[0.11.0] Eldritch Battery/Armour Crit Dagger Shadow (Based off the CI Crit Dagger Shadow concept)
" I can't see any armor/es in here... No wonder that u ahve prblems. I'm useing this build and I don't have any problems. My gear is not even good but still I can run through the map like a train. Oh and I won all my pvps :) |
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" I know, I'm sitting at 9% chaos res with ~75 life regen and it's just not enough to do without vitality. I was fine with 65 life regen with my previous chest but I guess bugs happen, haven't had time to adjust my gear to my backup chest. By the way, you're running around with a chest and dagger that can easily go for a combined 5 exalted orbs or more. Can't say your gear is shitty then :P Default: Nagarashi
HC: MrsNagarashi or Nagarashi_JrJr |
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So I am lvl57 now and I think I learned quite a bit about the build and game mechanics in general ,still very little compared to more experienced people , but more than I had before :). I am able to solo better act1 merciless better now by using traps and kiting a lot , I bought a granite flask and it also allows me to survive when cornered
Anyways here are some things I am pondering now : - This builds only defensive option is really HP (besides kiting). There is no synergy between armour and this build as there no significant armor nodes picked. Given that why not go for evasion gear instead? - as there are good evasion/es nodes (es helps eldritch battery). Really thats probably my biggest gripe with this build - there is no synergy in its defensive path. -overall the style of play is kinda kiting with whirl and dpsing from range with LS. But it seem to lack CC to really do that very effective. Something like Ice witch seems to be much more suited for this. totem/summoners also seem much more suited for LS spam as they can have something else tank for them - the melee dpsing way (with flicker etc) is really seems more suited for CI/ES as that build has better defences and can benefit from leech and blood rage much more effectively. -the fire traps are friggin OP. I mean I have nothing invested in it besides leveled gem, and its still very often best option for AOE ( LS just finishes them off ). -My flicker strike and viper strike are still very powerful , in fact they do over 1.1k dps while my LS does 700ish. Only problem is that this build is not good in melee due to lack of defences ,no frenzy and no blood rage. Which brings me to next point - Major bosses are huge pain to solo .- because my LS doesnt do nearly enough damage, i have to flickr onto them and use my inferior melee to dps IGN Nordes
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You shouldn't be using LS on single mobs.
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How does the + increased elemenal damage with weapons work?
I for instance just bought this ring: But it doesnt seem to add close to 24% to my lighting strike dmg. These two rings are for instance better: I Would of assumed id see a major increase in LS dmg Anyone know why? Is the + weapon dmg from items not applied to the tooltips? |
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" Yeah well the issue with stacking Viper strike and getting away is that it doesnt work without portal cheese ( e.g. I unload , regen with flasks, when flasks empty I portal to recharge flasks rince repeat). The damage is way too low and I am getting one shot if caught IGN Nordes
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" My double strike hits for about 3k dmg and that is with only faster attacks linked to it. I can facetank most shit in act3 with blood rage/warlord's mark and lifeleech faster than they'll ever hit me. Default: Nagarashi
HC: MrsNagarashi or Nagarashi_JrJr |
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" Testing blood rage now with troll's blood (+1.5% life regen) and the two smaller nodes (+1% and +0.4%) combined with +9% chaos resist and it takes a little bit off of my hp, not enough to use vitality though. I think that if I hit ~20% chaos res I would get a standstill or even slight hp regen. Having aprox 96 life regen. Default: Nagarashi
HC: MrsNagarashi or Nagarashi_JrJr |
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Soooo i just hit 57. Im curious how are people able to run Aura's such as vitality/haste or hatred.Since they take a base amount of mana (30%) if i run them along side say Anger, Wrath and clarity i got like 10% mana left. Enough for about 4 lighting strikes then i gotta pop potions.
My LS does about 1.3k DPS. And double strike does um 1.1k Here is my gear for reference (yes i know it sucks bad): Would love some input on how people able to run say hatred or haste. Do you guys stop running clarity at 50+ or ?? |
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Clarity is not really needed in this build tbh and at lower lvls my advice would be to run a maximum of 2 auras if you can handle it. I ran 1 aura all the way to lvl60+. Running Wrath, Anger, Hatred and Haste right now with about 120 mana left (just enough to pop skeleton totem :P), having to pop a mana potion once in a while or shut anger off but that's about it. Can farm fairly well in docks with 120 mana :)
Default: Nagarashi
HC: MrsNagarashi or Nagarashi_JrJr |
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