Definition of spike dmg. Please GGG take a look at this
" A spike that 95% of the playerbase wouldnt have survived, from a 1 in a million chance monster. TOtally balanced " no it isnt, both are more damage *taken*, multiplicative with all else but additive with each other " wtf does paying attention have to do with it, if you get hit then you get hit, its as simple as that. The IQ of some posts makes me want to bash my head in. " Thats exactly what happening here, LOL, except the 1 in 1000 is a dumbass 10k+ spike before mitigations " This lol, pretty much why I am off to pvp PVM in this game is fucking stupid Last edited by theamazingjojo#6642 on Dec 28, 2013, 2:46:09 AM
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" Actually, I believe desync is the core cause of this game's stupid difficulty. Desync makes utilizing the terrain, monster placement, character placement, and other avoidance strategies inconsistent. So most effective builds are those that can ignore all the above and just facetank enemies. Character ability becomes bimodal: Can I do this content almost guaranteed to never die, or do I have a small chance of dying because my gear/passives/build isn't good enough (and therefore should correct things so that I have no chance of death)? GGG wants the game to be difficult and the risk of death to always be present. What do you do when nobody's dying? Increase damage! If people are dying, the difficulty curve is at the correct point. Apparently. In games with a healthy difficulty design, the risk of death (or any given failure state) is always present, but the rewarding part is being able to avoid it. If players aren't dying, it doesn't necessarily mean the difficulty is too soft. In this game, it's as if the devs take a look at player death stats, and say "hmm, this monster type isn't killing enough players. Let's buff it!" IGN: Ikimashouka, Tsukiyattekudasai, DontCallMeMrFroyo Last edited by gilrad#6851 on Dec 28, 2013, 3:12:18 AM
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I think the fact it is so rare is the entire reason why it should be able to one shot most players. Whats the point of having gear better than 95% of the playerbase if you cant survive the oneshot that they dont?
IGN: timtwins, timtwinz
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" Since there is hardcore leagues, this point becomes very asinine. These kind of spikes, if you keep in mind how much gear and skill point investment you need to even get to 8k hp / 10k es, should not be in the game. On the other hand, admittedly, they were aware of the map mods, the bear's mods, and the phys aura on the vulture. Yet there was no enfeeble used, he probably didnt use a granite, endurance charges, and a topaz flask with dispels shocked. I know he (bobslop) has no armor because all his gear has ES, they didnt have determination in the party and they had grace, but his build was revealed and it isnt IR specced. He could have easily halved the damage. Last edited by theamazingjojo#6642 on Dec 28, 2013, 7:36:27 AM
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it was one of the hardest maps in the game with some of the most damage-increasing mods in the game and one of the highest-hitting mobs in the game.
This was not an "unexpected damage spike".
also: I like games in which I can die. In Diablo 3, I couldn't die ever, i could play as brainless as I wanted and never died, didn't even ever come close to dieing. Completely pointless, like a god/immortality cheat in a game for every player. It is easy to get 10K ES at level 95. I myself have 8.5K at level 80 and my items are mediocre at best.
The argument someone made with facerolling content, if you want that, go play D3. The argument someone made with perma-feed on HC and nemesis is also invalid. You're doing something wrong if you constantly die. The argument someone made that 95% of the player base wouldn't have survived the hit: Nonsense. In myy opinion, only the top 100 players CAN play this map with this mods at all. That means, 99.999% of the players wouldnt have survived the hit. AND THEY SHOULDN'T: They should get better items and more levels first before they play real endgame content. So, in other words: Topic wrong, OP crybaby, most posters starting a flamewar. Great thread we have here, really helpful. Last edited by Kiedel#3585 on Dec 28, 2013, 11:55:39 AM
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Personally I hate the Unrighteous Fire things in Lunaris that force you to take max Fire resist when NOTHING ELSE IN THE GAME GIVES A SHIT ABOUT UR FIRE RESIST.
I would prefer AI and interesting battle situations over "HEY 2K HP gone in 3 seconds cuz you standing in the same room as me!" |
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" If they are both "more," then by definition they multiply. Learn how the mechanics work before complaining about other people's IQs please. As it is vulnerability is definitely "more" physical damage, so it multiplies with everything. Shock stacks I believe are "increased," so they add with other increased damage taken mods (of which there are very few, so usually they might as well multiply). If you're paying attention, you can stay back, as most of the players in that group did. Not to mention notice it's a dangerous situation. As for fire res, there are definitely plenty of other things that make it necessary... Voidbearers for example, not to mention many bosses. IGN: Victario
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design for potential spike damage is fine as long as it's avoidable and the example provided was definitely avoidable
need to be aware of what can be dangerous and read rare mods 1 person was definitely aware of the potential danger and was calling out mob type and mods bigger issue is desync which might not ever get fixed and the map crashes which took down 2 high level ladder Nemesis characters recently Last edited by udgnim#5856 on Dec 28, 2013, 2:43:54 PM
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" I haven't traded in Nemesis yet so this is completely not the case. 99.99% of mobs arent faceroll. Playing self-found gives you a nice indication of exactly how much your character can take. Regarding the damage... its Nemesis league so there will be mobs with affixes which is ridiculous. Thats why we're playing it right?! He's clearing endgame maps in the hardest league in a party. Death should be possible. Just for try for see and for know -2013!
She corpse exploded the corpse of the boss... |
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if you are scared of getting double damage due to shock you always could use the unique hat for it :P, but seriously, a 6k hp character would have mitigated that damage to nothing(for geared chars only elemental damage is dangerous)- my hp ek marauder has 70k armour if i use granite flask paired with 6 endurance charges i get overcap phys resistance well over 90 (at level 89), meaning even criticals never get through
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