[0.11.0] Eldritch Battery/Armour Crit Dagger Shadow (Based off the CI Crit Dagger Shadow concept)

How should my potion setup be during mid to end game? 2HP, 1QS and 2Granite?
tangosmango wrote:
Yikes, level 35 and my LS is only 156dps lol

low dps and mana issues, chugging them mana pots like crazy

Been said several times now, it's also listed under FAQ in the starter post now, one should wait with Lightning Strike for the late game. Most people either use Fire Trap or Freezing Pulse with Lesser Multiple Projectile.

Anyway, got a question, should one go for evasion or armor gear?
Nitrius wrote:
tangosmango wrote:

Anyway, got a question, should one go for evasion or armor gear?

I've been looking at the items the OP suggested and it seems that armor is the way to go, especially since how much str nodes this build receive
Last edited by Gekkz#7049 on Jan 28, 2013, 6:00:37 AM
Hey So far i just love this build. But have to ask Since i now got EB, Should i switch my full armor gear to Armor/ES gear or only ES gear. ?
whats better, add fire or ice damage? and why u have 3 in your gear? thank you :D
Hmm something seem a bit off with the quoting right now...?
Last edited by Nitrius#0978 on Jan 28, 2013, 6:11:59 AM
i really cant manage my mana.
im lvl 37 in HC.
and i only take clarity other wyze i have no mana regen and i cant take an other aura , help me plz
People around 30-40 with this build what's your dps with dual strike? As am noticing my dps seems to be lacking now, was fine from 1-29, but the last few levels has been going slower when it comes to killing npcs, currently getting close to end of act 3 normal.

Are the weapons am using, having a hard time finding any better, which is the problem i think.
You can check out my Shadows gear for some help if you want.

I'm level 45 and am currently making my skillrimage to the marauder tree for life nodes. After that, finishing up my dagger passives and grabbing EB.

I am pretty glassy currently, relying on life/mana leach to survive....the sooner you get Warlords Mark, the better. It's made a HUGE difference in my survivability.
gonzo30 wrote:
Thank you for these guides dude, helping out a lot of us noobs. I picked the shadow class because of you're guides pretty much.

You're welcome :) glad it helped!

ericj1290 wrote:
I'm a little confused by one part of this guide: The gear. In the early game stuff you list spells that are on the "Links you will need on your gear" section. Are the gear links strictly end game only spells and you can kind of use whatever while you're leveling up?

Yes those are end-game, you can pretty much use whatever while you're leveling up.

Tacc4990 wrote:
Excellent build. Using it as a guideline and making some small adjustments to suit my playstyle. Quick question for you guys. Me and a friend are actually both playing similar variants of this build. What's your thoughts on picking up Conduit? It's only 1 point to get it and shares your frenzy charges with your group. If both shadows grabbed this wouldn't it allow for a LOT more flicker striking? Which directly translates to more fun?

Any thoughts?

Interesting idea, and yes it would definitely translate to more fun! go for it and let us all know! :)

Tqiu202 wrote:
How should my potion setup be during mid to end game? 2HP, 1QS and 2Granite?

Possibly, I leave that decision to you! it depends on what kind of stuff (hp/mana/defense) you need most.

Devasth wrote:
Hey So far i just love this build. But have to ask Since i now got EB, Should i switch my full armor gear to Armor/ES gear or only ES gear. ?

Thanks, armour and armour/es is priority. not much point going for pure ES gear unless it has godly stats on it.

fernandosjb wrote:
whats better, add fire or ice damage? and why u have 3 in your gear? thank you :D

added fire and added cold damage work differently. If you have a look at how they work, you'll probably be able to understand. Come on guys, do some thinking yourself, I can't answer everything for you! :)

doppelski wrote:
i really cant manage my mana.
im lvl 37 in HC.
and i only take clarity other wyze i have no mana regen and i cant take an other aura , help me plz

You probably shouldn't bother with clarity. I never did. Just rely on flasks and you'll be fine.

Nitrius wrote:
People around 30-40 with this build what's your dps with dual strike? As am noticing my dps seems to be lacking now, was fine from 1-29, but the last few levels has been going slower when it comes to killing npcs, currently getting close to end of act 3 normal.

Are the weapons am using, having a hard time finding any better, which is the problem i think.

You don't have to stick purely to daggers, any 1 handed weapon, be it mace/axe/sword/claw will all do.

Nagarashi wrote:
One thing you need to consider is that you shouldn't blindly follow this build how good it may be for lategame. You should look into adapting it a bit with your current gear and tasks ahead in mind.
If you just can't seem to find that chest to upgrade your defensive stats and are still stuck with that armor of 15 lvls ago, consider putting some more points in survivability. A few extra points here and there come a long way, respec points are there to remove those later when you feel stronger.

I think Invalesco already mentioned to focus on +life (mainly in belts/rings) early on. You should not focus on daggers early until you actually put the passive points in (and that is way past lvl45), for weapons my guess is just to pick what is best at the given time with your skills in mind.

Pretty much this. This build is just a guideline guys, adapt it to your own circumstances if need be :)
Build of the Week 14
The first Righteous Fire/Non-Shavronne's/Shavronne's HC
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