Tanking toughest bosses

Generally speaking, you play a lot more conservatively relative to the amount of risk of loss you are taking.

When you look at almost all of the challenging tanking videos in Standard (i.e. -max Crema, any 78 Palace kill, etc), people are almost always doing it JUST after they level (i.e. they have basically no experience bar), so if they die they take virtually no loss. Take a look at my recent -max double boss Courtyard map as an example where I was playing in basically a no risk environment. The risk in Hardcore is obviously more, thus playing more defensively is the norm.

A tank in their 80s will be far more likely to take risks and do a tough boss mid experience level because the loss is so minimal compared to a level 95 player (so seeing a tough boss kill on a 80 something mid experience level is actually more likely, since doing a single high level map gives them so much exp). That is including the fact that a player in their mid 90s has better gear and more skill points. The risk of death changes the equation the higher your level (because you lose far more time). That's why you tend not to see tough mod bosses kill videos for players in their 90s unless they just levelled, though you may see them more often for tanks in their 80s (statistically speaking based on videos posted in these forums).

That being said, the first recorded 78 Dominus kill in POE on YouTube was one where I played extremely defensively using a lot of hit and run tactics (even on Standard) -- #1 because there were no 78 Palace videos showing how to do it thus I was blazing the trail (though it ended up being much like the other Dominus fights), and #2 primarily because I was well into level 94 where a loss would set me back quite a bit (so, I was very careful). A death at level 86 is nothing compared to a death at level 94. Now when I do 78 Palace (which is not worth doing from a risk/reward perspective, unless you are in Standard and you just levelled -- though it is worth doing for the challenge) I can kill him in under 5 minutes rather than 13 if I don't play defensively. It is amazing what no risk (if I do it after I level up) and knowing the fight does for kill speed ;)

On Standard you can level and then die a ton to the same boss, learning tactics, trying new strategies, etc. You can't do that on Hardcore. It is very impressive seeing what Lendo and friend were doing on Hardcore -- they were the only ones doing it and they had much more loss potential.

That being said, all these videos we are putting up are interesting and impressive in their own ways -- whether we made low HP evasion builds or block builds or leech builds or whatever. Even making it to those tough mods bosses puts you in the minority of players (<2% I'd wager)... Then successfully killing tough mod bosses and you are even in a smaller number of players (<0.1% I'd guess).
IGN: Mortezzah, prolly playing on character Gellig
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/781590, for an end-game boss tank guide.
Last edited by Mortezzah#0472 on Nov 29, 2013, 6:15:16 AM
Tough bosses with tough mods are not worth fighting, crap drops and a huge possibility of desync which in a few seconds leads to death.

No fun in 92+ lvl playing.
mazul wrote:
Another completely irrelevant "standard" video.

Another completely irrelevant comment from a "lvl 1 nemesis" guy.
since every1 is plugging there vids..heres mine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBoTWpUK5tY
me vs maze vaal solo on hc..was told i had to stay under him the whole fight =)
I’d rather die on my feet
Than live my life on my knees

And here is a double boss minus max level 78 Dominus Palace...

IGN: Mortezzah, prolly playing on character Gellig
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/781590, for an end-game boss tank guide.
Last edited by Mortezzah#0472 on Nov 29, 2013, 7:59:24 AM
silversideup wrote:
since every1 is plugging there vids..heres mine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBoTWpUK5tY
me vs maze vaal solo on hc..was told i had to stay under him the whole fight =)

I love watching that.

In fact, a "friend" of mine and me were running a Maze map with Vulnerability mod, he played EK like you, and we challenged one 80+ lvl guy to stay under his smash, we were just taking his smashes and the guy ran out, hehe.

But, on the mods that I did there, I believe nobody can survive his smash without IC.
didnt think of vuln...my god might try tank tht...rip inc XD
I’d rather die on my feet
Than live my life on my knees

Mortezzah wrote:
And here is a double boss minus max level 78 Dominus Palace...



I've put whirling blades instead of leap slam in boss fights, leap slam began to desync to damn much.

I'll try to gather the maps I didn't do yet, got plenty of time.



What's your gateway? If you're EU, we could do some dual tanking.
Last edited by tinko92#6447 on Nov 29, 2013, 10:47:57 AM
We have already, friend. I'm Gellig ;)
IGN: Mortezzah, prolly playing on character Gellig
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/781590, for an end-game boss tank guide.
Last edited by Mortezzah#0472 on Nov 29, 2013, 12:16:27 PM
Funny how someone with capped res, block, armor and 9000 hp can lose 95% of his hp randomly vs bosses.

gud gaem design, always skip piety/dominus/vaal(melee or laggy)/falsehopespider.

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