[2.6] Yalani's Low Life Righteous Fire Build
" There is no interaction between Vinktar and EE, except if you are playin Trickster with Shav's Ring. You can't use Orb of Storms with Trickster, so you have to proc EE with Whirling Blades or your autoattack, which needs additional Lightningdamage to attacks via gear. A vinktar with +to Lightningdamage to attacks allows you to skip those affix on your Jewlery. The actual point of Vinktar is the AoE Shock - the AoE is greater than that of RF, so you basically deal 50% more damage while the Flask is active. Purely a luxury Item though :P Last edited by Yalani#3031 on Apr 8, 2016, 1:00:15 PM
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Hey, I'll start off by saying this build looks awesome and it seems you've done alot of tinkering to make it as good as it can be. Now for my question, I was hoping for a breakdown between Trickster & Occultist. I've been leaning towards the Occultist because I already have a Trickster and was wondering if you think the difference is too big between the two. I was thinking a bigger ES pool from Witch would result in a larger Defence rating but how do you see the two? tyglss<3
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Hi one question .. im lvl 88 and im sitting on only 9,3k es (buffed). Whats the most important thing to get the biggest improvment in my gear ? ( my goal is to reach 12-13k es)
i know the moonstone ring is absolute crap. im waiting to get a cheap one with increased maximum energy shield. I also know my equipt is not the best ^^ but where can i get the most improvement ? 3-4k es sounds a lot ... i dont know how to get that much. |
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" Rare boots with 250+ es. Amulet with both flat and % ES. Level 20 Discipline |
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Also, how do you proc elemental overload?
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" Well, Trickster with Shavs is pretty much the best Class IMO, because you are able to stack a ton of Evasion, which synergizes very well with Enfeeble. The Evasion basically protects you from pretty much any non-boss in game and the High ES pool + Vaal Discipline is enough to survive any oneshot Mechanic like T14 Vaal Slam etc (Not that you should facetank it, but its certainly possible with this build:P). He is also able to run maps with the no Liferegeneration mod, since the Reg of Shavronne's Revelation is not affected by it. He has a hard time proccing Elemental Overload though, which is why I personally respecced it - The damage is high enough without it anyways. If you are talking about the non Shav version, the only real difference is, that the Trickster has more Reg due to the 60% increased Recovery Ascendancy and the Occultist has 1 additional Curse, and therefore more damage. I'd personally recommend Guardian over all other Classes though if you can't get Shav's Revelation: He has Armour as an extra layer of defence, 2% more maxresistance and the highest amount of Lifereg of all classes, which makes -Liferegeneration Maps fairly easy. -------------- " Like Iromizu said: Boots, Jewelery and Discipline. Keep in mind, that Int is a very important stat aswell, since 10 Int = 2% increased Energyshield. -------------- " I personally respecced it on my Trickster, because the damage is high enough without it. The only reliable way is to get the 90% Crit Enchantment on your Boots and an Increased Critical Strike Gem on your Whirling Blades. All other Classes have an easy time with Orb of Storms though. Last edited by Yalani#3031 on Apr 9, 2016, 1:38:08 PM
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[Deleted by ME]
Last edited by shlazar#1686 on Apr 10, 2016, 7:48:49 AM
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"I personally would play the Tricksterversion with Shav over any Class. If you can't afford Shavronne's Revelation, I'd recommend the Guardian."
Do you still stand by this statement now that it's been nerfed to 3% from 4%? |
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Hey great build thank you for it =).
But i stil have one question. Why u dont use Pain Attunement since we are Low Life and RF is a spell it should give us an dmg increase by 30% doesnt it? I mean it would be just one skill point. Thank you for your answer=). |
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" Yes. " RF itself is a Spell, yes. The Spell does not do any damage though - the Spell basically creates a Buff, which deals damage to sorounding enemies. And the Buff is not affected by Spelldamage (like Pain Attunement for example) at all. |
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