Barrage Wonder Wanderer – how to DEMOLISH maps (1.3.X)

I try to stick with orginal build + some res nodes. So far I'm lvl 70 running first maps (66-69) Chaos damage and reflect are problematic (no VP yet)

Here's my gear:

BTW Capping Lihtning res was a pain.
Last edited by adiosmuchachos#1282 on Feb 26, 2014, 11:51:16 AM
3war wrote:
Hello! I have now lvl this build in nemesis. Having fun and killing stuff. Have just reached lvl 64 so its alot of points left.
But a few changes in skill three too be more effective in hc.
45% crit works (use life gain on hit) works great with chain.
55% u feel more safe (lgoh/lifesteal)
60-65 good spot (lifesteal)
65+ highway

5 link coc, barrage, lifesteal, ek, chain (monster clearing)
Evrything dies fast.

5 link boss. Coc, barrage, ek, ek, lifesteal (works great)

Also not runing vaalpact yet , psys reflect can ofc hurt but using granite and insta pots keeps me safe atm
And some common sense. Will soon go into vaalpact but pots still fills my "non crit gap" + use enfeeble,cw, tempchain, projectile weakness depending on situation.

DO Not increase crit multiplier. Before vaalpact = dont spam that CW.

Best item rat's nest 2Chaos.. improve so damn much.

Lvl 59-60 u can start being effective i started at 55 but those dualwield crit nodes made it complete

Next step got lightning coil 6s in stash time to make it 6L ;)

Pm me if u wanna try using this in nemesis and I will try to help u out.

Hi, sorry for my English.)) I'm a very new player, I tried this build in Hardcore, and I don't have a half of needed skills, and I died 2 times on 30 +lvl. With this build on Shadow, and with Scion, based on this build. Is there any tips, that will help me stay alive? Or, it's not real, and I must buy all needed skills and 6L Chest ~ at lvl 30? Tnks.
JotunFrost wrote:

Hi, sorry for my English.)) I'm a very new player, I tried this build in Hardcore, and I don't have a half of needed skills, and I died 2 times on 30 +lvl. With this build on Shadow, and with Scion, based on this build. Is there any tips, that will help me stay alive? Or, it's not real, and I must buy all needed skills and 6L Chest ~ at lvl 30? Tnks.

I can give you only one tip: don't play Hardcore if you haven't beaten the game in Softcore merciless.
You have to be realistic about these things.
Logen Ninefingers
Last edited by Bars#2689 on Mar 2, 2014, 12:51:48 PM
don't play hc with this build at all without fantastic gear waiting for you...

in general, crit builds aren't good for hc because of the weak defenses in shadow area where all the good crit stuff are. so you need to make it up with extreme gear. even then, it would yield terrible dps with this spec since it relies heavily on global crit, which you can't afford to stack, and terrible survivability because of the unreliable life leech due to your uncapped crit rate
I'm positive a HC CoC shadow is doable, some people are doing it, but you need to be damn good at the game to attempt it. In general, when you play HC, you need to know what are the main dangers at the different stages of the game and to have a very solid and specific plan how you're going to address them. There are things that will kill you when you encounter them for the 1st time. So, regardless of the build, you need to learn the game in softcore first.
You have to be realistic about these things.
Logen Ninefingers
it's not that. a lot of builds are doable in's a matter of whether it's advisable. even a build that does well in 99% of situations in hc means it will definitely die eventually

the only hc coc build I've seen basically near rips and chickens every single time to it runs into corrupted blood, and was using gg gear and only had mediocre clear speeds, cuz of course, you can't stack crit multi in hc. he was doing high maps, so that's something, but a build like's a matter of time before rng/desync sends him to standard. in hc, if you can means you will

plus, endgame grind is nothing short of mind numbing. so any situation that requires "being careful" basically translates to "it will send you to standard"
reposting as I realized this is probably the more appropriate thread for it.....

...if anyone has a few hundred ex and a high witch or ranger lying around, I came up with a barrage coc wander concept based on AA+MoM being ridiculous which should be hc viable. downside, of course, is have fun gearing this...........

bandits - life, phys damage, power

core unis:
6l cloak of defiance - GGGGRB
rathpith globe

core links:
barrage - coc - EK - q LL - pcoc/fireball(or spell of choice) - q chain(main gem, aoe, antireflect)/q add acc(single target boss swap)/faster projectiles(offscreening swap)
lv.1 cwdt - ic - ec - +dura
reduced mana - disc - clar - hatred
AA in wand
enfeeble/crit weakness
frenzy (charges, but also for pulling)

other gear:
ideal wand - imbued with
pre: +2 cold, 70+ spell damage, +mana
suf: +38 crit chance(core), ias, projectile speed
everything else - hybrid es rares with any combo of life, mana/es, mana regen, res, acc
rings - diamond base
ammy - crit chance, multi too if you're feeling brave
belt- rustic base, strength

choices to consider:
gift's from above
rat's nest
frenzy - 20/20 pcoc - fast attack (do not attempt until near perfect gear, huge dps/leech loss without near cap crit rate and 20/20 pcoc)
power siphon - IIR (cuz why not)
spell totem - skel - fast cast - blind (cuz blind is op)

maligaro - suicide item

wands that aren't 1.5 aps base - barrage is an extremely slow attack, and your ias is shit. you know all those people who QQ about dom being impossible with melee cuz they blindly follow endgame build guides and use multistrike with 1 aps base? yeah, don't be like them

underestimate acc - because evasion also gives a chance to evade crits, and you are completely reliant on crits to attack at all, acc must be overstacked, just like crit chance. otherwise, your dps/leech is gonna take a huge hit in high maps and against bosses, where you will need it the most

arc as second spell - arc sucks ass and isn't shocking anything worthwhile, and will do nothing but you get killed by reflect on easy maps

this is, of course, a massive theorycraft, cuz who can really afford all this shit...but of course, the same can be said about aegis builds. but thoughts on the concept would be appreciated
Well, I think "Barrage: the attack speed penalty has been removed" in the next path is a huge buff for this build, still follow this build and reached lvl 70 now, love it but sometimes 1 shot myself because of physical reflection.
Last edited by nhat1811#1455 on Mar 4, 2014, 6:10:47 PM
is this another build hit hard by the 60% reduced leech nerf to vaal pact? other than that it looks like a lot of fun and i might play it in the next league
Last edited by newbii3#3926 on Mar 4, 2014, 7:49:40 PM
vaal pact always sucked complete ass with this build, as bars can attest to

I already understood VP before, and knew it was a terrible idea, and would not go to it unless as an absolute last resort. playing hc and races has given me an unprecedented love for seething flasks...which VP can now use, so honestly I think it's a stronger keystone now than before

40% life leech isn't nearly enough to deal with reflect though, so it no longer applies to this build or any other that used it that way (which is all of them). it's now strictly a LL based tank keystone, imo

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