New Forum Policy: No Hateful Posts
When will people realise that we have a game here that hopefully will stand the test of time. If you had a bad experience of game quit at an important time remember its just a game and if you die you can always start another player. Yes it must be disappointing to get to a very high level and game crashes for no apparent reason. Talk to someone or send in time and date and maybe you can be reinstated. It does say a lot of the time that forwhatever reason you die you will not be reinstated, take it for what it is. Are we going to let a few bad mouthers spoil our leisure time, well i'm not and a lot of my friends are not goingto also. Just enjoy it for what it is and thank you GGG for giving us some fantastic gameplay. Regards
Jawsiv |
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" +1 IGN: SplitEpimorphism
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" I support this move precisely because it speaks to WHY this happens so much on the Internet. It happens because they understand that they can get away with it, with no significant consequences. It happens because people tolerate it too much. This policy shift starts down the road of holding people accountable for their bad behavior. Well done, Chris and GGG. |
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I fully support this idea. I wish it was stricter myself. One of the first forums I ever really participated in was over at Giant in the Playground. You should read Rich's forum rules.
To Chris and the folks at GGG: You guys rock. I first played during on the the free weekends back in Closed Beta. The game was great (I love D1/D2/TL/TQ), with ideas that struck me as cool (the flasks) and neat things that seemed inspired by classics (who doesn't have the FF7 Materia reaction to socketing gems?) Until this game, I have never, ever paid for a F2P game. For starters, money can be tight. Then is the issue of P2W, I refuse to ever get involved in that nonsense. And third, why pay for something I can enjoy for free? I'll pay for things I have to, and enjoy free what I can. Then I came here. Devs talking on channels, interacting with folks and having fun. Interesting ideas and really awesome transparency with ideas and process. A philosophy that spoke to me, and a real appearance of conviction to ideals. I was hooked after that free weekend, and I decided I didn't want to wait for Open Beta to play. So I bought into the Closed Beta and chose one step above minimum just to get the title. I wanted to show that I believe in the game and I support it. I now have 2 more titles, for the same reason. I want to show that I support this game and the folks at GGG. I still love the game. Does it have problems? Yes, quite a few (looking at you terrible hitboxes and laggy as hell weather effects), but I have a great time playing it, stuff that is added is overwhelmingly for the better. Descent: Champions is badass. Anyway, this is just a wordy way of giving some substance to my initial three words: You guys rock. If you didn't, I'd probably still play, but I wouldn't give you a penny. I enjoy the mtxs (just got the skull hood!) and the stash space, but it is because of GGG itself that I pay. Please, keep rocking. Support a free Hong Kong. I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. -Galileo Galilei Last edited by Archwizard#2334 on Dec 2, 2013, 9:38:21 PM
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I just realized that Chris' Nemesis character name is Nerf.
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The only thing I'd like to see with PoE in the future is for you guys & gals to continue making the game YOU want to make. Now that the embarrassing riff-raff can be properly dealt with, the forum can once again be a place for great discussion. I hope you GGG folks feel more comfortable to participate now as well.
I love this game you've freely shared with me. Thank you, GGG. :) |
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I admire you for sticking up for your team! Too much in this day and age ppl just kissing butt of the consumer! Especially here in america! The team most certainly have feekings and aren't here for abuse but rather to make our time more enjoyable and easy passing!
GGG you lot are doing great! Thanks for all your hard work! |
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news really happy now *sarcasm* |
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Every game developer needs to do this...
Games are for people that actually like the game even if they have a few problems and constructive feedback. Forums have long since become a place for people who dislike the game in general and want to change it into something else. Many games became somewhat of democracy and lost their unique appeal. I really like poe and am happy for this stance. Last edited by Vencenzo#2461 on Dec 3, 2013, 9:57:17 AM
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" FYI: "Praising" is often not "constructive feedback" in any forum. Of course it is easy to bury ones head like Ostriches are said to do, to avoid seeing things they do not want to see. Ignorance is a bliss after all. I've given constructive feedback in this very thread about how GGG can change their own systematic choices to get more positive threads to counter-balance the negative ones. However, due to the reality that GGG has limited time and there is more posts with ideas than they can be expected to reply to, it is likely that I'll never know if they ever read and thought about the feedback or if they simply disregarded it. If I were an employee at GGG, I would be offended by the patronizing tone Chris has in the opening post of this thread. Chris is in this context not a parent that needs to shield his children against the horrors of the world; the employees are grown adults. If he really cared about their mental health, he would offer them therapy with professionals. I very much doubt Chris is a certified therapist or psychologist. This message was delivered by GGG defence force. Last edited by mazul#2568 on Dec 3, 2013, 10:37:53 AM
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