Beating Nemesis without rares or uniques

Hell no, I am not the OP, I barely read the OP, just saw a guy saying blabla INVINCIBLE... so I am here asking for some advices.
Beloresin wrote:
Hell no, I am not the OP, I barely read the OP, just saw a guy saying blabla INVINCIBLE... so I am here asking for some advices.

no, what you're doing is stealing his thread.

If you wish to get suggestions for help you've posted in the wrong forum..
Stealing, me, only me .... are you dumb ?

I am also a self-found player and I like the OP challenge ( just read the logs ) so posting in the wrong forum, no... then why this post is on the General and not in the Nemesis "pool" ?

I am playing in the nemesis league too then I dont see the problem. I just asked one advice and how to figure out it and now I have to communicate with a lunatic kid... that's not very pleasant.

GL OP. You are gonna make it.
Last edited by Beloresin#4857 on Dec 13, 2013, 5:27:14 PM
Several points:

1) A guy was posting the other day about doing some White Walking (no magics, rares or uniques) and people were saying in that thread that they'd find a Blue Walk more fun, I'm guessing this is someone stepping up to that promise - so cool! Nice one - but... the White Walker made it to about level 32, so I'm not at all surprised a Blue Walker would get to Cruel @ level 38.

2) I'm not sure why you've permitted yourself trading, it kind of lessens both the fun and the challenge - depending on what kind of challenge it is. Would it now become evidence that trading nous is more important that skill nous for survival, or is this project a means to solely prove the skill aspect. Basically, not sure why allowing trading adds anything positive to the result - people could just give you stuff, surely.

3) You've chosen a witch, but are not outfitting her with witch gear. Rather, you are selecting Strength based items in order to apply Armour equipment - why not just take a marauder? I know you can 'do what you like', but I thought the premise was to come from the position of a newb who wouldn't necessarily be detailing the build in this 'illogical' way. Are you going to keep spec'ing for Strength, or is this just an early game 'tactic'?

4) The problem a lot of people have with gear progression isn't the fact that levelling becomes impossible without it (at least, prior to Merciless), but that it's just plain 'boring'. Practically every newb witch you talk to will verify what has happened to you, you find yourself playing with the exact same wand for 20 to 30 levels. It's just... bizare, in a kind of yawn... zzzzzzz.... way. There's no 'sense' of progression.

But all that aside, answer if you like, I don't mind either way, these are just my thoughts and it's your thread etc, I still think this is an awesome project and an excellent step up from the White Walker thread and I'd be genuinely interested to know if you hit any genuine walls or points where it's no longer 'fun' going on in this way.

how far can superdave go?

I will follow this thread with interest.

Take care and keep safe :)
LLD BOTW spark/arc caster guide
This looks like a ton of fun. Keep us updated.

Maybe one day I'll do it myself, just to see how far I can go.
Cronk wrote:
Several points:

1) A guy was posting the other day about doing some White Walking (no magics, rares or uniques) and people were saying in that thread that they'd find a Blue Walk more fun, I'm guessing this is someone stepping up to that promise - so cool! Nice one - but... the White Walker made it to about level 32, so I'm not at all surprised a Blue Walker would get to Cruel @ level 38.

2) I'm not sure why you've permitted yourself trading, it kind of lessens both the fun and the challenge - depending on what kind of challenge it is. Would it now become evidence that trading nous is more important that skill nous for survival, or is this project a means to solely prove the skill aspect. Basically, not sure why allowing trading adds anything positive to the result - people could just give you stuff, surely.

3) You've chosen a witch, but are not outfitting her with witch gear. Rather, you are selecting Strength based items in order to apply Armour equipment - why not just take a marauder? I know you can 'do what you like', but I thought the premise was to come from the position of a newb who wouldn't necessarily be detailing the build in this 'illogical' way. Are you going to keep spec'ing for Strength, or is this just an early game 'tactic'?

4) The problem a lot of people have with gear progression isn't the fact that levelling becomes impossible without it (at least, prior to Merciless), but that it's just plain 'boring'. Practically every newb witch you talk to will verify what has happened to you, you find yourself playing with the exact same wand for 20 to 30 levels. It's just... bizare, in a kind of yawn... zzzzzzz.... way. There's no 'sense' of progression.

But all that aside, answer if you like, I don't mind either way, these are just my thoughts and it's your thread etc, I still think this is an awesome project and an excellent step up from the White Walker thread and I'd be genuinely interested to know if you hit any genuine walls or points where it's no longer 'fun' going on in this way.

*Point about trading: I minimize trading for several reasons. I want to show that you don't need particularly good gear to beat this game. If I beat the game by doing tedious currency grinding to purchase hand godly blues from some jack-ass who runs level 75+ maps all day than all I would be doing is affirming that poe is a giant loot pyramid.

There is so a great deal of skill in trading but thats not what I want to focus on.

Another reason is that it would be extremly boring for my audience. Do you really want my log updates to describe say "I scrolled through trade logs, I bought an underpriced item I intend to resell, I flipped some currency" I could get tons of currency never even leaving the saftey of town but wheres the fun in that?

*Point about the witch: You are right. The further I get into the game the less I use energy shield. It's not that energy shield is bad and armor is good. Evasion, Armor, and Energy shield are all perfectly viable. The difference is that armor is extremly easy to do. Evasion based builds really need some blind mechanic to reach their full power for instance.

Also once I reach merciless I will be extremely dependent on flasks to survive. Armor will multiple the effective health my flasks give me

Armor is my favorite difference stat also. ES promotes a very defenisve and cautious type of play style where you wait while your shield recharges. I don't play that way. I play extremly dangerous and fast.

Storm call works well with a dangerous method of playing. If I face-tank the enemies they all stand ontop of each other and the aoe hits every one of them.

Another reason I choose strength is because theres a whole bunch of great utility strength spells that let you be 'safer' such as molten shell, decoy totem, and that +24% resist all kite shield.

I could have went as a pure marauder or pure templar but I went out of my way to get the witch's spell damage nodes. To start with it looks very impressive when I spend points on offense instead of going 100% tank. I could have gone marauder and traded away spell damage for 1,000 extra health and more armor but I don't want the lesson to be "play path of life nodes or die"

I never had a problem wearing my strength gear. Amber amulet let me delay strength nodes while I loaded up on damage.

*Point about gear progession:
There seem to be a lot of people on this forum who's only experience with rpgs comes from mmos and diablo clones so I'll flat out say that gear is not the most importaint part of an rpg. There are incredible rpgs such as ultima, ys, and secret of mana that have almost no gear at all. There were items but there were no suffixes or prefixes just 'white items'. Gear is not the heart of rpgs.

While PoE is very gear focused, much more than the games I described there is much more to enjoy in it than just watching numbers go up. Its got fast-paced action and when fighting dangerous content you run around the field dodging, throwing lightning bolts, and chugging potions like crazy. I don't even care if the monsters drop anything good when fighting rares because the actual combat is so engaging.

Because of how random generation works games like poe will not have a very smooth gear progression. You will get streaks. Streaks of getting tons of upgrades in a row and streaks of getting nothing. If you want a game with a smooth gear progression go play final fantasy, dragon quest, or a wizardry game. All of those games have gear upgrades at fixed points (you get a a new town that has better gear than the previous town).

Poe is a game about planning more than just sitting around and waiting for your it upgrade itself. Here's a good way to think about it. I'm sitting on 4 chaos orbs right now. I could immidiently spend all of it to buy a shiny new wand with +spell power and +gem level. I could also spend it all on a getting higher quality gems. But is it worth it? Sure I'd get an upgrade but than I'd have nothing for later. Similarly I could take my collection of transmutes and alterations and spam them on white stuff. I would eventually get an upgrade yes but I might spend them all to get it.

What I described is true for even wealthy players. I am friends with a guy who has an insane amount of wealth: hundreds of exalts, thousands of chaos. And even HE has to make descions.
He could spend all of his currency in a day tryign to craft perfectly rolled gear with exalts and eternals.

In poe the random drops give you the bear minamum needed to survive. As I go into new zones I fight monsters with higer item level and their items will have more base armor and can reach bigger numbers on their suffixes/prefixes. If you want anything more than the bare minamum you need to either craft it, trade for it, or get extremly lucky. 'good' items are a luxery and even the wealthiest don't have unlimited funds.

As I go further into hardcore mode you will see me trade more and more. I could kill enemies pretty fast with just my self-found items but eventually I'm going to want to buy more kill speed. I also want a set of flask with very specific mods and I am going to invest a lot of currency into crafting them when I start getting hallow drops.

Right now I am just trying to advance through the game as fast as possible, saving as much currency as possible. There are certain players who like min-max themself at every level range buying the best rares and uniques they can possibly wear for every level range. Thats one way to play the game but its not how I am doing it.
It's pretty awesome that you're doing this. I look forward to see how far you get. Good luck!
IGN: SplitEpimorphism
NotRegret wrote:

Was going through warehouse when HOLYSHIT DEYNC enemies are frozen in place, not moving or taking damage. I hit /oos OMG IT DOESNT WORK GGG WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME. I try to exit the client like a scrub BUT THE CLIENT IS FROZEN TOO. Quickly thinking I rip the power cord from my computer. Log back on and I'm still alive. Go update your fucking servers Chris.

Why ask Why and start by denying before you have actually tried?
a few quick answers for some questions here:

1) OP needs to trade, because he needs the best blue items for his level and build - and in the crapfest drop and slot-machine craft system of Path Of Exile, even those don't come cheap.
try low level blue crafting, and watch all the few Alteration/Augmentation/Transmutation orbs and Scraps/Whetstones you had, go down the drain with no real benefit most of the time.
so why not just use 1/4 of them and buy what you need?
fucking Path Of Trade.
economy > all.
and for the thousandth fucking time NO, economy isn't part of the ARPG definition. more precisely put: I never saw a game officially defined as an ARPG, where economy played such a key role, and where the dev team actually balanced things around it, except Path Of Exile.

2) OP is playing Alt+f4/yank-power-cord because stability isn't one of the game's strong sides, regardless of the fact it's not a Beta anymore.
I don't, and by god I paid for that so many times I really should stop being a stupid old nerd gamer, and go Altf4 like this uber-hardcore game wants me to.
Alva: I'm sweating like a hog in heat
Shadow: That was fun

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