[1.1.X] The 12 charges Frenzy Archer (MoM/EB) [Videos]

Hi, I am certainly giving your build a try. Very nice. Just a question: If I checked correctly you have only 2 percent life leech on your gear. is it enough to heal up when taking damage ? becouse thats why I want to try phys.dmg build. ( no need for life or mana leech as supports ) and do you need to stack some mana regen on equip ? or mind drikner will cover that too ? thanks for the answer :)
Only god can judge me. Luckily I do not believe
U no pick-up siege axe?
gutsoh wrote:
Hi, I am certainly giving your build a try. Very nice. Just a question: If I checked correctly you have only 2 percent life leech on your gear. is it enough to heal up when taking damage ? becouse thats why I want to try phys.dmg build. ( no need for life or mana leech as supports ) and do you need to stack some mana regen on equip ? or mind drikner will cover that too ? thanks for the answer :)

2% life leech from gear and 2% mana leech from the Mind drinker passive is enough in term of leech.

With Eldritch battery and the passives that gives either energy shield, mana or mana regen (Mana Flows give +40% mana regen), you don't need any mana regen from gear. You do need some gear with energy shield though. I highly suggest evasion/energy shield equipment.
Shadow : Covenant Pulser (504561)
Ranger : 12 charges Frenzy Archer (65154), Dual Claws Elemental ST (709126)
Witch : Self-Cast Arc Tanky Witch (770185), AoF EK/Bear trap (863970)
Templar : Frenzy + AB/Fireball "Cast on Crit" Wander (611200)
Marauder : Death Oath Staff User (498864)
Velkor wrote:
gutsoh wrote:
Hi, I am certainly giving your build a try. Very nice. Just a question: If I checked correctly you have only 2 percent life leech on your gear. is it enough to heal up when taking damage ? becouse thats why I want to try phys.dmg build. ( no need for life or mana leech as supports ) and do you need to stack some mana regen on equip ? or mind drikner will cover that too ? thanks for the answer :)

2% life leech from gear and 2% mana leech from the Mind drinker passive is enough in term of leech.

With Eldritch battery and the passives that gives either energy shield, mana or mana regen (Mana Flows give +40% mana regen), you don't need any mana regen from gear. You do need some gear with energy shield though. I highly suggest evasion/energy shield equipment.

Thats exactly what I wanted to hear. Thank you man
Only god can judge me. Luckily I do not believe
For those who are interested. Here's the new 1.0 build for Tuula :

She now only run 3 auras (instead of 7 pre-patch 1.0) : Hatred, Wrath and Clarity.

So I had to gave up Anger, Purity, Grace and Discipline.

The loss of Anger and Discipline is not that big of a deal. Anger was simply extra dps while Discipline was extra mana that I don't need anymore since I don't run as many auras...

However, the loss of Purity means minus 27% to all elemental resists. So I had to compensate by picking up elemental resists on the Passive Tree. Grace is also missed. But when I need it, I simply replace Hatred by Grace. So, again, not too bad.

What's nice with all auras being 60% is I can swap them in and out depending of my needs. If I run an elemental weakness map, I swap Wrath for Purity of Elements. When I have to deal with a reduced mana regen map, I swap Wrath for Discipline. In 75% resist to cold maps, I swap Hatred for Grace. Etc.

Despite the loss of Anger, Tuula's dps didn't suffer too much probably because of the new +aura effect passives and also because I'm a running a higher version of clarity which allows me to use Frenzy with a 5th dmg support (increased critical chance) instead of Item Rarity.

Supported by Faster attack, Power Charges on Crit, Increased Critical Chance, Added Fire Dmg and Lesser Multiple Projectile, Frenzy's dps is around 21,288.

Finally, with the buff to life nods and life per level, Tuula's total life total is around 3915 and should reach 4k next level. A very nice and welcome improvement.

Shadow : Covenant Pulser (504561)
Ranger : 12 charges Frenzy Archer (65154), Dual Claws Elemental ST (709126)
Witch : Self-Cast Arc Tanky Witch (770185), AoF EK/Bear trap (863970)
Templar : Frenzy + AB/Fireball "Cast on Crit" Wander (611200)
Marauder : Death Oath Staff User (498864)
Last edited by Velkor#2803 on Nov 19, 2013, 8:56:25 AM
this build is definitely not viable in 70+ maps, with evasion you can't do anything againts hard map mods, if you playing blue maps its ok i suppose.
Seems very interesting!

But personally I'd go Iron Reflex and maybe 4% life leech in total.
Could you post an updated Video of your build after patch and the updated version of your gear/gems?


Here's my current gear, doing 13k with my Frenzy and 7.5k with my Rain of Arrow. Thinking of switching for your build and focus only on my frenzy (the LMP is brand new of 30 minutes ago)
I know that I'd have to switch most of my stuff for Energy Shield/Evasion. With the new aura mana restriction, do you still think that I need ALL pieces with Eva-Shield?

I'd need a total of 13 regrets to remove the things you don't use. (I want to keep the Elusiveness and Master Fletcher nodes)
Last edited by LordAzuRa#3532 on Nov 20, 2013, 6:06:51 PM
Rangers wrote:
this build is definitely not viable in 70+ maps, with evasion you can't do anything against hard map mods, if you playing blue maps its ok i suppose.

I'm not saying you won't die ever in level 70+ maps with this build. But if you're careful, you can clear them very fast and with very few deaths, if any. Proof is I'm almost level 84 with this character and for the last few levels, I leveled her exclusively in level 69+ rare maps. I find that for range character, 4000 life, 10k evasion and Ondar's guile is enough to survive, especially if defensive curses such as enfeeble or temporal chains are used extensively.

Utility skills helps too :

Cast on Damage taken with Temporal chains + summon skeletons + enduring cry. That means anything that hurt you get cursed by temporal chains and surrounded by skeletons decoys. It usually gives enough time to recover from anything.

Also, in harder maps, I always try to set up a conversion trap at my feet. So, if a monster manage to get in melee range, it gets converted.

If I feel the need for increased survability as I progress through harder content (I haven't try level 75+ maps yet), I'll seriously consider Mind over Matter. its only 1 passive point.

Shadow : Covenant Pulser (504561)
Ranger : 12 charges Frenzy Archer (65154), Dual Claws Elemental ST (709126)
Witch : Self-Cast Arc Tanky Witch (770185), AoF EK/Bear trap (863970)
Templar : Frenzy + AB/Fireball "Cast on Crit" Wander (611200)
Marauder : Death Oath Staff User (498864)
Last edited by Velkor#2803 on Nov 21, 2013, 5:56:05 PM
LordAzuRa wrote:
Seems very interesting!

Could you post an updated Video of your build after patch and the updated version of your gear/gems?

I may post an updated video. The gameplay is very similar to what you can see in the old video though. I updated my gear/gem in my original post.

LordAzuRa wrote:
Thinking of switching for your build and focus only on my frenzy. I know that I'd have to switch most of my stuff for Energy Shield/Evasion. With the new aura mana restriction, do you still think that I need ALL pieces with Eva-Shield?

If you use your current bow with very high attack speed (1.79?), you'll need a decent amount of energy shield. It doesn't necessarily mean you'll need ES on each piece of armor, but I would expect at least 400-500 energy shield from gear. If you spend more passives in either +mana%, +mana regen% or +energy shield%, you'll obviously need less. But the biggest factor is the attack speed of your bow : the higher is the attack speed, the more mana you'll need.

LordAzuRa wrote:
But personally I'd go Iron Reflex and maybe 4% life leech in total.

Iron reflex is certainly a valid choice. Personally, I just hate the idea to have so much dexterity and use only half of it. If you choose Iron Reflex, I suggest this version of the build :

Shadow : Covenant Pulser (504561)
Ranger : 12 charges Frenzy Archer (65154), Dual Claws Elemental ST (709126)
Witch : Self-Cast Arc Tanky Witch (770185), AoF EK/Bear trap (863970)
Templar : Frenzy + AB/Fireball "Cast on Crit" Wander (611200)
Marauder : Death Oath Staff User (498864)
Last edited by Velkor#2803 on Nov 25, 2013, 12:45:27 PM
Thanks for the build :)

I agree that the Leather and Steel area is better than the pure Evasion, first because of walk speed and second because it costs one less for about the same result (minus 8% evasion, nothing to worry about) and allows me to go for the Mana Flow node :D

Really wish to see how you fare in a new video (if you make one).

May I ask you what is your base Critical Chance with Frenzy? (Without the Power Charge and Frenzy)

Using Enduring Cry, I get as much as 71% Physical Damage reduction with Iron Reflexes and 3 Endurance Charge! Resistance are all maxed too.

Only problem I have is that with my current gear, I only have 1889 HP...
Last edited by LordAzuRa#3532 on Nov 24, 2013, 1:41:56 AM

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