#3688 on Nov 19, 2013, 6:35:28 PM
buzzinowt wrote:
...Firstly I want to say voidhome is an absolutely excellent maul. Cheap and will get you through to the end of the game. Perfect is -30% exp and item rarity which sounds like lots but you can clear content quicker so it mitigates it.

I had been looking at Marohis for awhile now. Recently I saw perfect rolled (no link) Marohi go for 10ex (quickly). I see perfect ones with 6L go for like 25-35ex. I'd be surprised if you could get one for less than 7ex. I constantly see people wanting to buy, but very few wanting to sell.

As for 9ex in two weeks, no I didn't buy it/was given it. I farmed most of it and traded currencies for a lot of it.

What gems are you running?...

Well all uniques have drawbacks (Marohi has reduced Acc-AS-Move speed) but the Voidhome has one of the worst around (-XP), so my personal opinion is that i would be nice to avoid it, specially when you can find another Rare mace for the same price with only 50 DPS less but no XP/MF drawbacks.
If you don't mind the drawbacks of the Voidhome, then no problem :)

Marohi's sound more expensive now days, must be due to the number of new players after the game release and the supply/demand...
And very nice gathering 9ex in two weeks, i was not even close to that!

My gear is absolute crap except my Armor and Mace.
I used to have a "good" and a "MF" gear combo, and i used either one depending on what i was doing. Around two weeks before the release i kinda stayed 99.9% of the time with my MF gear on, and it stayed like that ever since (i haven't used my "good" gear for a month).
I have 47Q/112R and with my Quantity gem i have 82Q/112R on my HS always ( no Culling Strike though). I am not a "designated MF'er", i just like to use some MF in my stats (Q mostly).

My gear once again:

Yesterday i bought a couple of AS/+physDmg gloves and i am now trying out if it's worth it to use them:
99288 wrote:
I want to know what you think of it, im still a newbie and i dont know if im good or not, do i have to change something ?

49lvl marad
HP: 1691
Glacial Hammer: 1260 dps
***Heavy Strike: 1630 dps (im using GH only for that 30%hp bonus and bcs it freezes them a lot)
Ground Slam: 838 dps
***Lighning Strike: 1113 dps (cant decide which one to use.. GS or LS...help)
Armor: 1098
Resistances: 77% all



Your dps is pretty good. I'd stick with ground slam if you're following this build. Try to get more life in your gear (obviously a little hard to keep your res up, but aim for it).
IGN: FaunStar
buzzinowt wrote:
99288 wrote:
Check my previous post please, i wanna know if my stat are good, btw i've got one more question
What do you suggest, im marad using ground slam and i want to use 3 out of my 4 support gems bcs my weap has only 4 linked sockets, dont know which one not to use tho, i have, Multistrike, Added fire dmg, life leech, melee physical dmg

Use Melee physical, added fire and life leech. If you feel you have enough survivability swap life leech for multistrike or even better would be concentrated effects.

What you mean ^ ?
First of all thanks OP and whoever else has contributed in this build thread. Been following it since Domination started. I now am lvl 75, have done merciless Piety (easy 10 sec) and Dominus (couple of deaths that could have been avoided). In the last days I've been farming Catacombs and doing lvl66 Maps solo. I've had a couple of deaths because I didn't know some of the boss mechanics but overall it's been easy. Here's my items and passive skill tree


Stats (Defense, HS, GS)

Gameplay wise the only real difference is using Leap Slam without supports just for positioning and using Blood Rage to take advantage of my high life regen and chaos resistance. I take no damage and I have bonus lifesteal and frenzy charges that keep up on their own.

Currency wise I am rather poor (~10chaos). From reading through the thread some of the options are getting 5L or 6L, respec to support 1-2 Auras, buy a high pDPS weapon (400+). What would you suggest specifically for me ?

Another question is how should I manage end game, should I be doing catacombs, library, lunaris, piety runs, dominus runs ? solo or party? What about the maps. To me it looks like the rate they drop is lower than the rate I clear them.
DjNanos wrote:
buzzinowt wrote:
...concentrated effects...

What you mean ^ ?

This will boost your DPS but it will shorten the range (AOE) of Ground Slam (by 30%)!!!
If you have the CE gem you can try it on a blue+red (CE+GS) random piece of gear you find, so you can see how much the range is affected before you use chroms on your used gear...
Also it needs a fair bit of Int in high lvls: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Concentrated_Effect

Monty_The_3rd wrote:
...linked one support gem at a time to GroundSlam...
With Hatred Aura:
Only lvl19 GS on Marohi (base): 2318 DPS
with lvl16 ConcEffect: 3825
With lvl19 MeleePhysDmg: 3431
with lvl18 MultiStrike: 3414
with lvl19 FasterAttacks: 3167
with lvl19 AddFireDmg: 2970

*note i don't have the Lava Lash node
Last edited by Monty_The_3rd#6672 on Nov 20, 2013, 4:23:28 AM
eladir wrote:
First of all thanks OP and whoever else has contributed in this build thread. Been following it since Domination started. I now am lvl 75, have done merciless Piety (easy 10 sec) and Dominus (couple of deaths that could have been avoided). In the last days I've been farming Catacombs and doing lvl66 Maps solo. I've had a couple of deaths because I didn't know some of the boss mechanics but overall it's been easy. Here's my items and passive skill tree


Stats (Defense, HS, GS)

Gameplay wise the only real difference is using Leap Slam without supports just for positioning and using Blood Rage to take advantage of my high life regen and chaos resistance. I take no damage and I have bonus lifesteal and frenzy charges that keep up on their own.

Currency wise I am rather poor (~10chaos). From reading through the thread some of the options are getting 5L or 6L, respec to support 1-2 Auras, buy a high pDPS weapon (400+). What would you suggest specifically for me ?

Another question is how should I manage end game, should I be doing catacombs, library, lunaris, piety runs, dominus runs ? solo or party? What about the maps. To me it looks like the rate they drop is lower than the rate I clear them.

Very nice! :)
I like how you have no problems using only one 4L.

Here is my non-expert opinion:

Respecing to Auras is a tricky step, you should gather info and do your homework before attempting to go that way (else "you are going to have a bad time" lol).
6L gear are quite expensive: usually 20ex or more (unless you wish to go for a Tabula Rasa or Bringer or Rain etc)...
Your Mace looks fine (385 DPS), it would be really costly to get a real phys DPS upgrade (speaking only about DPS not sockets/links).

As a first cheap step, i would probably try to 4L the Mace, it shouldn't be hard to do and you will gain some DPS (move GS to Mace then).
Then go for a nice 5L Armor maybe? Usually 5L Armors are cheaper than good-DPS 5L Weapons...

Since you are at a fairly high-lvl, plan to buy "final" Weapon/Armor, i mean something that you will not change unless you get filthy rich and can afford a 100ex piece. Imo it's not worth it to spend 2-3ex for a piece and then upgrade again to a 10-20ex piece two weeks later...

Check poe.xyz frequently to get a sense of the prices and what is fair to pay for a piece, plus you never know when a bargain will appear.

About maps:

First of all read/bookmark this awesome guide, everything you need to know about maps and map mods in one thread: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/339977

For me, there are two ways to get your XP:
1)Join free-to-join public groups doing the higher-lvl maps you can find (usually you can find a group that runs lvl66-69 easy), and benefit from loot drops and XP.
2)Or you can try and build up your own high-lvl map stash. This is done by first running your lvl66 maps (solo or you can host a public party), collect the higher-lvl map that drop, then run the higher lvl maps to find even higher lvl maps and so on...
It can be kind of expensive (because you will use orbs on maps), but high lvl maps are also worth a lot (1ex-4ex a piece for really high-lvl ones).

Also note that the higher lvl the maps, the higher tier mods can be found on gear, so in high-lvl maps (>70) there is a chance to find a good/expensive piece of gear. Also some Uniques can only be drop on high-lvl maps, but Uniques are very rare to find and really valuable Uniques are just a matter of luck anyways.
Last edited by Monty_The_3rd#6672 on Nov 20, 2013, 4:13:41 AM

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