[0.11.0] Eldritch Battery/Armour Crit Dagger Shadow (Based off the CI Crit Dagger Shadow concept)

That's very nice. I actually allowed for 4.0% life regen in total with Vitality, which would be higher than the 3.7-8% taken by blood rage to allow you guys to be able to run Blood Rage freely even with 0 to slightly negative chaos resists. But I think I forgot to take into account base life regen as well. So all in all vitality might not actually be needed if you guys can stay close to 0% chaos resists. In that case, feel free to run any other aura you want to then! Determination could be used as well
Build of the Week 14
The first Righteous Fire/Non-Shavronne's/Shavronne's HC
Shameless self-proclaimed theory-crafting extraordinaire and forum crusader
Invalesco wrote:
Nagarashi wrote:
Is Vitality actually a necessary aura? It seems like that is the least needed, I am running blood rage without it and it doesn't take a single point of my hp.

Don't see why I would add vitality to that then, anyone sees something I'm missing?

Oh vitality was only needed if you guys only managed to get 0% chaos resists. Did you manage to get positive chaos resists already nagarashi?

Sitting at +39% chaos resist atm.

Got ^ today for a fair price. Didn't even need the chaos res, was just a nice bonus.
Default: Nagarashi
HC: MrsNagarashi or Nagarashi_JrJr
Last edited by Nagarashi#1916 on Feb 4, 2013, 8:21:46 PM
It is a little bit sad that I just crafted this dagger and that it's better than my previous one:

The only slight problem I see happening atm is the lack of accuracy. Sitting at 69-70% is a tad low.

Second thing, do you level Warlord's Mark? I'm in doubt, I don't like higher mana costs but the radius is so goddamn small it annoys me.

edit: sorry for the double post :P
Default: Nagarashi
HC: MrsNagarashi or Nagarashi_JrJr
Last edited by Nagarashi#1916 on Feb 4, 2013, 9:34:52 PM
Just bought
and I'm having a blast. Found a 16% quality flicker strike gem on my last map run too, once I level that up I think things are going to be going very well indeed.
IGN: Keldirah
Should I level Anger? The mana isnt % and the same all the time so its gonna cost more and more to use it. Should I still level it?
I'm pretty new in the game, and i was looking at build that might be interesting, and the i found the CI crit dagger shadow and i started to follow it, without knowing that CI was nerfed, so i there is only one question that i have in mind that i couldn't answer in the forums

Should i continue with this build or should i switch to this new one (that i found 3 hours ago xD), cause a friend says that CI is now useless and the other build is not more viable, and crap, i'm testing this game in default and trying to get the catch of it with this build but i don't know if should i keep aiming for CI or EB
Andramalec wrote:
I'm pretty new in the game, and i was looking at build that might be interesting, and the i found the CI crit dagger shadow and i started to follow it, without knowing that CI was nerfed, so i there is only one question that i have in mind that i couldn't answer in the forums

Should i continue with this build or should i switch to this new one (that i found 3 hours ago xD), cause a friend says that CI is now useless and the other build is not more viable, and crap, i'm testing this game in default and trying to get the catch of it with this build but i don't know if should i keep aiming for CI or EB

To be honest, if you want to catch the game in default by playing shadow you should have tried one of the caster shadow builds (EK or Spork) but if you want to choose between CI and EB, they're both still very much viable.

A few pages back Invalesco posted a link to a video where he showed CI was still good to go, even after the nerf.
Default: Nagarashi
HC: MrsNagarashi or Nagarashi_JrJr
Nagarashi wrote:
Andramalec wrote:
I'm pretty new in the game, and i was looking at build that might be interesting, and the i found the CI crit dagger shadow and i started to follow it, without knowing that CI was nerfed, so i there is only one question that i have in mind that i couldn't answer in the forums

Should i continue with this build or should i switch to this new one (that i found 3 hours ago xD), cause a friend says that CI is now useless and the other build is not more viable, and crap, i'm testing this game in default and trying to get the catch of it with this build but i don't know if should i keep aiming for CI or EB

To be honest, if you want to catch the game in default by playing shadow you should have tried one of the caster shadow builds (EK or Spork) but if you want to choose between CI and EB, they're both still very much viable.

A few pages back Invalesco posted a link to a video where he showed CI was still good to go, even after the nerf.



I was checking Invalesco buils, and before going through and investigate both and i will surely undesrtand 50% of what each says (cause of me, cause is a very explained build), are this build the same? I know they are both based in CI, but i was wondering, are this the same? If they aren't, wich one is the best for a CI-first time play (i noticed one says PVP and i'm not pretty much attracted to that option yet)
The former is from closed beta, the latter from open beta. They are practically the same.
Default: Nagarashi
HC: MrsNagarashi or Nagarashi_JrJr
I have some questions.
1. What is expected crit chance for this build? Are you using 80% crit chance dagger?
2. Why is LS with LMP and not fork or chain (only because of Pierce)?
3. How do you fill the mana you use for LS when you got no mana leech, and no clarity? Flasks?
4. Your Blood Rage calculations are not correct, if you have 4.6% regen even with leveled blood rage you will not be able to have 5% regen left (which is more then your base lol).

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