1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD

Hi there!

I stopped playing months ago and now I wanna start playing again.
All I wanted to know if this build would work on Hardcore League until final of the game and if I can use Temporal Chains and Warlord's Mark instead of Totem and another ability, I used to play with this 2 curses and I loved it!

Thanks! :)
Dead again lvl 45 almost 46, played self found with shitty gear & got 2 shot by the guy in chamber of sins even with max lightning resist.

I'd still try this build again after release & updates. :)
Work In Progress
Gonna give this build a go on my next character, thanks alot for the guide, very indepth and explanatory!
Very nice Build, using it, with minor changes of my own =3
Anyone know if this build will be updated for the new release? Also, I am using multistrike over faster attacks and i find multistrike to better is every way. Any thoughts on that?
wcbigworm wrote:
Anyone know if this build will be updated for the new release?

I know!
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/73928 <-- [Newbie Friendly] Marauder Melee Build
IGN: NinjaArabStrategist
NinjaArabStrategist wrote:
wcbigworm wrote:
Anyone know if this build will be updated for the new release?

I know!

You are awesome! Do you have any thoughts on multistrike vs faster attacks?
Nvm, I see that you have posted about it already. You say that multistrike doubles attack speed but cuts damage in half, but as you level up multistrike the damage reduction goes down, making it far superior to faster attacks. Thoughts?
Multistrike is incheckable in simple tooltip-dps way. It's more like supporting Lighning Arrow with Chain, which halves tooltip dps, but in fact triples it.

About multistrike it is hard to tell, because it is very dependant on each individual case.

Best way to verify if multistrike is better is just to run with and without it.
If you notice significant raise of clear speed, go for it. If you can't see difference, or your clear speed is worse It is better to switch it off.

I.E. You can run measure time of docks run with and without multistrike.


PS: It may be better to run Life Gain on Hit with Multistrike instead Life Leech
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/73928 <-- [Newbie Friendly] Marauder Melee Build
IGN: NinjaArabStrategist
Im use this build and this is my gear.I just take 1-2 mace pshy. attack increase nod early and im soloing merci on LvL 53 (act1 atm). Only freeze stop me + atm no life leach on my groud slam cauze 4socket.Im working on 5or6 linked chest piece or mace.As it said, life leach greatly increase our survivability :) + i can take in safely the blood rage what make that combo so much better :D
(start fight with: Taunt totem, Warlord Mark)

My Gear & Gems better pieaces

My Mace + Helmet solo red gems only for lvling gems for other char.

My Combo:
[+Multi Strike to the base combo so awesome dmg+survivability increase in my Offense is the best Defense oppinion.That combo made me able to solo merci]
Ground Slam: 950 dps without [LvL 9] multi trike | 1221 dps with [LvL 9] multi strike
Heavy Strike: 1823 dps without [LvL 9] multi strike | 2381 dps with [LvL 9] multi strike

Base Combo:

Support Gems:
1. Life Gain On Hit/Life Leech [Life Leech only over 1k dps]
2. Melee Physical Damage
3. Fire Physical Damage
4. Faster Attacks

Support Gems:
1. Life Gain On Hit/Life Leech [Life Leech only over 1k dps]
2. Melee Physical Damage
3. Fire Physical Damage
4. Faster Attacks

Last edited by ricsike1#7216 on Oct 22, 2013, 9:58:17 PM

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