1.3 [Newbie Friendly] GROUNDSLAMMER BUILD

Get 4-link gear, more support gems = more damage.
I'm currently level 21 and I was wondering if I should go Melee Splash damage or Added fire damage?
Added Fire, MS doesn't work with AoE skills like GS.
I actually changed the build up abit and had this build with 2H Mace and heavy strike on switch. My main attack is Infernal Blow with Facebreakers :D
First I must thank OP for this excellent guide which helped me as many others in turning my first char in something battle worthy. Many ppl love warriors and many pick g slam mara as their first char.

But I think it's also fair to say that G slam mara is pretty difficult char to play and not particularly efficient in killing /or too appreciated in groups for that matter. And I'm not thinking about easiest route sporkers, but summoners, archers, dischargers, casters, all could do much better and some of them are easy to gear too. I mean don't get me wrong I like challenge and have nothing against a little risk, but sheer brutality and difficulty of this game can be big newbie turnoff.

Don't get me wrong, it's nothing to do with build itself, it's as good as it can be, but it's about way this game is designed. Mobs are dangerous and if you kill them off screen like my elemental archer does most of the time, better for you.

I have (i think) pretty decent gear, not Ex class but 20-30 chaos per better piece (weapon, chest, but also decent gloves, helm, ring ...) and I use my buffed skellies (statues) skillfully, endurance charges, maxed resistances ... and it still feel quite difficult to clear last parts of merc game areas + piety or vaal. Dozen of deaths are normal. OK i never took grace route or iron reflexes (all other parts are followed to the letter), and my flasks could be better but would that make such big difference? Here is my gear, disregard stun gem, I'm waiting for more dex to take faster attacks. If you have some advice feel free to share.

HP 2500
armor 1900
all res 77%
chaos res 13%
dps G slam 2.9K
dps H strike 4.7K



IGN STD Ajax_Deadeye| Nathaniel_Corwin| Itane_Shira| Tetra_Mayani| Arkanis_Gath
[Build] TK's CoC Crit Shadow aka THE WELDER /view-thread/787487
[Shop] TK's Adventurers Pawnshop /view-thread/570071
Thorien_Kell wrote:
First I must thank OP for this excellent guide which helped me as many others in turning my first char in something battle worthy. Many ppl love warriors and many pick g slam mara as their first char.

But I think it's also fair to say that G slam mara is pretty difficult char to play and not particularly efficient in killing /or too appreciated in groups for that matter. And I'm not thinking about easiest route sporkers, but summoners, archers, dischargers, casters, all could do much better and some of them are easy to gear too. I mean don't get me wrong I like challenge and have nothing against a little risk, but sheer brutality and difficulty of this game can be big newbie turnoff.

Don't get me wrong, it's nothing to do with build itself, it's as good as it can be, but it's about way this game is designed. Mobs are dangerous and if you kill them off screen like my elemental archer does most of the time, better for you.

I have (i think) pretty decent gear, not Ex class but 20-30 chaos per better piece (weapon, chest, but also decent gloves, helm, ring ...) and I use my buffed skellies (statues) skillfully, endurance charges, maxed resistances ... and it still feel quite difficult to clear last parts of merc game areas + piety or vaal. Dozen of deaths are normal. OK i never took grace route or iron reflexes (all other parts are followed to the letter), and my flasks could be better but would that make such big difference? Here is my gear, disregard stun gem, I'm waiting for more dex to take faster attacks. If you have some advice feel free to share.

HP 2500
armor 1900
all res 77%
chaos res 13%
dps G slam 2.9K
dps H strike 4.7K



Hi Mate!

I am not tottaly agree with you.

I am currently lvl 76 with my gslam mara, doing 68-69 maps without conc. effect what represent -3k g.slam dmg and i have no issue with the maps (ok somethimes struggeling with the bosses of the map,but i can manage it).
Also i am not using endurance charge,but i am using hihg lvl Grace.
This defensive aura is one of the most important puzzle for the full build.It generate for me upt to 9k armor and in this case no need more hp than 2.9k.
I bought a Carcass what helps me a lot,but now i am thinking to change the carcass and get a Bringer, but first of all i have to think about how can manage the resist without the armor ->maybe have to change my meginord.

I add here also my gear what is not op,but for today i can farm till lvl 69 maps (i have only 1 lvl 70+ map,but i did not try it yet)

Armor: 3k without grace,9k with gace
g.slam dmg: 7,5k with cons effect, wthout about 4.3k
h.strike dmg: 9k
Last edited by spider81#7157 on Aug 26, 2013, 3:35:11 AM
Thank you for answer. So you think g.slam mara is still worth investing? Well good to know. So grace is THAT important, who would say? I disregarded grace /iron reflexes route it because I had mostly STR gear and very few evasion points on armor so benefits seemed trivial, I postponed that route for "later", well now it's probably the time then.

But also, I must note that your gear is pretty badass. 5L erqi maul is alone 5-6 EX?

So concentrated effect can work alone(in you helm)? no link to g. slam? No way, really?

Why are you using added cold damage? Because of slow effect? Added fire damage should do much more damage with physical damage mara, is it not?

Also I must note that your rings seem quite ... bad? I would get nice IIR rings and use pure damage gems.

IGN STD Ajax_Deadeye| Nathaniel_Corwin| Itane_Shira| Tetra_Mayani| Arkanis_Gath
[Build] TK's CoC Crit Shadow aka THE WELDER /view-thread/787487
[Shop] TK's Adventurers Pawnshop /view-thread/570071
Quick analysis of grace /reflexes route....

I have to waste 6 skill points to get iron reflexes

i'll have +50 dex for that (total of 92) - i can "fuel" grace gem of lvl 5 tops, maybe.

I can hope for 500 evasion for that level, even with some quality.

I already have 400 evasion, that means my gains would be 900 armor tops - for "waste" of 6 skill points. Fair trade? (I have 1900 + 900 = 2800)

On the other hand, if i invest 5 nodes in armor (not 6) I would get
+10% +18% +10% +10% +30% / roughly 104% or armor but I'm uncertain of actual formula.

On the end i should probably take both but for now armor seems like better bet.
Seems ^^
IGN STD Ajax_Deadeye| Nathaniel_Corwin| Itane_Shira| Tetra_Mayani| Arkanis_Gath
[Build] TK's CoC Crit Shadow aka THE WELDER /view-thread/787487
[Shop] TK's Adventurers Pawnshop /view-thread/570071
Not sure if it's a gear issue or what, but it seems like I'm having a hard time increasing my numbers like others are getting for armor and dmg output. I skipped the endurance nodes for now, and I didn't grab the two 4% aoe radius nodes for now either. I do have 2 unused skill points currently. What can I do to start increasing the damage output and armor exponentially? My resists are all at 77%, although my chaos suffers dramatically at -60%. I'm having a rough time getting currency to drop, which hinders me being able to pick up a mahori erqi. I have some uniques, but selling them is like pulling teeth. Any suggestions where to go from here or what I could change in the passives tree?


Here is my current gear as well:

Thank you for your time.

Edited: Updated some info.
((ign: GnaugaHide))
Last edited by darkfury#3861 on Aug 27, 2013, 2:39:32 AM
I think the dread maul is a pretty weapon can make incredible damage with its 1.80 attack per speed.

use ground slam gem,with gems like multistrke+ melee physical damage+add fire damage gems + elemental damage surpport, most enemies have already dead before they can get close to you, using these support gems to heavy strike, dps can even get close to 9k.

But the dread maul just like a joke the GGG made,its reduce experice gain and reduce the parity items found.that's very ridiculous。

GoundSlam dps: 4400;
My gears:

IGN: Aleep,Fly_Toy

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