||||||||| THE UNDERGROUND ||||||||| Maps, Loot, Fun & Friendly Gaming!
What a fun night of gaming!
We ended up with 11 of our members getting into their late 20s and lots of good times on Ventrilo. We will all be rolling alts and have characters at varying levels - so grouping won't be an issue (for the most part). If you're looking to join, give me a shout via PM here on the forums for access to our Ventrilo server or add me in game: Archon_TU "In short, we don't care if someone's a millionaire -- if that person plans to degrade any member of the community or act in such a way that people will feel unwelcome here, then that person can fuck right off." - Charan, GGG Volunteer Moderator
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We are still looking for a handful of gamers.
Age 18+ ... Default league. We have a good core group and we want to expand. If you're a new player, we'll help you learn - no problem. We also have alts that we play and various levels of characters. PM ME HERE or add Archon_TU as a friend in-game to get the ventrilo info and join us. "In short, we don't care if someone's a millionaire -- if that person plans to degrade any member of the community or act in such a way that people will feel unwelcome here, then that person can fuck right off." - Charan, GGG Volunteer Moderator
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I'll be online for a little while if anyone has any questions. :)
"In short, we don't care if someone's a millionaire -- if that person plans to degrade any member of the community or act in such a way that people will feel unwelcome here, then that person can fuck right off." - Charan, GGG Volunteer Moderator
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Just PM me here if you're interested .. we have about 15 people that are rotating in and out of groups. 5-6 online tonight ... so we have room for abour 5 more 'permanent' players.
Join the group and enjoy. "In short, we don't care if someone's a millionaire -- if that person plans to degrade any member of the community or act in such a way that people will feel unwelcome here, then that person can fuck right off." - Charan, GGG Volunteer Moderator
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Sounds like a good time, I wouldn't mind joining up.
I got to play the first night and got to level 42 (was in 20th overall at the time) but have not been able to play the last 2 days. I am fairly experianced and very chill overall. PM me if you still have a spot open. |
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Excellent news. We look forward to meeting with you.
"In short, we don't care if someone's a millionaire -- if that person plans to degrade any member of the community or act in such a way that people will feel unwelcome here, then that person can fuck right off." - Charan, GGG Volunteer Moderator
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Congrats to our officers on their promotions.
We're really easy going .... it's not like rank /really/ matters. "In short, we don't care if someone's a millionaire -- if that person plans to degrade any member of the community or act in such a way that people will feel unwelcome here, then that person can fuck right off." - Charan, GGG Volunteer Moderator
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i would like join i am 48marauder(HC) tank but i very bad speak english...so if posible i would like not to talk ;/
Last edited by Deviant#8289 on Jan 28, 2013, 9:05:09 AM
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Decent guilds don't need a hierarchy, they play as equals.
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hey guys. im looking for a group that plays for fun and fair. your group profile looks nice to me. but i have one big question, on wich realm do you play? US, EU, SEA?
im from germany so im playing on the EU realm. constant ping of 70. i tested some games on other realms, but the ping made this unplayable for me >150. so if i would join your guild then i must be sure where you guys are playing on. thx :) |
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