New Forum Policy: No Hateful Posts

mazul wrote:

Ignorance is a bliss after all.

Apparently i completely misread one of your prior posts as being sarcastically patronizing, while in fact you believed what you were saying. Huh.
Bliss is dopamine.
I guess i can see how you would come to such a conclusion given the utter state of shit the world could be perceived as being in. But a mental technique i would suggest is focusing on the good and how you can better what isnt, instead of of focusing on the bad which is beyond your control.

mazul wrote:

If I were an employee at GGG, I would be offended by the patronizing tone Chris has in the opening post of this thread. Chris is in this context not a parent that needs to shield his children against the horrors of the world; the employees are grown adults. If he really cared about their mental health, he would offer them therapy with professionals. I very much doubt Chris is a certified therapist or psychologist.

I dont believe chris is attempting to 'shield his children from horror'. He is attempting to send all the horror to death camps to be destroyed in an orderly fashion. Big difference. One isnt effective, and the other is.
For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it
Last edited by SkyCore#2413 on Dec 3, 2013, 10:43:57 AM
mazul wrote:
Vencenzo wrote:
Every game developer needs to do this...
Games are for people that actually like the game even if they have a few problems and constructive feedback. Forums have long since become a place for people who dislike the game in general and want to change it into something else. Many games became somewhat of democracy and lost their unique appeal. I really like poe and am happy for this stance.

FYI: "Praising" is often not "constructive feedback" in any forum.

Of course it is easy to bury ones head like Ostriches are said to do, to avoid seeing things they do not want to see. Ignorance is a bliss after all.

I've given constructive feedback in this very thread about how GGG can change their own systematic choices to get more positive threads to counter-balance the negative ones. However, due to the reality that GGG has limited time and there more posts with ideas than they can be expected to reply to, it is likely that I'll never know if they ever read and thought about the feedback or if they simply disregarded it.

If I were an employee at GGG, I would be offended by the patronizing tone Chris has in the opening post of this thread. Chris is in this context not a parent that needs to shield his children against the horrors of the world; the employees are grown adults. If he really cared about their mental health, he would offer them therapy with professionals. I very much doubt Chris is a certified therapist or psychologist.

Forums have become the enemy of gamers and ignorance is the main culprit. People that believe popular opinion is fact, becoming intolerant to perspectives outside their own. There comes a point where forums become more of a detriment if it's a sea of QQ that is simply demoralizing and cannot be sifted through.

The elephant in the room:
A certain company unleashed this plague on us, the fanbase goes from game to game looking for their next skinner box and cries on forums after the rewards stop. It happend to Rift,Swtor,Tera and completely destroyed D3.

Cu had to do the same thing Chris just did and EQN will have to as well.
SkyCore wrote:
mazul wrote:

Ignorance is a bliss after all.

Apparently i completely misread one of your prior posts as being sarcastically patronizing, while in fact you believed what you were saying. Huh.
Bliss is a dopamine.
I guess i can see how you would come to such a conclusion given the utter state of shit the world could be perceived as being in. But a mental technique i would suggest is focusing on the good and how you can better what isnt, instead of of focusing on the bad which is beyond your control.


I don't perceive this world to be in an utter state of shit. I perceive it to be a mixed bag containing both very good, very bad aspects and a lot of things in between.

I perceive our current world be in far better shape than it was 100 years ago. I am optimistic about the future of the world as well.

This message was delivered by GGG defence force.
so there are 1.6 million people playing PoE?

that is good!

Have yourselves a cold one!
I shed a tear reading this post

*Marvelous Chriss Marvelous*

you stick to your guns dude :-D Gotta keep them programmers healthy for patch time andDDDDDDDD

-Runs away clapping feet mid air-

Seriously now, wonderful change to forums guidelines, much apreciated and will be good for the entire playerbase.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
Evil GGG, 666, the mark of the Beast! ...pretty much this is what I thought but with a GGG picture, some kid at home QQing:

lol, I would not be surprised if people have called them "evil".

Anyway, cool beans, PoE rulez
Current IGN: TheBearerOfLight
Gizoogle Chris: "Da State of Exile muthafuckas axed mah crazy ass ta post a reminder dat they podcast is dis weekend, as usual. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack."
Last edited by BoltThrower87#3044 on Dec 3, 2013, 4:53:40 PM
It is sad that such moves are necessary to deal with humans. But it is the only possible solution do keep piece and good atmosphere on forums.
In each community exist rules and community members have to follow those rules.
Provocateurs need to be punished hardly. Be kind or be banned.

Good job GGG, I'm with you!
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have been waiting for you to write this, seen to much hating topics, personal attack and so on.

GJ chrissy :)
After two days of this new policy, General can be read and enjoyed again. Great job, really :)
so much blablabla, fix the damm desync and we good!

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