1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD

Thorien_Kell wrote:
Thank you for answer. So you think g.slam mara is still worth investing? Well good to know. So grace is THAT important, who would say? I disregarded grace /iron reflexes route it because I had mostly STR gear and very few evasion points on armor so benefits seemed trivial, I postponed that route for "later", well now it's probably the time then.

But also, I must note that your gear is pretty badass. 5L erqi maul is alone 5-6 EX?

So concentrated effect can work alone(in you helm)? no link to g. slam? No way, really?

Why are you using added cold damage? Because of slow effect? Added fire damage should do much more damage with physical damage mara, is it not?

Also I must note that your rings seem quite ... bad? I would get nice IIR rings and use pure damage gems.

Hi Mate!

1. Yes i think Gslam Mara is still a very good option.
2. For my point of view Grace is key for the build.
3. For Marohi i was luck because i could buy it for 3 ex :)
4. No cConcentrated effect does not work alone,but for farming i no need to use and i put Item Rarity. Conc.effect is very powerful skill,just try it. It will increase your DPS for sure.
5. I just wanted to try the cold dmg :)
6. Rings are necessary to lvl up the Grace + the Conc. effect.ALso it gives me life+psyh dmg+life reg.
darkfury wrote:
Not sure if it's a gear issue or what, but it seems like I'm having a hard time increasing my numbers like others are getting for armor and dmg output. I skipped the endurance nodes for now, and I didn't grab the two 4% aoe radius nodes for now either. I do have 2 unused skill points currently. What can I do to start increasing the damage output and armor exponentially? My resists are all at 77%, although my chaos suffers dramatically at -60%. I'm having a rough time getting currency to drop, which hinders me being able to pick up a mahori erqi. I have some uniques, but selling them is like pulling teeth. Any suggestions where to go from here or what I could change in the passives tree?


Here is my current gear as well:

Thank you for your time.

Edited: Updated some info.

Hi Bro,i want to share with you some tips.
For DPS increase you have to change your belt for Meginord or a good rare one with + pshy. dmg.
I would change your gloves too. Increase attack speed on gloves can help a lot.
On the maul Mulistrike instead of Add Fire dmg and i would change life leach for concr. effect too. For this one you have to use some cormatics for sure :).
Normally thats all :)
I just hope i could help you a bit.

Last edited by spider81#7157 on Aug 27, 2013, 2:56:37 AM
Why no one using multistrike with groundslam?
Last edited by Shwknight#6761 on Aug 27, 2013, 8:22:26 AM
APCY wrote:
Why no one using multistrike with groundslam?

Because it's keeping u in place, for all three attacks.
Because 1hitting mobs will cause inefficient 2 hits.
Because it's completely random in a group of mobs.

It's much better to invest in Melee Physical Damage or Fire Damage and be able to control the attack. DPS will stay same.
APCY wrote:
Why no one using multistrike with groundslam?

Many ppl use it, including me. IMHO it excels better with high speed weapons, sou you're not "locked" for too long. You penetrate less armor but you stun more with it. I love MS and I use it with as much skills as possible.

falcon20 wrote:

It's much better to invest in Melee Physical Damage or Fire Damage and be able to control the attack. DPS will stay same.

Actually I use both you mention, and faster attacks. And multistrike, no life leech.
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Last edited by Thorien_Kell#5909 on Aug 27, 2013, 9:25:01 AM
Spider81, thanks for your reply. I'm saving up for some new/better equipment. Not having much luck in drops, and selling rares, is still not easy.

If I grab a Meginord or a nice rare belt, I'll have to jostle around quite a bit of resists, so I guess I'll be trying to figure that out. Gloves shouldnt' be too bad for me to find a new pair. I'm still not sold on using multistrike. My intelligence is at like 24ish? So the concentrated effect won't be used, until I can figure out moving stats and stuff around, without it handicapping me too much.

Any idea about the 1 banked skill point I'm sitting on, anyone?

((ign: GnaugaHide))
Last edited by darkfury#3861 on Aug 28, 2013, 4:07:23 PM
hello.. uhmm.. im new to the game and im hoping i could get a reply, i was following this build and i really enjoy playing.. but i kinda screw a bit.. instead of getting HP in normal bandit quest i got stats..i was wondering if this could affect the outcome greatly or i could still do some things to avoid getting into big fail.

hopefully i could do some minor/major adjustments. hate to see my char. screw big time with that mistake, i need suggestions on what i could do.. thanks in advance guys :)
How does this build handle vaal slams with the single target main skill and no range attack?
I actually couldn't handle vaal, kole, or piety merc solo.
((ign: GnaugaHide))

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